i gots the covid

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by nekkidhillbilly, Aug 14, 2021.

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  1. nekkidhillbilly

    nekkidhillbilly jeffreyrigged youtube channel owner

    im not bringing politics in it. just wanted everyone to know why ive been offline or why ive been slow getting back to them. i also wanted to share my experiences for people who may get this or are on the fence about the vaccines. i personally thought it was just a ear infection at first due to i get those from wearing headsets at work alot. so if you get what you think is run of the mill sinus infection ear etc sniffle etc... i recomend getting checked.
    69GS430/TKX likes this.
  2. nekkidhillbilly

    nekkidhillbilly jeffreyrigged youtube channel owner

    i think it will be like swine flu. sorry if my typing is a bit wonky im kinda dazed. anyway i caught that was the only person in the state at the time. it was tons worse than this has been on me i truly felt like i was deaths door. but now is not much different than the other flu. herd immunity with vaccines and better treatment i think helped that. the one thing i will say about politics and this is for both sides it should have never been part of the virus handeling and thats all i say and i dont want this to come to a political post cause its not.
    Waterboy and 69GS430/TKX like this.
  3. nekkidhillbilly

    nekkidhillbilly jeffreyrigged youtube channel owner

    ive got what they give me which was the zinc a z pack vitiam c and vitiam d3. ive also used tylenol and some claritin with it..............and i have drank a little bourbon but not much just to break a fever. coffee and caffinated stuff has helped some too even though i dont usually drink them as well as lots of fluids. i would try that but i can only take what they offered me.
    69GS430/TKX and docgsx like this.
  4. nekkidhillbilly

    nekkidhillbilly jeffreyrigged youtube channel owner

    also i havent lost any smell or taste at all. i cant smell well but thats because my nose is runny. my wife cant smell but can taste fine.
  5. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    Everyne gets vaccinated = fewer than 1 in 1,000,000 die from complications or breakthrough covid, plus no more covid.

    Cannot prove it anymore than I can prove that atoms exist or water is H2O or the earth is round or the earth orbits the sun or the moon isnt made of cheese or the sun is powered by fission or any of a million other things.

    Some things are just facts.

    Fact: vaccines can ersdicste disease.
    Fact: if we all got vaxxed, dying & severe complications would all but end.

    "Prove it" when faced with facts = cop out.
  6. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    So does lack of taste or smell really mess with your head? 100% gone?
  7. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    Wife says I have no taste as is, and that being around me makes her wish she had no sense of smell, but those are separate issues.
    69GS430/TKX likes this.
  8. nekkidhillbilly

    nekkidhillbilly jeffreyrigged youtube channel owner

    i mean idk i still have both. she said smell didnt really bother her. taste may. appetite sucks right now anyway.
  9. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    I have no taste or smell, and it suppresses my appetite pretty significantly. I have to force myself to eat.

    That, and it would be nice to know if the house is going to blow up from a gas leak or something.
    69GS430/TKX and 2manybuicks like this.
  10. nekkidhillbilly

    nekkidhillbilly jeffreyrigged youtube channel owner

    my stomach has been iffy but i can taste and smell ok
  11. 446379H

    446379H Well-Known Member

    That’s as of July . Old news . Also , the majority of children hospitalized right now are RSV , usually we don’t see cases until fall .
  12. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    Despite the lame stream media narrative it’s the vaccinated people that are more likely to get and spread Covid. See attached.

    This is an experiment, over 12,000 people have died within the USA working 3 days of getting the shot (VAERS data). An emergency use authorization was allowed by the FDA but these are not FDA approved. No long term testing, participants are literally lab rats in this experiment as they skipped the animal testing. There will be Nuremberg trials again, people will be held accountable.

    We have a great doctor here in BC who tested hundreds of his patients who had been jabbed and found 62% of them had clotting issues. He used the D dimer test which shows recent micro clots.

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    Last edited: Aug 15, 2021
  13. 71GS455

    71GS455 Best Package Wins!

    July was literally two weeks ago - how is that old news?
    BYoung likes this.
  14. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    You hit the nail on the head with “informed consent”. That’s the main issue right now. People are not shown the risks of this gene therapy, in fact the risks are hidden, deleted and censored. People literally can’t get the facts about these shots, unless they dig very very hard and they need to know where to look. Billions of $ are spent on propaganda to push big pharma. And even more money is spent deleting and censoring the truth. The truth will be exposed, it always is.

    Here is a funny one. Phizer CEO couldn’t visit a country as he wasn’t vaccinated

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  15. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    sorry I read everything you typed but there are no FACTS in your post.
  16. Max Damage

    Max Damage I'm working on it!

    Go and look at the death statistics. Since July more than 97% of deaths, closer to 99% In some areas are unvaccinated.

  17. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    Exactly -- because the facts are too complicated and even if top scientists explained it in perfect detail, most anti-vaxxers would dismiss the facts anyway. Kinda like converting a flat earther -- aint gonna happen. Or any other science denier: if they think science is a fraud, how do you use that same science to convince them otherwise?

    Differrnce is that the flat-earthers arrn't killing themselves or getting anyone else killed, ther than that one idiot with a rocket.

    Anti-vaxxers won't trust the science behind the vax, but will rush off to buy horse dewormer and slurp it down because some idiot on facebook said to do it.
    68Rivi_In_Cali likes this.
  18. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

  19. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    Talk abou mt totatally lacking in facts...
    68Rivi_In_Cali likes this.
  20. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

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