flu shot?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by crazychevy, Nov 24, 2014.


Do You get the flu shot?

  1. yes

    53 vote(s)
  2. no

    57 vote(s)
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  1. GSX 554

    GSX 554 Gold Level Contributor

    X2 . All the hype with EBOLA and what 3 deaths in the US . Every year 18000 die from the flu.
  2. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    Larry thinks its funny, but I gotta tell you, anytime the government gets a needle in you or a drop of your' blood, its typed for future use, DNA'd in case you decide to spit on the sidewalk and get arrested, AND best for last, is that you are in fact microchipped like a dog for a credible ID if you try to cross the border in a clandestine fashion, if even for importing tires without paying excise taxes. Doctors are SWORN to secrecy about this.
    Drive down the interstate... 20 miles from nowhere is a pole with a chrome ball on top. THAT my friends is a camera, with a transponder reader letting them know whos there, what car (and owner is there), which direction your headed etc. It all plays out on a big map and doesn't even take a human to read it. Its all analyzed now. Most of us are law abiding citizens, but any breach of the law puts you in harms way when they wanna find you. Mind you that this whole system is in the formative stages but in 100 years will be fact.
    If they see BOB and want him, they can shut down the cars computer and pick him up waiting on the side of the road... His cell phone confirmed his location. Think this is H.G. wells??? Watch the flick "Dragon Day" and draw your own conclusions. Me? Im waiting for the apocalypse LL... Bill in TR
  3. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Bill, I do think that is funny. That is some imagination you have there:grin:
  4. DeeVeeEight

    DeeVeeEight Well-Known Member

    I am glad I am not alone! I do not get the flu shot. Last few times I did I got sick immediately afterwards. Call it coincidence or whatever you want but I learned - no more flu shots.
  5. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    I remember in previous discussions, I tried to sway folks over to my way of thinking (no shot).
    I've decided to be content with my decision to not get a shot.
    And be content with others' decisions to get their shots.
  6. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    See? What have I been telling you Larry?
  7. Mike122

    Mike122 Buick GS 455

    I say no to shots, the last time I had one it was against my will, I had no choice I was like 5 or something like that. Any shot is bad for you. I hardly take medicine, in fact the only medicine I take is colloidal silver, and even that is rare because I don't get sick all that often. I'm a very stubborn person, just like at the dentist I never get fluoride ridden mouthwash or toothpaste. I prefer to brush my own teeth with toothpaste I trust, and never use mouthwash and my teeth are perfectly clean and cavity free. Also at the airport I never go through; what I call, the rape-you-scanner, those things dump so much radiation in you, and hence the name, well I think you can figure that out. I would much rather get the flu than get the shot.

  8. 72STAGE1

    72STAGE1 STAGE 1 & 2

    NOPE... Malaria has killed more people than ALL OTHER THINGS COMBINED, ever in the history of the world...just sayin'
  9. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    Larry, I am sure glad you didn't take that wrong. I have a pal that's a political fatalist and chides me about that stuff all the time. I prefer to just lay under the radar and be able to disappear in a flash... Theres too damn much unreality TV and people just don't think right any more. I MMOB and fully expect that if the government is gonna do something to me that theres 300 million others ahead of me ws
  10. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    You can keep on telling me, I love to laugh:laugh: We have some crew, the N.E. guys, always good for a laugh, I depend on it.:TU:

    I didn't Bill. This thread is entertaining if nothing else.:grin:
  11. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Everyone's immune system is not the same. Some have overactive immune systems, so their reaction to a vaccine can be different. Then you have the auto immune diseases like MS, Guillain-Barr syndrome, Eczema, Psoriasis, and a whole host of other diseases, where the immune system attacks normal cells. I believe you if you tell me that you get a bad reaction to the vaccine, some are just allergic to it. I wouldn't take it either if that were the case for me, but I haven't had so much as a sniffle. I work with a girl who gets sick from the shot. She has other auto immune diseases also. I once heard that women have a greater chance for auto immune diseases because the immune systen genes are on the X chromosome and they have a double dose. Makes sense, but I never confirmed that.

    In any case, I do believe in vaccination. It is one reason that life expectancy has risen to the point it is now.
  12. Luxus

    Luxus Gold Level Contributor

    I personally swear by taking zinc every day. Rarely get sick and if I do the symptoms are mild.
  13. kick71

    kick71 Mike

    I agree with you Larry. Even sudden onset of Type 1 Diabetes which is very much on the rise over the last decade has been highly researched as and auto immune disease response. Certain thyroid conditions also thought to be auto immune.
  14. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    THAT my friend is what entertainment is about. Find humor in it somewhere, even if its between the lines! Bill in TR
  15. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    I take zinc daily as well. Doc says it is good for a guy with my condition.
  16. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    that's interesting...
    More reason for me to stay away from the flu shot.
    I take medication for systemic hyperuricemia (gout). Localized and chronic gout are usually symptomised by swollen fingers and or toes.
    My systemic gout symptoms are; psoriasis, bronchitis, and chronic pain.
    Allopurinol, drinking lots of water and avoiding stress keep it in check.
    The doctor that diagnosed my gout, also told me not to get a flu shot.
    That must have been the reason why he said not to get the flu shot...
  17. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    I can't take supplements like that. They play havoc on my digestive system. Vitamins made me so sick, my lower intestines shut down and was getting NO nourishment. I was so sick I thought I was going to die.
    The doc asked was I taking vitamins, he told that they're not for me. If I want vitamins I should eat the right food....
  18. 66electrafied

    66electrafied Just tossing in my nickel's worth

    I can't get the shot either, I'm intolerant to the preservative they use in it which is thimerosal. This is a common allergy, most contact lens wearers who get problems after a while discover that they're intolerant and have to switch solutions. That's how I found out.

    Last time I got the shot (before I knew about the thimerosal issue) I damn near died. Got the flu in full force, laid me up for a couple of weeks. Haven't had it since 1983. Still get the odd flu once in a while, it's not nice, but there's no real choice. It's not that I don't like needles or am afraid that someone is typing my blood and mapping my DNA, they can have it, it's no good anyway. Besides, I'm German by descent, and according to most western governments, we're still flawed by nature so no one will want it. They'd probably be scared of the fact that any clone generated would be very blunt and devoid of any kind of reasoning capacity and suffer from a total lack of a sense of humour; plus have this inward propensity to march when ever a band strikes up and throw up a right arm every time someone yells "hi!" or something. :laugh:
  19. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Thimerosal is only used in multi dose vials. That is why I always ask if they have the single dose vials. Single dose vials are used once, and discarded, so no preservative is needed. That hasn't been a problem for me to find a provider using single dose vials.
  20. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

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