Seat Belt Law Poll

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by pooods, Jun 28, 2004.


For it or not?

  1. I should be forced to wear the belt.

    200 vote(s)
  2. The seat belt law sucks.

    174 vote(s)
  1. Kerry s.

    Kerry s. Is Jesus YOUR Lord?

    Thanks Tom, I appreciate your condolences...

    I guess the only point that I'm trying to make is that there are NO guarantees in life NO MATTER what law is enacted, enforced or whatever. To me the government actually sees themselves as having the ability to write, pass, enact and enforce enough laws to all but eliminate death....sounds like a god complex doesn't it?

    There is NO guarantee that a seatbelt will save your life or that is will not be the cause of your life being taken.

    To me and a great many Americans, it's ALL about being able to make your own decisions for yourself. Afterall...this is suppose to be a free nation.

    Daily our nation's Constitution and Bill of Rights are literally re-written by re-interpretation, taking that which was clearly written as rights and "re-establishing" those rights as now being "privileges".

    Privileges are in reality.....things, rewards, you get when your are a good little boy or girl and do what you are told! That is a good thing for children but when it comes to adults then it's little more than a dictatorial act!

    Agendas.....invisible and nonexistant to some, subtle to many but VERY obvious to others!
  2. gstewart

    gstewart Well-Known Member

    i only raise the question - what is so difficult with taking a moment and buckling up ?
  3. MGSCP

    MGSCP Guest

    :shock: somebody please lock this..... is't like a bad penny.. it keeps coming back :shock: :pp
  4. pooods

    pooods Well-Known Member

    Good question, but not the question asked in this poll. I know they save lives, are more comfortable than ever to wear and only take a few seconds to click. But, I don't think the gov. should force me to wear it. They don't even force motorcycle riders to wear helments in many states. :rant:

    It is all about money!!

    I love this thread. :grin:
  5. pooods

    pooods Well-Known Member

    Makes sense to me Truzi! :Smarty:

    Troopers and judges seem to believe it to be just a privledge for us though.

    MR.BUICK Guest

    More times than not a seatbelt will save a life, but it can also damage internals. :Smarty: My grandpa's daughter-in-law was in a wreck not too long ago and all were wearing seat belts, when she pulled out from an intersection in front of a van, and the van was going 70+ mph and the results were not good( results not to be expected to be good in a wreck of this sort to begin with), one killed, and others injured internally! To say the least and make a long story short, not everything can be helped, seat belts aren't always going to prevent death, but have been proven to do so in a majority of different cases :Smarty:
  7. 462CID

    462CID Buick newbie since '89

    Don't get me started on the Right to Bear Arms being infringed whenever a public servant decides to arbitrarily deny me the Right. As if my local PD Chief has the Right to interpret the Constitution. That's the job of the Courts, not a Police Officer. And yet, they can do it

    I have to renew my license tomorrow (to drive). It indeed does mention the RIGHT to drive (the caps are on the form, they aren't my caps) on the form I must fill out

    I fully intend to discuss this with the Registry
  8. 462CID

    462CID Buick newbie since '89

    Nothing personal taken, John

    In the case of your being unhappy with the Goverment, could I make a suggestion?

    Try and understand what the 'Government' is doing versus what folks say they are doing, or even what you might think they are doing.

    For instance, I cannot drive my car naked. That's a no-no

    It's not the Government denying me a Right, however. I'm not free to do whatever I want, when I want to. My Rights do not give me any reason to infringe on anyone else's Rights.
  9. MGSCP

    MGSCP Guest

    John.... you dog :laugh:
  10. pooods

    pooods Well-Known Member

    Hey Chris,

    I'm sure if you get off work for it that they will let you drive naked in Salem at the BPG's!! Birthday clothes too! No one will call the cops and you can get it out of your system. Just remember your car is an automatic so don't be playing with your shifter.
  11. MGSCP

    MGSCP Guest

    THAT'S RIGHT........THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BARE ARMS ....not a privilege
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2005
  12. gstewart

    gstewart Well-Known Member

    in ontario & probably all the provinces in canada, it is a PRIVILEGE to drive/have a driver's licence, not a RIGHT. if it were a RIGHT, then it would be difficult to suspend your driver's licence.
  13. 462CID

    462CID Buick newbie since '89

    Right here on my 2005 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Driver's License Renewal form it clearly states a question:

    2. Is your license or RIGHT to operate suspended, revoked, canceled, or disqualified here or in any other State?

    The caps are in the form

    Seems to me some folks do have the RIGHT to operate
  14. 1970GS455

    1970GS455 Well-Known Member

    I haven't read the entire thread, but will later.

    The poll was obviously created with wording that would suggest that the creator was not a supporter of wearing a seatbelt, and his wording was such that he was looking for support in his beliefs.

    This quote later in this thread supports that theory. In this country, there are rules and regulations put in place by government, state, city, county, whatever that have an intention. The intention of the seatbelt law is help protect ourselves, friends, adults, children and set an example for others to follow that statistically speaking, would be in our own best interest. Seatbelts do kill people. Airbags do kill people. But the statistics say that there is a substantial survival to injury/fatality disparity while wearing the restraints. Why do NASCAR, drag racers, monster truck, all 4 wheel motorsports require them? Because in theory, it keeps you behind the steering wheel center as possible in case of disruption to maintain control of the vehicle. It also keeps you away from steering wheels, windshields, rearview mirrors (ask my friend, roll a car and get this stabbed through your head). It allows for the vehicles crumple zones to absorb the energy without our heads popping off from the sudden impact. Its not a save all, Im not trying to push that. I personally think its safer to operate a vehicle on a race track than on everyday freeways. You get behind the wheel of a race car, you are concentrating. Your focused on what's ahead of you and the task at hand. Not worried about cellphones, radio stations, hair, CDs, reading the newspaper, eating a burger, etc........When you jump in your everyday vehicle, your relaxed and really could drive without giving it 1/2 a thought right? Im not here to change minds, because we are all adults, but maybe give someone impressionable something to think about. This is interesting reading about the forces of momentum I had read and found interesting in the past.

    Tom Balaz has stated facts as he knows them. Others have personal experience that has supported there decision either way. I know this, if you put one bullet in a six shot gun and spin the chamber, chances are you will survive the first pull. Pretty good chance of surviving with the second also. But are you gonna pull that trigger all five times to test your luck? How many pulls in reality does it take to catch that "right" chamber. Only one. Myself, I wont put myself in that position, but people have that right if they want. Its their freedom to do so. But is it in the best interest of he/she or those left to carry on that depended upon that persons existence to help them carry on? Its a pretty far fetched example, but that's what people have to hear is something that has a "shock value" to make them think about it at times. Can you believe people would do that with a gun. Well, they do, its the rush of getting away with something. Cheating something. In their case, cheating death. They figure its their right. Is locking them up protecting them from themselves unconstitutional? Could be perceived that way. We don't know everything and all, and there's people in place that specialize in particular fields that have gotten us to where we are today. To NOT do it because it uncomfortable?? Cause it burdensome?? Does it take a long time to fasten? Kinda lame excuses. Sounds more like an act of defiance, and like you are out to prove you WONT wear a belt because you are being made to. It is what it is, Its a law, its statistically speaking is the safest way to operate the vehicle, its what I feel is in the best interest of my family/myself and I don't have to worry about being pulled over for something I KNOW is the law.

    I got 2 tickets when I was 16 years old. Both not wearing seatbelts. I didn't say I took it off the belt to get my wallet. I didn't have the belt on. I took the tickets, I paid the tickets. I didn't lie about it. Honesty is something I take pretty seriously, and wish others would as well. If you are one of those that don't wear your belt, and you get pulled over, don't lie. Its not a noble trait to posses. I know I don't like being lied to, so why would we subject others to our lies?

    This was supposed to last like 3 lines and be done. :Dou:
  15. MGSCP

    MGSCP Guest

  16. 1970GS455

    1970GS455 Well-Known Member

    There are alternatives.

    a) Dont drive. No seatbelts involved
    b) walk, no seatbelts involved
    c) public transportation, again, No seatbelts involved
    d) car pool and ride in the back seat, again, No seat belts involved.
    e) motorcycle No seatbelts involved
    f) bicycle (see a theme here)

    There are ways of not wearing this seatbelt. I spit out a few just within seconds, so think of how many alternatives there truely are if you so choose.
    AND, I bet there are countries that allow you to drive AND not require a seatbelt. Just trying to help, because I see this is truely a burden the government has placed upon you. You have a choice, and its a battle not worth fighting, because it ISNT about to change.
  17. MGSCP

    MGSCP Guest

    I wear my seatbelt all the time :shock:
    what are you some kind of big brother who knows best for everyone :puzzled:

    it's about the fine :rolleyes: :boring:
  18. 462CID

    462CID Buick newbie since '89

    I can't argue that Wayne

    But the concept of a Law that makes you do something safe, when you know you should do it anyway. that's the kicker for me

    The concept is misguided. The seatbelt should be a thing you don't need laws about; you should just do it

    I don't need a law that says I get a fine if I stab myself in the leg. that's a bad idea too, but I know better.

    That's an extreme example but it illustrates my point perfectly:

    I was taught that it was silly and dangerous to go around stabbing myself

    There's absolutely no reason that the seatbelt shouldn't be an ingrained repsonse when you step in a car. We were taught the wrong way to do it, and now we have a fine if we do it the way we were trained was OK

    Now, I take repsonsibility for my actions. But I do find it interesting that from this act of NOT wearing my seatbelt, I am fined, for a few reasons, the most intriguing for me are:

    School buses don't have seatbelts, and neither do tour buses

    Safer measures by far exist than seatbelts, such as roll cages, HANS devices, full face helmets, 5 point harnesess. At the LEAST, seatbelts should be replaced every say five years by law, since we all know UV degrades them. BUT there is no inspection

    I can only conclude that since safer ways to travel in a car are possible, and that the same governing body says I must buckle up also says that, among other things, Police Officers don't have to (need to exit vehicle quickly), and bus passengers don't, that it's a hypocritical attitude

    I think seat belts are a agreat great thing. I am dead against the seatbelt law, and yes, I do now wear a seatbelt 100% of the time, and I hate the seatbelt law. I cannot and will not agree with it, ever. It is, in my opinion, simply a convenient way to make some money, while at the same time paying lip service to safety concerns, for the all-important political circus. the Law did not make me buckle up, by the way
  19. 1970GS455

    1970GS455 Well-Known Member

    OK, "IF" its about the fine, this is as simple as anyone can put it.

    Seatbelt worn= no fine

    Seatbelt not worn and caught not wearing it= fine

    Hummm, tough choice....spend money or keep my money....

    As far as the big brother comment, I wont dignify that with a response. It wouldn't be contributing to the post as Ive tried to do. If you have more of it to come my way, just PM me, Im a big boy and can handle it. :TU:
  20. MGSCP

    MGSCP Guest

    :puzzled: what...... people should their cars and license taken away if they don't want to wear a seat belt :puzzled:

    Alot of people say they will pay the fine before they wear a seatbelt :shock:

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