How many men on here are single??

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by buickman69, May 5, 2004.

  1. joy51872

    joy51872 Well-Known Member

    Very nice pics guys! Keep 'em coming!! :TU:
  2. joy51872

    joy51872 Well-Known Member

    Inquiring minds wanna know........

    Ok, here's my question for the single guys....Why is it that most men say they want a woman who is funny, financially secure, good looking, intelligent, etc. Then when they meet/date someone who fits the description, it's 'intimidating' to them?? What is that all about? Is it best for us to play the 'bimbo' part?? :Smarty:
  3. Roberta

    Roberta Buick Berta

    Here he is! Shane

    And his car, Winner of Super 8 at Morocco, in 2002!
    He should be the November picture, as his BD is 11/26!
  4. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Super Moderator Staff Member


    The bimbo part is always nice...KIDDING!!!! :pp

    No, the bimbo gig gets VERY old after a while and I'm not intimidated by what you said before, not by any means....I'd love to meet someone with the qualities you've mentioned above...who wouldn't??

    It would be especially nice if that certain someone didn't live with her boyfriend!!! :Dou: :Dou: That's a story for another day....

    As I've gotten older, I look more for the simple ability to be able to carry on a conversation as a strong selling point. My mind needs to be "stimulated" as well, catch my drift? Much more now than when I was younger and attracted to people just because of the way they looked. Of course, if you're not physically attracted to someone, that whole dating thing just ain't gonna work. I mean, when you first meet someone, what's the first thing you see?? Them, not their "personality" or wallet..

    If that person has even a few of the qualities you've mentioned above, that's like hitting the lottery!!
  5. 72Rivguy

    72Rivguy Carl, Buicks Are the Best


    42 and happily single here. I'm pretty sure that the odds of meeting other singles goes up when you're actually out there where people are socializing, instead of yet another late night in the garage working on the Buick. Of course, I love the cruising in it.
  6. Annie Oakley

    Annie Oakley Well-Known Member


    You mean you can't find a man that fits that description in TEXAS??? That really makes me wonder about my new 'plan'.

    I'm sorry Michigan dudes, but I'm finding way too many sissy city boys and not enough MEN. I'm fairly ignorant about cars, but I can find men that know less than me. Men with 'girlhands' (Seinfeld reference), that spent more time on their hair than I did, can't back up a trailer, and think that peeing on the electric fence is fatal!! :Do No:

    So I did my standard personal ads search, but I changed the zip code to places like Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Georgia; etc. MEN! MEN! Hunting, fishing, truck driving, flannel wearing, good looking, boot wearing, employed men with decent attitudes and good redneck values. :beer

    I was actually thinking that I may move down that way.......but maybe it only looks good on the outside???????

    Just give me a Good Ol Boy and I won't even care if he's driving a Dodge. :bglasses:
  7. joy51872

    joy51872 Well-Known Member

    As far as conversation, I'll take that over looks any day, in the end, a man and woman sitting on a front porch at 80 years old talking over a cup of coffee is a good marriage/relationship. But, is hard to find a guy who can carry on an intelligent conversation for more than 10 minutes. I look a bit younger than my age (32), so I get the 22-26 year olds that half of them still live with mommy and daddy. Sounds like you need to do some investigating before getting involved with taken ladies :Brow: Those relationships are difficult to make work considering the circumstances on how they started.
  8. BuickTagAlong

    BuickTagAlong Rachel

    Not intimidated.

    I think a man would never want his woman to play the bimbo part (unless you're ummm...ya know roll playing! :Brow: ). I don't know about it being an intimidation factor as much as they think that a woman like that has to already taken or they think "why would she want me?".
    That's usually the case. Right or wrong? :Do No:

  9. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Super Moderator Staff Member


    I couldn't help myself...I got caught up in a whirlwind that's not even remotely close to stopping.... :Dou: :Dou: I know...I need help.... :Smarty: ANYway.....


    The whole intimidation thing is what prevents a lot of people from approaching someone they might be interested in, when in fact, most of the time, that person you're approaching feels the same way...NERVOUS!!

    A simple "hi" usually works for may sound simple but it's a great icebreaker... :Brow:

    You don't know if you don't try, right?? I mean, c'mon, it's not rocket science...

    By the way, role playing's a blast :laugh: :laugh:
  10. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    caving in..

    23/M/St. Louis, MO

    :grin: :spank:

    I'm on the left...(picture taken at my college graduation drink-a-thon/party)

    Attached Files:

  11. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Super Moderator Staff Member

    Is a Leo, likes long walks on the beach, dinners during sunset.... :laugh: :laugh:

    Sorry Adam, I couldn't resist.... :grin:
  12. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    That's the idea Brett:laugh:

    But I'm a Cancer:rant::moonu:
  13. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Super Moderator Staff Member

    Hey, I was CLOSE!! Not a bad guess... :Do No:
  14. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482

    Let me spell it out for you... G-I-R-L-Y-M-E-N

    Intimidated.. give me a break..

    My last girlfriend, who I actually was engaged to for 4 years (luckily came to my senses in time) was all the above, plus rich.. not secure.. rich.. wasn't when we first met, but came into the family $$ while we were dating.

    Never once was I intimidated.. can't get my head around that one..

    Reason I dumped her?... she was a cold fish... and life is too short to go thru it with no snuggling.. Her Mom was the same way.

    Other than that, she was perfect.

    I have always made it a practice, if I'm out at the local bar/dance club, to make sure I talk to the best looking girl in the place.. what's the worst thing she can say.. no?.. big deal. In fact, that is exactly how I met the girl I almost married. Walked up and said "Hi".

    And your right.. most guys would never go up to them.. it's the "too hot" syndrome.

    JW (sitting at this dang computer at 7:30 on a Sat Night.. but hey, I just got home from work)

    Hey Adam, how was the date last night?

    edit.... nevermind Adam.. read the "rant" thread... ouch...
  15. mygrain

    mygrain quivering member

    Im 19 and certainly not married. I have an on/off girlfriend that Ive been seeing for about a year now. Id rather spend my time on my 3 buicks.
    Wong Amat Beach
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2011
  16. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    I've had better...

    I'm still scratching my head over it :puzzled:


    NEXT! :cool:
  17. joy51872

    joy51872 Well-Known Member

    Perhaps I need to clarify, I personally never said I was intimidating however have been told that numerous times. I'm the most friendly, outgoing person, can talk to any walk of life, so that was my question, why do alot of men find that intimidating??? As far as girlymen, I've dated guys who cry at chick flicks (which I can't understand how a man can be so sensitive) to men who are cold hearted, with few desirable warm personality traits. Soooo, am not sure what theory applies..... Jim, if you want to figure out why they think that way, I'm thinkin' I'll go to the local watering hole tonight and take a poll for ya!! :beer
  18. Topcat

    Topcat Got TORQUE?

    Brian,that's an early Pro Stock scoop that i put on the hood in the 2nd floor
    bedroom of an apartment complex....jig-sawed,glassed and painted :laugh:
    That's a '67 that never caught me...good ol' switch-pitch!(and 4:45gears)
    The car is still around,but the hood went to the crusher on this GS Wildcat
    that came out of Cleveland OH(a factory BLACK one :( )
    Gary....Speedo's are still sold at better sporting good's stores :Brow:
    Danie' ....whatever photos you need,let me know :grin:

    Peace WildBill

    Attached Files:

  19. Mister T

    Mister T Just truckin' around

    JW, that's definitely a strong statement to be making about most men.

    In fact, there are very very few things in this world that do intimidate me.

    Everyone has one, or more things in which they are extremely confident of doing, and doing successfully. Whether it be meeting/dating the most desirable man/woman, building racing engines, making hamburgers, or just sweeping the floor. :)

    If Ah-nuld were to refer to me as "Girlyman", I would find it hilarious, then I'd "Pump You Up". :laugh:

    For now, I happy being single, so I can re-energize myself, and release what little leftover baggage that's still in my system. :TU:

    How 'bout that, I'm feeling better already, perhaps your first comment was what was needed.
  20. Topless64-455

    Topless64-455 Well-Known Member

    on & off girlfriend

    The best kind to have :TU: when you on :grin: when your off :3gears:

    :Smarty: your daily lesson

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