I only want to know, "What are you doing for fun!"

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Waterboy, Apr 2, 2020.

  1. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    IMG_8173.JPG IMG_8174.JPG IMG_8176.JPG IMG_8177.JPG IMG_8178.JPG After the car cruise, the grandkids and the neighbors daughter had an Easter egg hunt.
  2. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    After the Easter egg hunt we all sat down for dinner. My grandson climbed a tree instead of eating, and my grand daughter placed my newly acquired Do Not Enter sign at the entrance of her fort. The end... IMG_8180.JPG IMG_8181.JPG IMG_8182.JPG
  3. 1972Mach1

    1972Mach1 Just some M.M.O.G. guy.....

    Easter: Fixed an oil leak at the fuel pump on the Caddy today, did some quick detailing to the pump and surrounding engine area. Took Chopper out for a test drive, he does not like the seat material in the new ride and stayed super close to me the whole time. Poor guy hasn't had a grooming in almost 2 months..... Got out some of my vintage Cliffhangers slot car track and got it going. I've got close to 400 feet of track and 10 cars I bought a few years ago with my first bonus check. I had a whole room dedicated just to the slots until I got responsible and decided I better turn it back into a proper guest room.
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    Smokey15 and Waterboy like this.
  4. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    Nice job John... Tell the T bucket guy his steering wheel is on upside down LOL... ws

    (Yeah, I still got my Christmas lights up. Don't judge me.)

    Non judging from here.. keepem' up and they'll become kwanzaa lights in a few weeks!:eek: Around here the christmas light cops show up with a notice to take the stuff down.

    Is that Caddy fuel pump really on top of the motor next to that plastic fuel filter ??
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
    Waterboy likes this.

    BUICKRAT Got any treats?

    Gotta love those cliffhangers. We launched cars all over the room with that set!
    1972Mach1 likes this.
  6. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Your race track looks like a blast! Is your young lady racing with you? I see a Bud light and a bottle of water??? Maybe you're doing an experiment and trying to make one of my cheap azz beers, a Natty light?
    I polished aluminum all day. Whoa, whoa, whoa, I thought this thread was supposed to be about fun stuff? I actually like making raw aluminum shine. It is a process though.
    I needed some L brackets to bolt my new LED tail lights onto the sandrail. So the new Do Not Enter sign I appropriated Friday was taken apart. It had 3 aluminum supports. I cut one of them up to be my brackets. Then I drilled out the holes. Then I sanded it with one of those triangle vibrating tools? You dry sand it until all the scratches and gouges are gone. Then wet sanding with 500, 800, 1000, and 2000.I skipped 1500 and I don't have any 3000. Then polish them. That took all day. They came out nice, in my opinion. Coulda been better. Coulda been worse.
  7. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    IMG_8214.JPG IMG_8237.JPG IMG_8318.PNG IMG_8321.JPG IMG_8322.JPG
    Oops, I accidentally included a picture of my new gf. She doesn't know it yet.:)>
  8. 70staged

    70staged Well-Known Member

    I’m working and nothing but working so no fun here, but gotta pay the bills
    red67wildcat and Waterboy like this.
  9. gs66

    gs66 Silver Level contributor

    I’m trying hard not to buy another car, but it’s hard. There’s a lot of nice cars for sale out there and I have too much time on my hands.
    Waterboy and 1972Mach1 like this.
  10. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    70staged, I hear you on the work part. Working and paying bills is not fun, but it is good.

    gs66 (Jim), You and my son should hangout together. I think he has spent his "government check" 50 different ways, and he hasn't even gotten it yet! I'm pretty sure his wife is pointing him in a direction. She wants a side by side. I believe he's going over to Tampa Wednesday to buy one. But then again, his mind changes as fast as new ads are put up. Crazy boy!
  11. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    The kid next door: My nephew and his wife live right behind us. They have 3 awesome kids, at least in my opinion. It's a blast watching them playing in the backyard, and with my grand kids in the afternoon. Their youngest one, Hunter, is 2 years old. He is a BRUTE!!! Even on cold days this past winter he would be playing outside with no shoes or shirt. It's dam near impossible to keep shoes on that boy! (I should call him "caveman!") We have this above ground pool ladder that usually goes over the backyard fence so the kids can go back and forth. We pull it mostly over to my side at the end of the day so Hunter can't escape his backyard in the morning. Yesterday Alex and I are checking out my progress on the sandrail. We're in the very back of the yard under the carport. We see Hunter come into my backyard. That means he escaped! He goes over to the ladder, shakes it vigorously, and it slides slowly back into his yard. You can see by the expression on his face that he is very pleased with his accomplishment!!! Then he climbs it back into his yard. I was laughing soooo hard I about fell over!!!

    A couple of months ago... I got up one Saturday morning and the screen is busted out of my screen porch. That's weird??? My son and wife saw it too. My son told my wife, "Dad must have been drunk and fell out of the porch." Ha ha ha. Very funny. I knew that didn't happen, (this time), because I had no scrapes on my body, and the bushes weren't knocked down. I fixed the screen. Next day it was broken again. This kept happening. Very weird!!! Finally one day I saw the BRUTE, Hunter, take my water cup, go over to the water cooler, fill the cup up, walk over to the screen, push the screen out, and water the plants!!! Funny as hell! I told my wife the mystery was solved. She asked if I yelled at Hunter? I said, No. It's way to funny and he'll grow out of it. He did.

    One Friday evening we got a bucket of chicken for dinner. We're all sitting at the picnic table. Hunter comes over. He sees the chicken. With a big smile, he points at the bucket of chicken and says, "ME!" We laughed and let him pick out a piece of chicken. This little kid picks out a whole chicken breast!!! Ain't no way he's going to be able to eat all that!!!

    A few weeks ago Alex and I are going to take the sandrail over to our buddies' house. It's dark, but I can clearly feel the key doesn't want to go into the ignition. We get a flashlight. Sure enough, Hunter attacked again! There is a stick broken off in the ignition. I guess he tried to start it and gave up when his stick broke!

    I went looking for some pictures to post of Hunter. I've got tons of pictures of the kids in the backyard. Would you believe only one of them has him shirtless. Unbelievable! IMG_7177.JPG IMG_7191.JPG IMG_7743.JPG IMG_7763.JPG

    Attached Files:

    1972Mach1 and 300sbb_overkill like this.
  12. faster

    faster Well-Known Member

    Cutting the grass with my self propelled lawnmowers while I sit on the back porch drinking a beer waiting for the rain.

    Lawn Mowers.jpg

  13. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    It looks like they're doing a really good job Mikey! :)
  14. punk55

    punk55 West Texas Buicks

    B80227FC-E30B-45E6-859C-0639CBB07BAD.jpeg 0B690284-98FD-4B30-AE78-E07C808724EA.jpeg EF340732-0A34-472D-B78C-4639A0398BA4.jpeg My wife of 39 years today and I took a road trip to Fredericksburg Tx to look at wildflowers. It was a fun trip and a nice day away from the house ( shelter in place) 3C8D39E0-11C6-4391-8C4C-326B9C263631.jpeg
  15. Cnd72sky455

    Cnd72sky455 Well-Known Member

    Waterboy and 1972Mach1 like this.
  16. 1972Mach1

    1972Mach1 Just some M.M.O.G. guy.....

    Made the track a little bigger last night.
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    Waterboy, tubecatgs and 2001ws6 like this.
  17. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Pooped I tell ya, just plain pooped! I spent the entire week working on the sandrail. First I'll beach at my youngest son. He works at Sherwood Williams. He got me the primer and paint. I know he meant well, but it didn't work out right. He wanted a real tough primer that could take abuse and not chip or scratch. He got me some primer that was thick as peanut butter. I tried it on a test piece of metal. No, no, no. It didn't brush on very well at all! The next primer was much better. I primed the entire sandrail and was very pleased, until the next morning. Turns out that being it was a water, latex, based primer it caused rust everywhere. No, no, no!!! I sanded it all off, and let me tell you... It was as tough as it says it is. Talk about working backwards! The next primer I picked out. It was right on the shelf where he worked. An oil based primer made for enamel paint. I finished it yesterday. My arms are rubber today! To much painting, sanding, and repainting. Sure am glad it's all in primer now.
    My mess ups, and things I learned along the way. Mess up #1. I spilled about a 1/2 a quart down my leg and into my shoe. What a mess!!! I was almost finished and was happy with the job, so I just continued working. Next mess up was reaching for a hard spot to paint and I got my beard stuck in some just painted primer. It's not to bad though. Kinda looks like I popped a full mosquito in my beard. Oh well.
    Things I learned... Start painting the inside frame bars and work my way towards the outside. Also start at the bottom and work upwards. Last thing I learned... painting round frame bars takes way longer than painting a flat surface! Yesterday I only had to do less than the back half. I figured an hour or two at the most. It took all day!!! No painting today. I need a day of rest! The lawn really needs mowing too. Any volunteers?
    I'll post some pictures in a minute
    Smokey15 and 300sbb_overkill like this.
  18. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    The first 2 pictures are what I finished Thursday. I just had to do less than the back half. It took forever! IMG_8346.JPG IMG_8347.JPG IMG_8352.JPG IMG_8353.JPG IMG_8354.JPG The last picture clearly shows where I dumped paint down my leg.
    Smokey15 and 300sbb_overkill like this.
  19. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    Just as I finished painting my oldest came over. He took me to the store to buy my favorite liquid refreshment. We came home and were sitting back relaxing. The kids were playing in the backyard. Before we knew it they were hanging a cable in the tree. That's when we got a crazy idea. Build the kids a zip line! We had the idea in our heads for weeks. We just never got around to it. We had the cable and we had cable ties. I found a T handle with a pulley on it that I used for my therapy exercises. We're putting it all together and my wife starts beaching. "You're going to kill those kids!" I told her to stop beaching because we're going to do it anyway. She got mad and went in the house. She missed a lot of fun!!! Alex's wife tried it first to see if it was safe. She gave it the thumbs up!
    Pictures will be up in a minute...
  20. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

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