What Age Group Are You In?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Marco, Jun 13, 2003.


What year were you born?

  1. 1921 and Prior (God Bless!)

    5 vote(s)
  2. 1922 - 1926

    5 vote(s)
  3. 1927 - 1929

    2 vote(s)
  4. 1930 - 1932

    5 vote(s)
  5. 1933 - 1935

    6 vote(s)
  6. 1936 - 1938

    10 vote(s)
  7. 1939 - 1941

    18 vote(s)
  8. 1942 - 1944

    46 vote(s)
  9. 1945 - 1947

    57 vote(s)
  10. 1948 - 1950

    62 vote(s)
  11. 1951 - 1953

    80 vote(s)
  12. 1954 - 1956

    102 vote(s)
  13. 1957 - 1959

    138 vote(s)
  14. 1960 - 1962

    196 vote(s)
  15. 1963 - 1965

    197 vote(s)
  16. 1966 - 1968

    203 vote(s)
  17. 1969 - 1971

    174 vote(s)
  18. 1972 - 1974

    122 vote(s)
  19. 1975 - 1977

    103 vote(s)
  20. 1978 - 1980

    107 vote(s)
  21. 1981 - 1983

    92 vote(s)
  22. 1984 - 1986

    101 vote(s)
  23. 1987 - 1989

    80 vote(s)
  24. 1990 and Up

    66 vote(s)
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  1. joy51872

    joy51872 Well-Known Member

    I'm still 32 years old :beers2:
  2. '70 Skylark

    '70 Skylark Going Fast With Class

    Born in 1990, which makes me probably one of the youngest.
  3. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    Born oct 24th 82.....

    On a mission to make the SBB a top contender..... Garage full of spare engines and cars....
  4. pontchief

    pontchief Norwegian car nut.

    Born 1960.:)

  5. faster

    faster Well-Known Member

    The mind says I'm still 16.

    The body thinks I'm 40. (I can still pitch a baseball faster than most of the kids I coach)

    The driver's license says I'm 55.

    I just turned 55 last Monday so I am officially a senior citizen. Yikes!!!!!!!!!

    Wait, I have soooooooooooo much to do yet.

  6. '71buickg.s.

    '71buickg.s. a dark and stormy night..

    before you came around, i was the youngest here. i think i was 14 when i joined the site. going to be 20 this year, but the hours i work, i feel like im 50.
  7. Stubbe

    Stubbe Stubbe

    Being one of the younger buicks, do you think the reason the average age is like 50-60 is because buick or just car prices, and that you guys have real jobs, etc.
  8. TimR

    TimR Nutcase at large

    Older guys can remember these cars when they were new but not obtainable by themselves (not me, I was 2!). As you get older you have more disposable income (hopefully) and can afford the hobby to whatever extent you wish.

    I think the medium crowd (around 40ish) has these cars as they were still very potent as they came of age in the mid 80's when most cars were pathetic power wise...thats how I got hooked, they were cheap and powerful..and as time goes on its not about the power so much anymore but just the interest and having something interesting. You do tend to get attached to these cars somehow, they have a mystique about them, lots of history there and they are just plain old fun to drive....not to mention restoring or working on.
  9. BILLY A

    BILLY A Well-Known Member

    I was born in 1945 and i am 62 and bought my 1972 Stage new when i was 26 years old and believe me it is twice as much fun now especially when i go to the track and they say you know the old guy with the GS he bought new. But on the other hand i might be 58 years old according to Rich born i 1973 said he is 30 when it should be 35 and then Larry born in 1977 sais he is 26 but really is 31 and Goerge born in 1975 sais he is 28 and really is 33.Have a great day Bill
  10. jeff0547

    jeff0547 Beaters are Better

    I have just discovered this thread and was glad to see Bill's post. I had begun to think I was the only dinosaur here.
    I was born May 7th 1947 and I'm 61.

    When I was 24 I worked at a used car lot (in Lynchburg,VA) and we had lots of GS's, GTO's, Chevelles, 240-Z's, Baracuda's, Dusters etc. We had 2 Sun Coupes and every time a Skylark or a GS came in we would send it off to have a "half" vinyl-top put on---because it was "Trendy". :Do No:

    Because I was the "young guy" they often sent me out to pick up lunch. Of course I could take any car I wanted.....
    Well, I digress.
    It was an exciting time and we thought it would never end. We thought that we would always be able to go to the dealer and put in a COPO (Central Office Production Order) and get any combination of drivetrain we wanted. My dream was a 70 Special 2-door sedan (post) with a 455 / 4-speed, heavy duty suspension and altenator and no other equiptment. Alas, it never happened. Now you can't even order the color you want.

    Thanks for the time to ramble on.
    in SW FLA
  11. 78 buick custom

    78 buick custom Active Member

    born in 59, so that makes............. what were we talking about? Oh yeah, i was stupid before i ever got old. Gave away,traded sold, and lost alot of really good muscle cars in the seventies-Damn 70's- gotta love em. :rant:
  12. 67 Special

    67 Special The Phantom Special

    Hmm, I figured the highest peak would have been closer to the 50s/60s. Oh well, there seems to be a good number of people here born near '84. Any single chicas live near Pittsburgh:pray:
  13. '71buickg.s.

    '71buickg.s. a dark and stormy night..

    if you look closely, this post is almost 5 years old. i was 14 almost 15 when it was created.

    not many people my age are into buicks or old cars in general because they just see them as old cars. they dont understand the history behind them, and many have never experience real power before. ive been driving buicks since i was 14. me growing up is pretty well documented on here, as i was on this site every day for a good 3 years. my first car was a 1970 skylark, and that post was made by my dad a few years ago. though i havent owned a buick in 2 years, have been through a few jobs and girls, and joined the air force, i still come back... there is just something about buicks.
  14. gaspedaleks

    gaspedaleks Member

    Born 1985.
    Owned 5 cars so far, and only one of them has been younger than me ;)
    A ford sierra -88, a VW golf -85, a volvo duett -57, volvo 240 TIC -84 and a buick skylark -69.
  15. 72RivGS

    72RivGS Well-Known Member

    I'm rockin the ripe old age of 22....be 23 Sep. 12th.
  16. 72lark350


    Im one of the 13 people in the 1990 and up category. Born in 1991, 17 years old. Cant wait til i turn 18 and graduate next year :Brow:
  17. Sergeant Major

    Sergeant Major Biggest Nut in the Can

    daaaammmmmmmm.... I had more time in the Army than some of you have had alive.... :puzzled:
  18. TABuickMike

    TABuickMike Michael Tomaszewski Jr

    Turned 18 back in January and graduated May 22, got my Skylark a week or so after I turned 17, been around Buicks since before I was born :Brow:
  19. IDOXLR8

    IDOXLR8 Senior Member

    Today 51, DOB is1957, AL.
  20. mailsquirt

    mailsquirt Member

    Nah! Honda's don't have the class that Buicks have.
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