Who won’t get THE shot?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by copperheadgs1, Dec 29, 2020.

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  1. Mark Demko

    Mark Demko Well-Known Member

    At work we have traveling Covid, sometimes its here, then over there judging by how many times guys have their mask on, then yah see 'em a bit later and its off, and other guys are wearing one, they walk past a frame rack, take the mask off to talk to yah:rolleyes:
    Brett Slater and docgsx like this.
  2. BuickV8Mike

    BuickV8Mike SD Buick Fan

    Mark, R U in the midwest,? Lol
    Mark Demko likes this.
  3. docgsx

    docgsx It's not a GTX

    I’m using this: https://flimc.com/hydrogen-peroxide-iv
  4. Max Damage

    Max Damage I'm working on it!

    No they didn't. Placebo was for trials only. Trials are over. Maybe this post was just to be funny? There are enough people in the world looking for conspiracy theories that are fake news without us starting more.
  5. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Super Moderator Staff Member

    I had shingles back in 2003.

    The pain in my lower back felt like someone was pushing an ice pick into my lumbar.

    And holding it there...
    Mart and docgsx like this.
  6. docgsx

    docgsx It's not a GTX

    I had the same experience around that same time. I also got the rash. Super painful.

    Using this now. Seems to be helping. https://flimc.com/hydrogen-peroxide-iv
  7. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Super Moderator Staff Member

    I had the rash on my back as well.

    The whole experience sucked.
    Mart and docgsx like this.
  8. Max Damage

    Max Damage I'm working on it!

    There is a vaccine for shingles too LOL.
  9. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    I got chicken pox when I was like 16. Woke up one morning with blisters all over. Didn't know what the heck it was. Called my brother to drive me to the doctor. My brother at the time was 24. He never had it either. When the doctor told me I had chicken pox, my brother nearly passed out. And yes, he got it too!

    Never had shingles tho.
    Mart likes this.

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

  11. docgsx

    docgsx It's not a GTX

    yeah, OK, you go first.

    “If you do get shingles even though you have been vaccinated, ZOSTAVAX may help prevent the nerve pain that can follow shingles in some people. ZOSTAVAX does not protect everyone, so some people who get the vaccine may still get shingles.
    ZOSTAVAX cannot be used to treat shingles, or the nerve pain that may follow shingles, once you have it.”

    Your response reflects that of someone who doesn’t understand immunity.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2020
  12. red67wildcat

    red67wildcat Well-Known Member

    I had Shingles 10 years ago at 50 my dr said I probably didnt ever need the vaccine I probably had the best chance of it not coming back by having it once. Built up my natural immunity as good as a shot.
    btw mine was on my face and it fn sucked
    Mart and Bill's Auto Works like this.
  13. JoeBlog

    JoeBlog Platinum Level Contributor

    I went thru a rather nasty fight with COVID due to my immune system being compromised by cancer. My doctor insisted that I get admitted; I refused for several reasons. I now have COVID antibodies floating throughout my body; a vaccine sounds like it might strengthen things. I do NOT want to go thru the newer version, and there isn’t a vaccine for that yet. After fighting (and surviving so far) everything that’s come my way these past two years, I’m not afraid of the vaccine.
  14. Mark Demko

    Mark Demko Well-Known Member

    Yessir, Ohio:D
    BuickV8Mike likes this.
  15. docgsx

    docgsx It's not a GTX

    Natural immunity is far superior to the shots. The reason why is that the shots, as admitted by the manufacturers of the vaccines put a weak version of the antigen into your body. The weak version means that the proteins of the antigen have been changed and are no longer the original proteins. Now your body, when presented with a vaccine or the actual antigen, builds antibodies to what it has been presented with. Shots and actual antigens are not the same. However, anything that is presented to the body creates an immune response therefore it can be marketed as something that “fights against the antigen “. This however is misleading and does not reflect the actual mechanism of immunity in the body.
  16. BuickV8Mike

    BuickV8Mike SD Buick Fan

    Never see anyone but the forgetful without a mask anymore in San Diego.
  17. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Super Moderator Staff Member

    Shingles are brought on by trauma or stress, as the chicken pox virus lies dormant in the body until triggered by either.

    For years, I couldn't think of WTF had caused them and then a couple years ago, it dawned on me: a month before, I was involved in a nasty physical restraint at my previous job in juvenile corrections.

    The inmate had me in a choke hold and I was beginning to fade until my 2 support staff (deer in the headlights) finally jumped in and came to my aid.

    A month later, the shingles arrived.
    Dano, docgsx and 6769RIV like this.
  18. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Oh, I guess I have nothing to worry about then. I have like zero stress in my life :rolleyes:
  19. docgsx

    docgsx It's not a GTX

    And now on the other side of the question, who WILL get the shot? Well, if you’re in New York, you’ll have to follow these guidelines. So you need to become a drug addict/homeless person to be in the priority group that gets the shot first.

    Como : “"Residents of OASAS facilities, these are congregate facilities, congregate facilities are problematic. That's where you have alot of people in concentration. Nursing homes are obviously the most problematic, because they're congregate plus older, vulnerable people. OASAS, what we call the OMH facilities, they're congregate, not necessarily older, but congregate facilities."

    Last edited: Dec 29, 2020
  20. hwprouty

    hwprouty Platinum Level Contributor

    None for me thanks!
    red67wildcat and docgsx like this.
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