Seat Belt Law Poll

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by pooods, Jun 28, 2004.


For it or not?

  1. I should be forced to wear the belt.

    200 vote(s)
  2. The seat belt law sucks.

    174 vote(s)
  1. MGSCP

    MGSCP Guest

    well gee wiz.... :rolleyes: how about just don't get the ticket.too begin with :pp

    :Do No: :puzzled: hummmm.......tough choice spend the money or keep the money :puzzled: :Do No:
  2. MGSCP

    MGSCP Guest

    BYE :sleep:
  3. 1970GS455

    1970GS455 Well-Known Member

    Chris, :beer

    Im not so much of a supporter of the law as much as I am a conformist to it.(if theres such a word :grin: ) Ive done it so long its not that big of a deal for me. Its not worth it TO ME to fight it, because there is nothing pending in legislature to defeat this law. Basically I can live with it, or choose an alternative form of transportation.

    It is what it is. If I had the choice and it wasnt a law, I probably wouldnt wear the belt. Is it the "smartest" decision on my part not to do so? Probably not. Maybe its best "for me" that its not a choice.

    MR.BUICK Guest

    One of my friends has a '32 ford coupe/roadster, and he don't have seatbelts in it and he says it's legal since the car was made w/out seatbelts, so why not just get a hot rod? :laugh:
  5. Keith2k455

    Keith2k455 Well-Known Member

    Well, don't we live in the land of the free :Do No: ....If you choose to not wear your seatbelt that's your choice.

    oh yeah, and don't go blowin this out of proportion about loved ones, etc, that's still someones choice. And for the record, I do wear my seatbelt, I may even try to talk others into it, I just support the decision of those who choose not to for their right to make that choice.
  6. pooods

    pooods Well-Known Member

  7. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Good points Chris, as always.

    As for the Russian roulette analogy, if that were true, then many of us would not be here now because our ancestors would not have lived long enough to reproduce - considering there used to be no belts, then they were not mandatory.

    As a matter of fact, I believe none of my Grandparents have ever been in an accident. One Grandfather I know for sure never was in one. My one Grandmother still drives, so I suppose its not over yet.
  8. Kerry s.

    Kerry s. Is Jesus YOUR Lord?

    AMEN! That's one of the reasons I LOVE driving my late Father's 1965 Mustang! Most cops don't even know that a seatbelt ticket written for a vehicle built before 1969 is moot and void due to the FACT that seatbelts were not manditory standard equiptment till then and were ONLY an extra cost OPTION!

    I had a cop a little over two years ago pull me over because he couldn't see my shoulder belt (BTW...THAT'S what they look for!). Came up to the car and asked for my license and such. I asked him what I had done?:Do No:

    "You weren't wearing your seatbelt Sir."

    "Why no Sir, I WASN'T! This car is NOT equipted with them and I don't have to anyway in this car's a 1965!" :Brow:

    "You don't know it's a law now Mr. Swearingen??" :puzzled:

    "Oh I know it's a law now....but evidently you don't know the ENTIRE law yourself Sir. 1968 and older cars are EXEMPT from that law!":grin:

    "I know nothing of such a provision in the seatbelt law Mr. Swearingen." :mad:

    "Well Sir, I would appreciate it if you would go back to your car and radio in to your C.O. for the answer. It will DEFINATELY save both of us from a court date and you from the embarrassment Sir." Said in a very corgial (sp?) and polite manner. :)

    Anyone care to guess the rest of the conversation and story from that point on??? Did I or did I NOT get that ticket or any other at that moment? :Brow:
  9. pooods

    pooods Well-Known Member

    I am trying to learn how to wear a belt now. Wish me good luck.
  10. Chevick55

    Chevick55 Jon

    Bottom line is: Seat Belts Save Lives. So, maybe the government did the right thing by making us wear them.
  11. swing72

    swing72 just me

    the only insurance that should be mandatory is collision insurance that pays for the other persons car if its your fault.....other than that its up to you.

    i know i wouldnt want to be the poor guy who gets hit and they guy cant pay to fix my car, id be pissed
  12. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Many things (or lack of those things) save lives. It's kind of interesting which ones are mandated and how they are mandated. Kinda makes you go "hmm."
  13. buickman70

    buickman70 I pirated this pic!!!

    I voted that the law sucks because I don't like the goverment telling me how to live my life. However, I wear my seatbelt whenever I remember to put it on (usually the 1st time I see a government 'selective tax collector' in their patrol car that day) and eventually I will probably wear it all of the time, as once I have it on it really doesn't bother me to wear it.
  14. MGSCP

    MGSCP Guest

    :puzzled: THE SEAT BELT LAW SUX.......ITS FOR ONE THING....MONEY...... PERIOD.....:shock:
  15. iacovoni

    iacovoni The Buick.

    Disagree, I have been in 2 major wrecks, one my fault, the other not. Both times the officer at the seen told me how lucky I was that I was not, repeat, was not wearing my seat belt or I would be dead. In otherwords I was thrown from the vehicle instead of being trapped inside where I would have been crushed. I say, let it be optional.
    Still don't wear one unless the fuzz is watching.
  16. Running

    Running Midwest Buick Mafia

    Michigan has it, it does suck. I wear it on the road, but would rather not in the back woods !
  17. pooods

    pooods Well-Known Member

    It's back. This thread may be old, but still not forgotten. By the way, since I started this, I have learned to wear the belt most of the time.
  18. faster

    faster Well-Known Member

    seat belts

    I wrecked 17, yes, seventeen cars in my 37 years of driving. Those are the one's on the street. The cars and cycles on the track don't count. Never had an accident in my couple of million of miles in a big truck though. Can't ever remember wearing a seat belt and walked away from every one. Now I know what you're thinking but I don't drive slow. I have not wrecked a vehicle in the last 20 years on the street however because I finally learned how and where to drive fast so as to not hit anything. Face it we have "accidents" because we weren't paying attention or were doing something dumb or were driving a vehicle not properly functioning or maintained. If you are paying attention to everything going on around you and do not drive beyond your's or the vehicle's ability you will not have an "accident". I drive 80,000 lbs around with hundreds of people trying to "commit suicide by big truck" every day and have not ever hit one of them. Your car is far more manueverable than my truck with its 50' of trailer so if you hit another vehicle, face it, you screwed up. Don't give me some excuse like they pulled in front of you. You weren't paying attention or were driving too agressively or assumed they wouldn't pull in front of you or didn't check road conditions. I've taught driver's education and have seen the statistics MOST people just panic and drive or slide right into their "accident".
    They don't even attempt to avoid it. Another 25-30% over compensate and and wreck anyway because they don't have the ability or knowledge to control the vehicle at the speed they are driving. Like I said, I learned how to really drive and understand the limits of the vehicle I am driving and DON'T EXCEED THOSE LIMITS.

  19. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Cool. Now make sure you don't smoke. Drink only in moderation, don't eat too much meat, but not too little. Follow your basic food pyramid, (make sure to eat fruit everyday, not just veggies) and be sure to excercise - at least 20 minutes of walking every other day is adequate.
    Get at least 8 hours (total) sleep everyday - 10 if possible. Have at least one indoor pet (fish don't count, something you can actually socialize with) and live with someone long-term (marriage, shacking up, whatever). Learn to take life in stride - trying not to anger easily.

    I can't guarantee not wearing a seatbelt will end your life early, but I can guarantee not following this advice will shorten your life (if some sort of accident or disease doesn't).
  20. dreeesh

    dreeesh Well-Known Member

    seat belt law

    yes the government will let me smoke myself to death and thats ok,when i get lung cancer or emphasyma,i can cost the insurance companys more money.but god forbid i dont wear my sealt belt!!!! then im doing something illegal and should be fined,i can drink myself to death and thats ok also,chirrosis of the liver is ok and legal by the way.but let me get caught without my seat belt and i should be the way i do wear it when i remember,but if i forget then i dont think i should get a ticket for 2 cents

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