Major Eastern Snowstorm Alert for Next Friday-Saturday

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by flynbuick, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. my69buford

    my69buford Silver Level contributor

    Yep... just up the road from me. The Red Cross was putting them up in the local high school last night. And the interchange Sheetz convenience store made around 250 subs to deliver to the stranded motorists.

    Problem was a tractor trailer had blocked the west bound lanes Friday night after it started snowing and that was it. It came down so heavy they couldn't get the plows through.

    Sorry but with all the forecasts calling for this people still did not take it seriously enough to stay put.
  2. DeeVeeEight

    DeeVeeEight Well-Known Member

    I just got done with the snow blower, cleaned out my driveway and a couple of the elder neighbors driveways too. We got about 2 feet of snow all told. I don't know about those folks stranded on the roads but I had enough sense and was forewarned so I stayed home. I even had a customer that wanted me to come out in the middle of the storm for a service call but I declined, the risk just wasn't worth it.
  3. BrunoD

    BrunoD Looking for Fast Eddie

    Well,according to the TV reports,we got the biggest snowfall ever,29 inches all total.If anybody has cleaned their driveway,traveling today its fairly good.I have 3 cars on my driveway,both end cars are buried in snow.It will take me a few days to clean that up,unless some young people come around and want to make a few bucks..Bruno.
  4. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    Doug -- next time, rather that getting a snowstorm resulting in overtime for you, it may be cheaper for the rest of us just to take up a collection.:dollar:
  5. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482

    That was an impressive 7 day forecast with those euro models Jim.. Keep an eye on them, and let me know when on of those is blowing my way..

    I was happy to watch this one on TV, having lived thru 28" on Halloween '91, and 18" a week or so later..

  6. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Jim, didn't thee NAM model more accurately predict what we got?
  7. tufbuick

    tufbuick RIP

    LARRY, get your azz out to Bruno and shovel his snow.

    Otherwise no Italian dinner for you ! ! ! :bla:
  8. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    Darned! I love Italian cuisine. If only I lived closer.......................
    I hope everyone is still safe & warm.
  9. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    When I last looked at the NAM( North American Model) it was way off base.
  10. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

  11. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

  12. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    Alan is well known here and in post 89 supra.
  13. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    Okay, looked at screen name. Looks totally different in his post though. Sure likes to have fun! :laugh:
  14. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    Alan Wander is one sore, tired puppy .. I've been at it since 10am and just finished (5:30p)

    Prolly got 30 or so inches but it was the drifts that were killer. I had 3 of them .. 10feet wide, 15' long and about 6' high and that drift snow isn't like regular stuff - its super compacted. You could make Igloo's out of it

    .. and I thought having a 75' long x 2.5 car wide driveway was a good Idea.

    On top of all that, I put a patio in the back this summer thats 20' wide x 40' long that i had to clear :Dou:
  15. tufbuick

    tufbuick RIP

    I know Alan many years, yes that is him for sure.

    Didn't you know he's in the witness protection program.
    He used to dress up as "BARNEY" but someone took some pot shots at him and he is now
    Dino the Dinasaur. They told him his next descise he'll be a JackAss ,how appropriate !!!:grin:

  16. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Meteorologists..... or as I like to refer to them as, frequent liars
  17. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    .. nothing like some retired used car salesman humor to liven up a thread :shock:
  18. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    Bruno - If LIRR isn't running tomorrow I'll head out your way and help unbury you .. and visit Mom

    .. but to be honest, I'm hoping some of those mice young kids ring your doorbell
  19. GSX 554

    GSX 554 Gold Level Contributor

    Thanks Jim Lore . Keep your eye on those reports . They were almost perfect for the Amount of snow we got here. Almost 24 inches at Philly Airpot and right on the nose at 26 here where I am.

    Why was it it the European model predicted it right 3 days before our local weathermen even started to " TALK " about it ????????????????????????????
  20. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Yep, that's Alan "T Rex" Wander alright:laugh:

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