Remove the virus forum?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Jim Weise, Apr 1, 2020.


Remove virus forum, ban all discussion of the virus. I will post any related buick event news

Poll closed Apr 3, 2020.
  1. Yes, remove the forum

    87 vote(s)
  2. No, Keep the forum

    92 vote(s)
  1. Mike B in SC

    Mike B in SC Well-Known Member

    I guess I don't understand. If you don't like a thread or don't want to read a thread, why do you open it up and read it? The threads that I don't care about, I don't open.
    BYoung, bhambulldog, rolliew and 4 others like this.
  2. taf44667

    taf44667 69 Vert 4-Speed

    My point is not opening or reading them its having to view all of them to see what are the Latest Posts. You have to scroll thru all of them just to see new content was my point and now days it's almost the whole screen.
  3. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    here is a secret. Go to and then press the “home” button. Then scroll down to the SBB or BBB section and enjoy. No one is forcing you to press the “new” button. It’s isn’t hard to navigate between the different sections. Even Hilary could figure it out.
  4. 2001ws6

    2001ws6 last of the v8 interceptors

  5. bw1339

    bw1339 Well-Known Member

    People should be happy. Virus threads have been replaced by threads on virus threads. :eek:
    2001ws6 likes this.
  6. tt455

    tt455 T Bone

    I understand the forum is a place to escape, but it's also a place to come to heal. I hope we can keep the forum.
    These are unprecedented times and this virus is bigger than you, me, and the forum. Unfortunately and eventually some of us and our loved ones may be infected. We turn to God, family, and friends for support through these times, but I also like to come here which I consider my second family to help understand and heal through others experiences, and thoughts.
    I love sports and listen to sports talk radio in the truck all day. Unfortunately there are no sports right now, but still listen to the callers and sure the virus still comes up, it's unavoidable.
    If I really need to disconnect from it, I'll turn to comedy, a sitcom, or movie.
    Please be safe everyone.
    JESUPERCAT likes this.
  7. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member


    Oops -- accidental caps lock. not shouting.
  8. 2001ws6

    2001ws6 last of the v8 interceptors

    How much wood could a woodchuck chuck
    If a woodchuck could chuck wood?
    As much wood as a woodchuck could chuck,
    If a woodchuck could chuck wood.

  9. 300sbb_overkill

    300sbb_overkill WWG1WGA. MAGA

    Again, I click on the new post icon I am where ALL the new posts are and when I scroll up from the bottom(I do it that way because the bottom posts are the older ones and I like to go from oldest to newest) when I am scrolling up in the new posts area I look for the sections that interest me, I do not even read the titles of the threads in the sections I am not interested in they just get passed by.
  10. taf44667

    taf44667 69 Vert 4-Speed

    See this is what happens with discussions here. You get people telling you how to operate your computer and how should do things and you get instructed in ALL CAPS. Nice. Should of known to just keep quiet and not post anything, my bad, Your right - See you guys in July...............
    ilikebmx999 likes this.
  11. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut


    Attached Files:

    GKMoz likes this.
  12. 300sbb_overkill

    300sbb_overkill WWG1WGA. MAGA

    I did NOT use all caps in that post, I used the bold button to darken the letters so hopefully you would understand what I was trying to say because it looks like you didn't from the first post.

    And by no means was I trying to tell you what to do, I wrote how I do it is all, if you don't like my method you don't have to use it.:)
  13. ilikebmx999

    ilikebmx999 Well-Known Member

    XenForo has an option to hide sections. Maybe it’s time to implement it.
  14. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    I understand you are triggered, and I apologize.

    Myself, I am just too lazy to retype a perfectly good sentence because of that stupid caps lock.
  15. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    Im kinda okay with wiping out this forum, but some threads -- like the "what are you doing" thread -- should be preserved and moved to the Bench.

    So my vote was no because there was no
    "save the okay parts" option.
  16. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    Build Buicks? I wish.:(

    All I do is buy parts, and now ya can't hardly do that either.
  17. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    I’m just roughing it here with my kids, all is well.

    Attached Files:

  18. Mopar

    Mopar Well-Known Member

    I myself am tired of the virus talk from the news and politicians. I however still want to hear from fellow board members about what they are doing to cope and how they and their families are personally making out. It is going to touch us all eventually, and it would be good to keep tabs on people here.
    ilikebmx999 and 300sbb_overkill like this.
  19. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    So just throwing this out there, but the folks that are complaining it's "too tough" (or whatever) to have to scroll through the virus threads when they click "new posts". Really? "This has brought a minor inconvenience to how I personally like to do things so it should be banished". Does that really sound reasonable?

    Same scenario. I dont like the color yellow. Therefore it inconveniences me when I look for pictures of Buicks on here and have to scroll past the yellow cars. Therefore, I purpose you should not be able to post a picture of a yellow car here because of how I feel on the topic.

    See the similarities? That's exactly the same as some arguments here. But because yellow cars are enjoyed by other members here, I take some personal responsibility (eek!!!) and uptake the arduous and daunting task of scrolling past threads that clearly contain yellow car subject matter so I dont have to see it. It's a real tough deal, let me tell ya.....

    Come on guys, we're pretty much all adults here who've had to stand on out own two feet here at some points in our lives. So is it really that life altering to have to scroll past threads you have no interest in?? (By the way, if you can't help but click on them, you do have interest obviously. That's on you). So how's about we act like independent adults here and make choices instead of having to have it our way and our way only. It isnt that hard, I promise.

    By the way, though yellow isnt my favorite paint color, that choice was clearly for example purposes. You gsx owners put your pitchforks away, I'd still own one! :cool:
  20. ilikebmx999

    ilikebmx999 Well-Known Member

    This site has been politics free for as long as I’ve been here, I get it’s a big deal and will effect is all but why change a good thing (keeping it politics free)?

    having a thread about what people are doing on their lockdown/time off/working from home seems perfectly fine to me.

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