flu shot?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by crazychevy, Nov 24, 2014.


Do You get the flu shot?

  1. yes

    53 vote(s)
  2. no

    57 vote(s)
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  1. scubasteve455

    scubasteve455 Well-Known Member

    Hey did you guys hear that flu shot was bogus! The original flu that was going around is gone. this new strain won't be touched by this flu shot you got! ha! go figure. Besides don't most of us get the flu when we get the shot?
  2. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    Following the same pattern from years past....
  3. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    When I was a student at Boston University, their heating methodology was to heat the old buildings to about 90 degrees then the metal frame non-insulated glass windows would be opened to regulate the classroom temperature. I have heard that the heating system has been improved, and the windows replaced with insulated glass, but I still wonder at the amount of money that BU spent attempting to heat all of Boston.
  4. Mike B in SC

    Mike B in SC Well-Known Member

    Sounds like we went to the same schools, just in different states!
  5. kick71

    kick71 Mike

    Nope not my profession at all. Just a curious dad of four kids that seeks real science. It's not a new concept, just gets lost a lot these days I think.
    i figured you would understand since it says in your signature " without data your just another opinion"
  6. buicksstage1

    buicksstage1 Well-Known Member

    Exactly, I posted a tune of real data, 26 young women lost there live just in one document instance. If it kills you its a pretty safe bet its not good for you, death is about the best data most people need. You turn a blind eye if it suites your goals, but it doesn't mean everyone else has to.
  7. buicksstage1

    buicksstage1 Well-Known Member

    It has been bugging me trying to remember what you do for work and it clicked, now what part of the health care business are you in Mike??????
    Car, Hockey, Surfing.
    Health Care
  8. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    What the concentration of Mercury in a flu shot?
  9. SteeveeDee

    SteeveeDee Orange Acres

    It's not the concentration, it's the amount, and you ingest more mercury than the flu shot when you eat a can of tuna.
  10. 69GS455

    69GS455 69 GS 400

    Every year for the past 30 or so I have gotten a flu shot.
  11. kick71

    kick71 Mike

    Ha ha I'm glad I make such an impact on you that it bugs you so much. I have sold healthcare equipment for 15 years and LOVE it. How about you?
  12. kick71

    kick71 Mike

    Exactly that's the beauty of real research and science, there is no blind eye, it produces real answers.
  13. buicksstage1

    buicksstage1 Well-Known Member

    So you are OK with by passing lab rats and using people like the 26 lady's that died? That is real science? That deal is just a drop in the bucket. By the way I am not in the medical field like you so I am not bias.
  14. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    The point is why is it in there in the first place? The other ingredients are just as scary- antifreeze, phenol and formaldehyde,
  15. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    There is no more thimerosal in vaccines, except for the multi use vials. Easy enough to side step that by using the single use vial. Been asking for, and getting that, for many years now.



    As for formaldehyde, you are exposed to that in many ways, we all are. Kind of hard to avoid unless you want to live like a caveman in the boonies somewhere, and farm your own food.:grin:

  16. crazychevy

    crazychevy Gold Level Contributor

    The only other place to get formaldehyde is cigarettes and that is not an issue for us non smokers. The CDC is nothing more than a public relation firm to keep the sheeple quiet.At this rate I won't need to start it again next year it will still be going:cool:
  17. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Formaldehyde is in a lot of building materials and household products. We are all exposed to many chemicals on an everyday basis. Ignorance is bliss. It amazes me the mistrust that seems common place to too many people. At some point, you have to trust someone. If god forbid you came down with a life threatening illness or condition, would you still exhibit this mistrust or would you trust the medical establishment to help you?
  18. crazychevy

    crazychevy Gold Level Contributor

    I have had 3 heart attacks so I have had a lot of exp with the medical establishment. As for formaldehyde I do not consume building materials or household products there to hard on Your teeth:TU:
  19. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    You'd be amazed at what exudes from those building materials in your home and other places you visit. My point is that we are all unwittingly exposed to all kinds of things that can make us sick. I'm glad to hear you don't eat things that are not food.:grin::TU: That isn't the only way things can get into your body.
  20. crazychevy

    crazychevy Gold Level Contributor

    I think what I am trying to get at is We are exposed to a lot f things that We have no control of so Why inject it By choice:confused:
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