Two Police Officers Executed in NYC

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by gsfred, Dec 20, 2014.

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  1. 442w30

    442w30 Well-Known Member

  2. buicksstage1

    buicksstage1 Well-Known Member

    I Agree, he can't take back all the BS he said. I can't stress enough that had they not made Brown a victim that broke many laws that day not to mention his extensive criminal past I would more understanding about there argument and cause but if things are really as bad as they say why not make your case based on a innocent law abiding person without a rap sheet that covers 2 states? There are many issues where people Like OJ got off with chopping up two white people. There have been many whites gunned down but where was Obama, Eric Holder and Al Sharpton when this decorated war Vet was gunned down in CA White people didn't run around destroying the town and looting etc. You guys check out this video, this fellow wasn't a thug with a rap sheet that just robbed a store. Where were all the riots????

    Come on people, you can paint all blacks with the same brush, as you can't paint all whites, yellows browns etc with the same brush and you sure as hell can't paint all police with the same brush, but not only did Obama, Holder, Bill de blasio and Sharpton all use that same brush they painted bulls eyes on there backs while they were at it!
  3. All GS

    All GS 71 GS455 Owned 30 years

    I am reading alot of statments that smack of racism in this thread. I thought this was a Buick site .........
  4. 442w30

    442w30 Well-Known Member

    Care to point them out?
  5. 66gsconv

    66gsconv nailhead apprentice

    It's allways racist when talking facts. Look at the name of the thread. this thread is not about the kkk or skin heads. Also it in the bench section, not the race section or something Buick related. Facts are facts. Someone could start a kkk thread and start going off on them and no one would think it's racist. A friend called me yesterday out west and said he read the kkk were coming to ferguson for a war. I just had to laugh, there is so much crap going on with this whole story
  6. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

  7. 442w30

    442w30 Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah? Jsaon, enlighten us of your omniscience - please don't keep it for yourself.
  8. buicksstage1

    buicksstage1 Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
  9. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    This thread makes me want to puke. I know what is being said by everyone has been building up for a long time. It's the cops fault, it's the kid's fault, it's the government's fault, we have all the answers. But it will never, ever stop, because it is the human condition. This thread has brought a lot of personalities out in the open too. Some that really suck and some I admire. This thread should be moved right into the help from above forum where it belongs, because proposing people can fix this ugly world of hate is like asking the the fox to guard the hen house.

    I respect the police and have taught my kids to do the same. As in any field of work, I have also taught them there are bad apples in every line of work and I have also taught them to see the difference between the smoke screens of the media and reality. That you cannot automatically paint with a broad brush. At 14, my twins already know that you sadly cannot trust everything you hear from supposed impartial sources (mainstream media?), that you need to check facts for yourself and form your own opinions to make educated decisions in life. My kids are black. I am not. So I have a unique perspective on things. Outside of Maine, they may experience racism. So far they have not, but to say people around here are hyper sensitive to offending them is an understatement. They know it exists, but they also know who they are as people and what their self worth is and what they mean to the Lord, which is the most important thing in their lives. Regardless of what any man or woman may say to them down the road, that is their foundation. All other foundations are bound to fail. The other day, my wife was looking for my daughter and one of the teacher's daughters was saying to my wife, "Does she have brownish hair? My wife says Yes. Does she have brown eyes? My wife says Yes. Then, the girls says "and I'm sorry I don't mean to be mean, but does she also have brown skin"? LOL My wife is like, honey, that's not mean at all, that's what you call a really great description of someone.

    This is what it's come to. You can't even describe a person by the way they look. We live in an absolutely sick, obsessed, misguided, paranoid, over-reactive society.

    Sorry for the tangent.
  10. faster

    faster Well-Known Member

    Very true. People have proven since "In The Beginning" they have not been able to govern themselves. We have what we have because we are selfish.

  11. DeeVeeEight

    DeeVeeEight Well-Known Member

    As long as we keep making welfare benefits available to people who do not deserve them we will have a dysfunctional system. Our government perpetuates this. I have seen the section 8 system and the abuses that occur. We have created this system and now it is a way of life for these people. Why would you get a job when you can get paid for getting laid and making babies? You are allowed to stay in your subsidized housing, eat your food stamp food, watch TV, get high, and have sex so you can have more babies and increase your income from the babies! What a great racket! Guaranteed income, housing, medical care and food subsidies and financial security for how long? For being an irresponsible unproductive sponge? There was one woman who was about to lose her welfare benefits because her children were grown up. She got busted for selling her food stamps for drugs. She went to jail, got impregnated by one of the guards and is now eligible for another 18 years of public assistance because she has a new baby. It is this kind of abuse that goes unchecked that creates this sick cycle. Another young man from the same neighborhood came to work for me with my contracting business. I was trying to teach him a trade so he could have some marketable skills for his future. After working with me for about 2 months he told me he had to quit. I asked him why and he said that he had a baby on the way and that he could make as much money in 2 hours, selling drugs on the street corner, as he could in working with me for a week. It was a sad truth that we both had to acknowledge.
    If I was stuck in that cycle I would be angry at the system too. I would want to scream and kick and smash and hit until I fought my way out of that hell hole. Or I would create my own business - it would have to be black market - so I could survive. I wouldn't trust any authority figure that kept me in that situation. If fear and anger and an empty belly were all that you had to motivate you what would you be capable of? Would you steal a loaf of bread or a quart of milk? How far would you go to stay alive?
    I am not saying that everyone who gets public assistance acts like this. There are a few who refuse to make that their way of life and only take the benefits until they can do better for themselves. These are the people who DO deserve the public assistance. The rest of them need to be weaned off of it.

    Recently I took in a friend that I hadn't seen in over 25 years. He was down on his luck and needed a place to stay. It took him about 6 weeks too long to find a job but I thought to myself, he is 60 yrs old with few skills, be patient. He finally got a job at a local diner as a dishwasher. After 2 weeks he started acting funny - complaining about abuse at work and threatening to contact the labor board, saying that the management didn't know how to run the diner (the diner has been there since I can remember). Soon after he started agitating me too, telling me how I should act - this from a 60 yr old homeless, jobless person.The next thing I know he is bringing prostitutes into the house and doing cocaine. I talked to him about it and told him that the drugs and prostitutes were not acceptable in my home. He became argumentative about the issue, telling me he shouldn't have to get a motel room seeing as how he has a place to stay. Now he is back out on the street again. He will never do any better for himself. He expects to get a subsidized apartment and a free ride for the rest of his life. That is his reality.

    This whole NYPD thing is another sad statement. There is a wide gap that is getting ever larger, between the police and the public. There are abuses in our society every day. When I read that the NYPD is not going to make minor offense arrests because they are in fear of their lives I interpret that as a childish reaction to their current situation. Turning their back on the mayor is a great way to solve the problem, isn't it? He has to represent the people as well as the government. It diminishes their (the police) integrity and makes me even more concerned that this situation is going to get a lot worse.

    I am getting so disgusted with all of the ignorance and stupidity that I do not want to watch the news any more. Besides, can I even trust the media? I suspect that most of the "news" we get is manipulated and in turn we are manipulated too.
  12. eagleguy

    eagleguy 1971 Skylark Custom

    We now live in a society that's all about entitlements and has the "Its All About Me" mentality!
  13. Lebowski

    Lebowski Mark it 8, Dude...

    Video of a Florida woman with 12 young kids on welfare. "Somebody needs to pay for all my children.... Somebody needs to be held accountable...." are some of her comments in the video.... :Dou:

    Video of a guy from Tennessee with 18 kids by 17 different women who doesn't work or pay child support. "I can't pay no child support right now.... I play the hell out of the Tennessee lottery.... I can't get a job because of my record..." are some of his comments in the video.... :Dou:
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2015
  14. garybuick

    garybuick Time Traveler

    Yes why would they? and why would they vote against their own self preservation and way of life? A: They wouldn't. They are trained not to by the powers that be.

    And now another problem. Exponentially more babies that will grow up to vote for more racist liberals. It's all part of the carefully orchestrated and self perpetuating plan to destroy America. erm. cough cough. I mean fundamentally 'change' America.

    Somebody is making money off this racism industry while others are getting more and more politically powerful. We are all just little teeth on tiny gears on tiny parts of a giant meat grinder machine.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2015
  15. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    Couldn't have said it better. Law just, finally, passed here in "the welfare state" to drug test welfare recipients. BUT, only if there is reasonable cause to believe they are abusing drugs. Their Constitutional rights need to be taken into account. REALLY? So, its okay to randomly drug test any and every worker who is contributing their tax dollars, but those who receive those dollars should not be held to the same standards? I'm retired, but I am considering getting a full time job at a place that frequently tests. When my time comes, I am going to contact my attorney and file suit because my Constitutional rights are being violated and it would be an invasion of privacy. I would contact every means of media and let the good times roll. All just because I am sick of the bleeding hearts who give welfare recipients more rights than those who contribute to the betterment of society.
  16. 442w30

    442w30 Well-Known Member

    My god people why can't you just stop?:Do No:
  17. blyons79

    blyons79 Well-Known Member

  18. garybuick

    garybuick Time Traveler

    If you hold any opinion that any liberal disagrees with, then you are called a racist to socially shame you and shut you up so they can more easily advance their agenda.
  19. Lebowski

    Lebowski Mark it 8, Dude...

    You're probably a racist if you post something like this on a public forum.... :shock:
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