Two Police Officers Executed in NYC

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by gsfred, Dec 20, 2014.

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  1. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

  2. 442w30

    442w30 Well-Known Member

    I guess I have blood on my hands.
  3. cluxford

    cluxford Well-Known Member

    As an Australian who spends time in the US and has many US friends. It's hard to observe. The human race has many great qualities, they also have some very bad ones. Call it race, religion, tribes, communities, socio-economic demographics etc. Through time immemorial humans have put others into "boxes" often then two or more "groups" coming to blows. Historically violently, these days a mix of violence and economic and social warfare also.

    Sadly while the large majority of people on the planet are tolerant, there comes a time where anger, belief systems (not religion, but cultural upbringing beliefs) outweight tolerance. That's when it hits the fan, as we are seeing.

    I read a post earlier that says it starts with parenting. This I agree, but to change hundreds of years of parenting styles (from or by any group of people) is nigh on impossible. As we have seen it's taken hundreds of years to get to the level of tolerance we have now as a society, and we have a long long way to go.

    What we need is zero tolerance on law breakers. I'm especially talking about violent crime, rape, murder, pedophilia.

    I talk to a lot of people in the US and I feel for you all. I also fear Australia is heading down a similar path.

    Trust is rapidly disappearing from US society, and with no trust, there is only fear and suspicion. That makes life very stressful.

    I unfortunately cannot offer any answers here, there is so much complexity as to how the US went from the envy of global society, prosperous, free, amazing, to one where there is growing tension and fear. Obviously that is a very generalised statement, I have recently visited some amazing parts of the US, met some amazing people and would live their without fear and live well.

    I pray the US get itself back to the great nation it was, as I have many many friends in the US.
  4. garybuick

    garybuick Time Traveler

    The question must be asked, what made america great. How did america become so awesome? What values and culture built america? What values and culture is being tolerated today that is causing the demise and is the antithesis of everything that made america great? These are simple questions, with simple answers. Only the kind of people, the people with the same mindset, same values, same innate qualities and abilities as those who built america, can save america.

    I believe when anarchy begins to manifest, civilized people will unite, do what must be done, erradicate the diseased ideologies, lock up or execute the dirty politicians,officials, executives, idealogs, and restore america to the inspirational nation it used to be and rededicate itself to national pride and allegiance to the Constitution.

    Its great to stay in our own bubble and just live life insulated from all that stuff but the bad part is that evil prospers because good men do nothing. So thats my dilemma too. Do I stay in my bubble, keep my head down, do my job, enjoy my hobbies and family or do I say something and take the heat, be criticized, publicly shamed, marginalized, targeted and discriminated against. As the coalition gains strength the heat will diminish and the results will increase and with the right leadership, America and therefore the world could be saved.
  5. faster

    faster Well-Known Member

    You make a valid point, unfortunately slowing down that bullet train to h#!! is not something the competent people of this country are willing to do yet.

    Someday I hope and pray you will your eyes are opened and your understanding awakens. They are far more privileged than I (a 61 year old white guy who grew up in the projects) am son.

    It actually is not that complicated and tolerance is the problem my friend. Where evil is tolerated, chaos ensues, trust is destroyed and people get hurt or die. It really is pretty simple.
    We have become a society where everyone gets to do what they want and selfishness is the rule of the day. Doing what is right and good and selfless are mere remnants of memory.

  6. 66gsconv

    66gsconv nailhead apprentice

    I just want to comment again since I am a white middle aged " 55" man. I also happen to live about a 1.5 to 2 miles from this municipality Ferguson all my life except 4 years in the united states Army. And have 2 girls going to the local schools so I know whats going on with these kids around here. I can remember when Black folks where just starting to move in to ferguson. There was some racism from some people but nothing like people burning down areas and 100s chanting " get out crackers and whiteys ' . Or demanding all whites off the city council and police force and the white mayor.But the blacks were even rougher on a white person back then, and they still are. They have done this in other areas around here like Normandy ect. I have black friends who don't agree with all this crap. Its much bigger than the brown getting shot. If you would have went to there web site and seen all the sponsors, American communist, muslims for Palistine, black panthers, another black group that makes the panthers look like school kids, peta, every crazy group you can think off. Most of the unknown groups were white kids and people that have another agenda. Most have headed for new York . Its a bigger stage. Oh almost forgot. I am a out of work constucion worker. No rich white guy here. Someone already said it , It starts at home and a lot of people are not getting any guidance as children.

    Just wanted to add, Ferguson isn't even the roughest part of St Louis. When I was 11 we had to move out of the north side of St Louis because the blacks were coming in packs of 40 or 50 and just causeing problems is all I will say. The grand and Florissant area by the white water tower. Needless to say its a waste land now
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2014
  7. 436'd Skylark

    436'd Skylark Sweet Fancy Moses!!!!!

    You have just remarkably illustrated my point.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2014
  8. Mike Trom

    Mike Trom Platinum Level Contributor

    Inner city of Buffalo NY has had 11 shootings in the past month, 1/2 of them were in the area that I grew up. I do not need to head into the inner city. There were no other shootings in the surrounding suburbs. No matter what you think, getting a fair shake does not make someone choose to shoot/stab/rob/assault another person (how do you justify that?). These were all black on black crimes. The neighborhood where I grew up is no longer there, the houses have all been burned down or bulldozed and I would fear for my life going back into that area. The cops have to patrol that area every day, would you want that job?
    The Buffalo city schools have a graduation rate below 50%, mostly due to lack of attendance of the students, the school board is 3/4 minority (so the white leaders are not the problem) and the city/state keeps throwing more money at the schools thinking that will solve the problem. Where are the parents to make sure the kids attend school? The city is going to enforce a curfew during school hours and I am sure it will be called a racist policy.

    I believe you were from Buffalo, I grew up on E.Ferry and Colorado Ave., attended School #9 on Bailey Ave (that school is no longer there).
    My grandparents lived on May street near Genesee. So, I did not live in the nice part of the city.

    PS, I'm not rich and you have most likely spent more on your signature cars than I have (see I can make assumptions too!).











  9. 436'd Skylark

    436'd Skylark Sweet Fancy Moses!!!!!

    Yes we lived off Genesee st by shiller park. Thankfully my parents got us out at a young age. Again, all the stats you listed prove my point. The youth are born into that environment as a result they learn to live in that environment. things will never change until the environment changes. That's not a fair shake. These kids are not privileged to live in the projects.
  10. garybuick

    garybuick Time Traveler

    nobody I know disagrees with that. But the point is that , the environment does not change. What we disagree on is why and how to correct it.
    There is no leadership and in fact the pseudo leadership that does exist depends on it not changing and doesnt want it to change.
  11. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Exactly right.

  12. Mike Trom

    Mike Trom Platinum Level Contributor

    It is not a fair shake but change has to start at home. Fatherless children that are not taught respect for anything including life and then placing blame on everyone else for their failures. All of those murders/shootings in the city will go unsolved because no one in the community "seen anything" but yet they have time to protest for Michael Brown incident even though they did not see what happened either (yes, there were protests in Buffalo also). There were multiple black deaths due to shootings in the city, none by the police, yet there are no community protests about what happens within.

    How else do you change the environment and that way of thinking without solid parenting? It does not take money to respect your property (and others), make sure your kids go to school and know that breaking the law for any reason is not right. How do you teach people to live within their means? I could not afford 5 kids and both my wife and I work, what makes anyone think they can afford that many or even 1 when you are on public assistance? Why is it OK to use the "N" word if you are black, if that word is so disrespectful wouldn't it be better to just stop using it within your own community and just maybe it would go away? Why do police feel they have to racial profile? These are all legitimate questions but how do you ask any of them without being called a racist now days?

    95% of the Black vote went for Obama (1st election), how is that not racist against the white candidate? The Buffalo Fire Department is being looked at by the state because there are so few black firemen in a predominantly black city, a fire department representative (a black man) was on TV stating the reason for this is that they do not have any black candidates applying for the jobs. Who's fault is that, the opportunities are there. As soon as any black person speaks out against anything bad about the black community they are called and uncle tom or sellout by their community.

    Change has to start within the community itself. Leaders like Sharpton and Jackson should put their energy into solving problems in the black community instead of promoting them as being victims and blaming everyone else for their problems.

    Is there racism in America (and the rest of the world), yes, but it exists in all communities, black, white, asian, etc.. and it always will exist, the best we can hope for is that it will be minimized. Taking responsibly for your own actions and not placing blame on others is the key.

    Respect is earned, not asked for!

    Your Buffalo connection:
    My parents pretty much lived in the Schiller Park Bar/Lanes so I rarely seen them (this was in the mid-late 1970's).
  13. faster

    faster Well-Known Member

    I grew up in the projects on Trenton Avenue between Hudson and Jersey Streets back in the 50's & 60's so don't tell me about impoverished having no chance. Many made it out.
    How did you get so backward in your thinking after witnessing how people who refuse to fix their situations, scream racism. throw tantrums and use violence against innocent people to get what they want. They themselves won't do anything to better their situations which is bad enough but they also destroy the people around them along with their livelihoods, their neighborhoods and property and you call it justified because you believe I'm privileged for staying in school, not getting arrested when everyone around me was. For forming a contracting company and working for 35 years to build a life while they live off entitlements and refuse to fix their lives.

    I have been a Chaplain in the Juvenile Justice System for 6 years and a counselor in BOLD (counseling parolees who are 18-30) for 1-1/2 years and no matter how much time and money you throw at most of these kids they refuse to make it better for themselves. They are given opportunities to get out of their self destructive cycles but refuse. They are given opportunities to clean their slate, get decent jobs, get schooling reestablished, set up in housing, counseled on interviewing but still only 10% use the programs that business people, colleges, political leaders and everyday people who are trying to help them put countless hours into. About 50% refuse to let go of their hatred for other races no matter how much someone gives of themselves trying to get through to them. I see them direct racism/hate at anyone who will not allow them to do whatever they want whenever they want. They wield it like a club because society has taught them it works. You buy it and theirs my proof.

    Lastly you know nothing of of their privileges so you assume I get. Well here is the truth. Being a white male State Contractor I must keep my bids on any Federal, State, County or City contract 15% lower than any company run by a Black, Hispanic, Native American or Female for it to be considered. If my bid is only 14% lower it is tossed aside and not even considered. Why?
    When I needed hernia surgery and my son's medical bills were $250K over my insurance cap and I could not afford my deductible I went to the Acorn Clinic and county health clinic to seek assistance but was told I was not eligible. I was the only white guy in rooms that were full of Black, Hispanic and White Females all getting assistance. I'd bet all of them were not in the financial hole I was in. So don't point a finger at people you obviously know nothing about. How much time have you donated to assisting these kids develop a way out of their lives with no future? How many jobs have you secured them? How many have you employed?

  14. garybuick

    garybuick Time Traveler

    Because the government is racist against whites and your testimony is irrefutable proof of that fact.
  15. 66gsconv

    66gsconv nailhead apprentice

    Seems to me many get a fair shake. The schools districts that they go to around here are the best. They are trying to keep it that way but the students just slowly erode the district. and once they become unaccredited they bus them or taxi cab them to schools of there choice. If you are Black and you decide to study and learn in school like you are suppose to the sky is the limit. All the kids getting free rides to major collages and not even studying blows my mind and then just come back to the concrete jungle and do nothing. There have been a few big name ball players from Mizzou in the last few years in the news here for killing people after 4 year full rides were up. Weapon of choice for both young men was 12 guage shot gun. You could go on for hours about this stuff so I wont. This all leads back to the ferguson riots and two cops being killed. I wonder about this for years, back in the day say in the 20s and 30s and 40s there were big and roaming white gangs. Irish and Italian mostly from what I have read about. The FBI went after them with full force and tommy guns. Now days we have well known gangs out in the open, bloods, crips , ms 13 and others and half of them illegals why are we letting them just shot up citys? Its the gang and thug mentality and bad parenting that is hurting these kids.I Should of listened to my parents and been a lawyer or doctor then I could of been a rich white guy Like Joe claims :Smarty:
  16. 442w30

    442w30 Well-Known Member

  17. Lebowski

    Lebowski Mark it 8, Dude...

  18. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

  19. buicksstage1

    buicksstage1 Well-Known Member

  20. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    The best thing he can do is apologize to the police and resign from office.
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