Two Police Officers Executed in NYC

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by gsfred, Dec 20, 2014.

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  1. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Just out of morbid curiosity Diego, were you one of the protesters?
  2. Junkman

    Junkman Well-Known Member

    Good post, Diego .
  3. Junkman

    Junkman Well-Known Member

    But it's ok for "THE SYSTEM" to be against the citizen and operate in a way that violates our Bill of Rights on a daily basis especially post USA PATRIOT Act ?
  4. kick71

    kick71 Mike

    Well said.
  5. Mike Trom

    Mike Trom Platinum Level Contributor


    Wait, I think I can hear the sound of this tread getting locked:bla:
  6. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482

    Oh Please..

    Exactly what segment of the population is this dreaded "system" stacked against Deigo?

    The Police department?... The government agency that regardless of the fact that the vast majority of applicants are white males, has been discriminating against that "segment" of the population for decades, in hiring practices?

    At our government's direction no less.. Affirmative action??.. you know, that law that discriminated against the majority of the population..

    Give me a break.

  7. buicksstage1

    buicksstage1 Well-Known Member

    If your statement here doesn't prove my race card statement then nothing will. Your statement "the hubbub was a lot bigger than a kid who was shot by the cops" So you are confirming by that statement that this isn't about a couple well know criminals dying well being arrested for breaking the law? Its about institutional racism and a system stacked against a segment of the population????

    So lets try and turn everyone against the police? Lets make all the police and white people targets? In a world that is suppose to be so full of hate for blacks don't you think that the race card people could have found a better pin up poster boy to make the argument with other then a thug that just robbed a store and wrestled a cop for his gun because he got caught for his crimes?

    Blacks are dying at a alarming rate every day at the hands of other blacks, it is far from normal for people to live this life style but yet lets go after the police and treat them like they are all racist. This interview is another great example of the real problems out there that they deal with day to day.

    Remember when OJ killed to white people and we all rioted and looted? Ya me neither.
  8. 66gsconv

    66gsconv nailhead apprentice

    I dont buy the race card any more. Its just a excuse to live by the concret jungle rules. :Dou:
  9. gsx678

    gsx678 Well-Known Member

  10. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    From his past posts, Diego believes the police are fascists.
  11. buicksstage1

    buicksstage1 Well-Known Member

    Its real......

    Attached Files:

  12. 442w30

    442w30 Well-Known Member

    In regards to Ferguson or Staten Island?
  13. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

  14. 442w30

    442w30 Well-Known Member

    You're aware how my name is spelled, right? Just want to be clear.

    Let me answer this by telling you a story about my dad:

    He called a lawyer in AZ once a number of years ago - I'm not sure for what. The receptionist said, "No, here's not here, I don't know when he'll be back, goodbye."

    Then his girlfriend called the lawyer. Got him on the line in 30 seconds.

    So what we had here was a woman who listened to my father speak and automatically assumed he was Mexican (because, after all, the average American clod can't discern among accents). My dad came here in 1964 to go to college. He knew the language, but he certainly could brush up on his acumen. He was mistreated by people because he was an immigrant. He did well over time, but he always had to prove himself above and beyond what the usual American would have to do because people have prejudices, even though he is basically a guy of Eastern European heritage (versus Spanish or "Indian" heritage). He's an American citizen too.

    So I basically have the attitude that my dad didn't come to the States just so some ignorant gatekeeper could use her prejudices against him. And I don't think he came here for institutions like the police to subjugate him or others because he may not meet their criteria, whether by how he speaks or how he looks. If my dad experienced these hurdles, imagine what it's like being African-American in America?

    Yeah, I get it - when you eff with a cop, you're going to get shot. All the evidence points to the police in Ferguson following the rule of law, and I'm on their side in that case. But you then have a disaffected segment that feels - rightly or wrongly - the institution of the police is against them. In this age of the Internet, where truth is trumped by emotion, it just makes things worse, and all of a sudden you're having people protest in the name of a kid who broke the law and died by the sword. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks they need to pick a better figurehead in the name of justice - it's despicable.

    In Staten Island, it's not so obvious. The guy was selling singles illegally, but he may have had his civil rights violated. The video doesn't always tell the tale, even though we often like to think we get to see everything, but it looks like a perfect storm was brewing. It's quite possible he was crying for mercy and saying he couldn't breathe, yet even though the police used an illegal choke hold, the cop was exonerated.

    So now you have a "community" that feels justice is stacked against them once again. Even if you eliminate the lameness that is Ferguson, you still have a community that shares a collective pain of the past, where all-white juries ruled against blacks in the name of racism. I can't blame them for standing up for justice - I just think it's going about the wrong way. Even if Sharpton is involved, that does not invalidate the work that needs to be done.

    Rather than try to use smart PR to get the people on their side, the NYC police force would rather play politics. They've proven that they routinely violate the civil rights of many (their frisking policies, Adrian Schoolcraft, etc.), so it shouldn't be a surprise that the law is getting a cold shoulder from the Mayor, who is not for the frisking policy. So when I see people blaming the Mayor, the President, or anyone else for yesterday's assassination, it just rings hollow - it's just talking points from TV for people who don't wish to think very hard. All too often I hear pro-gun advocates say, "Blame the killer, not the gun," yet these very same people want to blame people other than the killer - why?

    I think it's better to work for a better America than get dragged into the entropy manufactured by the two leading political parties, cable news networks, and the like. Some people here get it, but a hell of a lot don't. For anyone to infer from any post I've made and suggest that I may be at any protest is profoundly ignorant.
  15. johnnylark

    johnnylark Well-Known Member

    Quick questions, since when has it become acceptable to be confrontational with police officers? How is it considered ok to chant at a rally, "WE WANT DEAD COPS WHEN DO WE WANT IT.....NOW" ARE YOU KIDDING ME? When did pulling out your cellphone and record beatings and muggings on a cellphone while yelling "WORLDSTAR" become cool? This country is F'D because of todays disrespectful youth. Eric garner would be alive if he didnt resist. He probably would have had to pay a fine and thats it. Mike brown would probably be alive if he never robbed that store. But i forgot, its a white cops fault because they responded to calls. The last time i checked all you need to do is take a civil service exam to become an officer. The test is open to anyone. So if the general public feels that more black cops are needed then take the test. The citizens of Ferguson kept saying that there aren't enough black cops. So if a black cop confronted mike brown or eric garner are they supposed to be left alone because of the color of their skin. And just to clarify, noone said the shooting of the two officers was racial considering the cops were asian and hispanic. Some people asked for dead cops and they got it. R.I.P NYPD.
  16. gsx678

    gsx678 Well-Known Member

  17. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482


    Pardon the spelling, had I known I would be called to carpet for it, I would have checked.. :spank:

    Your story, with your father, illustrates exactly what I am saying..


    Yes, 50 years ago, prejudice against Negro's, Hispanic's, Jew's ect was rampant in this country. In that time, "two Americas" certainly existed.

    But I put to you that in 2014, this condition no longer exists on an institutional level. Are there still individual racists?.. certainly.. there always will be, and they are involved in every aspect of our society. It will be several more generations, if at all, before racism is diminished to the point of extinction.

    But we, as a nation and a people, have made great strides against judging people by the color of their skin.

    In our time, I believe that an individual is much more likely to be classified by his actions, than by his heritage. I believe our society, at least the segment of it I observe thru the media, and experience living in the Midwest, has made great strides toward realizing Dr King's vision.

    " I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

    Act like a thug, and you will be called and considered that, and the vast majority of the population will write off whatever happens to you as an "inevitable ending".

    When the Police start pulling young Black or Hispanic men out of their homes and workplaces, and gunning them down, for no crime other than their skin color, then protestors will have something to scream about, and I will be right there with them.

    But that is not what we are seeing here.. this is a Media-driven hoax, created by those "race warriors" who are no longer relevant in our society, in an attempt to bring their names back to the spotlight, as well as by those who pander to a racial group, to garner votes in coming elections.

    Thankfully, most Americans, of all races, see thru this ruse.

  18. Mike Trom

    Mike Trom Platinum Level Contributor

    We all have stories we can tell. I grew up in the inner city and before I was 9 years old I had been jumped/attacked 3 separate times by blacks, once to steal my lunch, once to steal my bike and another time a group of at least 6 of them tried to make me eat rocks. Not once was I bothered by whites. My parents moved out of the city into the country (farm land, what a change). The first week on the school bus one of the only two black kids in the area started to flick my ear from behind, unfortunately for him I knew how to deal with that situation and it quickly stopped and never happened again. The other black kid on the bus became one of my best friends and still is today.

    I do not consider myself racist, I judge people by their actions, even after having such bad experiences with the black race.

    Quit crying about being treated bad, work within your own community to make it better and maybe people will not have reasons to judge you by the color of your skin. The law is there for a reason and if you abide by it you will not have a problem with the police. I don't want to hear about how you were enslaved, I did not own you and you were never a slave!!!
  19. garybuick

    garybuick Time Traveler

    No most Americans do not see through this ruse. Actually most Americans are brainwashed by pop culture to believe the lies. The others mostly keep their mouths shut so as no to be publicly shamed and professionally destroyed.

    Unless something happens soon, with each passing generation coming up in public schools being indoctrinated with pop culture and common core, there will be less and less people that can see the truth and America will collapse under the immense weight of its social disfunction to resemble a third world country.

    Without rational objective adult leadership we are doomed. So if you have opinions, speak up while you still can.
  20. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    I agree. "The down 'dumbing' down of America." It'll continue to happen as long as we cater to the lowest common denominator. Even the manufacturers are building things that are 'fool proof' because they know there are too many fools buying their products.
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