Who won’t get THE shot?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by copperheadgs1, Dec 29, 2020.

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  1. mrolds69

    mrolds69 "The Cure"

    I don't watch them anymore, but I saw the score on the news. You guys across the country don't know what it's like to have a losing team. That Tom Brady, he sucks! I hate him!
  2. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    Great unless you are in the .3%.
    BuickV8Mike likes this.
  3. bw1339

    bw1339 Well-Known Member

    For 80% of the population (those under 70 and reasonably healthy), that recovery rate is orders of magnitude higher. Those are the people who should be out there making a living and keeping the country going, while we protect the vulnerable.

    The media has done a horrible job at informing the public of the risk levels at the different age/health brackets. It's no wonder we can't make a data-based decision to save our lives.
    StKing, pbr400, turbotimmer and 4 others like this.
  4. Fox's Den

    Fox's Den 355Xrs

    I had another thought oh boy here we go ha ha,
    Some people that have gotten the vac have had some symptoms related to the same ones as the covid and some vac takers have not had any symptoms.

    Could it be the people that have the most reaction to the shot would have gotten the covid worse ?

    Then you have the people that do not have much reaction to the covid jab. Does that mean they may not have gotten as sick from the covid as others would?
    BuickV8Mike likes this.
  5. charlierogers

    charlierogers GSX stage 1 4 speed #149

    i did see something on youtube about pig DNA in the vaccine and some kind of deep state conspiracy. i dont know about all that. but i am a little overweight already and dont need any help being turned into a pigman!

    m louk and docgsx like this.
  6. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Just as a comparison, the CDC in 2018 reported that the mortality rate for the regular influenza was 5%
    red67wildcat and GKMoz like this.
  7. 436'd Skylark

    436'd Skylark Sweet Fancy Moses!!!!!

  8. Mart

    Mart Gold level member

    You can bet on 99.7%, good odds.
    m louk and GKMoz like this.
  9. Mart

    Mart Gold level member

    I've had shingles thirty some years ago, still have not gotten the vaccine for it...
    docgsx and GKMoz like this.
  10. Mart

    Mart Gold level member

    A nurse at gym got her shot, because front line worker, and she says her arm hurt like hell, she had a big ass headache, and felt weak & fatigued all over.
    She said she will let me know if a third arm starts to grow..
    She's mid 30's.
    Quick Buick and GKMoz like this.
  11. copperheadgs1

    copperheadgs1 copperheadgs1

    Shingles is fun! I had it 5 years ago in the middle of summer during vacation. I still have not got that shot either.
    docgsx likes this.
  12. copperheadgs1

    copperheadgs1 copperheadgs1

    I am a firm believer in Cold Eze zinc lozenges. Take them at the first signs of getting sick and it’s usually gone in a day. I had sore throat start last spring and it was gone in a day. Maybe it was Covid? I also read somewhere people with type O blood may not be effected by Covid as bad? I’m O!
  13. Briz

    Briz Founders Club Member

    Never get the shot never get sick. Back in the mid 90's I was at maintenance at a 5 star resort. They required everyone on staff to get that shot. I got sicker than I'd ever been before. No I for one will not be getting the shot. Have been eating Airborn 1-3 times a day since March. Got so much Zinc in me a magnet should stick. Didnt any of you see the movie "I am Legend"?[​IMG]
    alvareracing, m louk and docgsx like this.
  14. BuickV8Mike

    BuickV8Mike SD Buick Fan

    A shot is the mildest exposure shown to invoke a response, is a perfect world.
  15. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    Ignorant (deep state?) surgeons have been wearing masks for nigh on 100 years. Boy are they clueless!
    Next time you have surgery, insist that nobody wear a mask, just to be consistent.
    Sean Robison likes this.
  16. BuickV8Mike

    BuickV8Mike SD Buick Fan

    Let's see if anyone dies from the vaccine.
  17. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    The difference is that surgeons wear a brand new mask and throw it away after the surgery is over. Most people wear the same masks for weeks
    rmstg2, TexasT, gszinny and 7 others like this.
  18. Houndogforever

    Houndogforever Silver Level contributor

    I was reading an interesting article which I cannot find again. It said the vaccines don't contain any of the virus. The protein spikes on the Corona Virus itself are how the virus gets into your body. The Proteins in the spikes has DNA in it, as does the virus itself. If you get infected, your body looks for something familiar. If you got the vaccine, then your have messaging RNA (mRNA) which instructs your body how to produce the exact thing to attack those proteins therefore preventing you from getting sick.

    When you get exposed, it can take the body a while to figure out how to fight a new bug. But the vaccine is basically a wanted poster. If this protein RNA is discovered anywhere in the body, ATTACK IT! It's very clever.

    AHA, it was twitter.
    bostoncat68 and Sean Robison like this.
  19. BuickV8Mike

    BuickV8Mike SD Buick Fan

    We have few options, or will have soon.
  20. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Ahhhhh, not quite,

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