How many men on here are single??

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by buickman69, May 5, 2004.

  1. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482

    :laugh: :laugh:

    ha.. maybe if this whole Buick thing doesn't work out, I can get a late night radio call in show..

    call it "confidence building by pissing folks off"....

    :rant: :rant:

    :laugh: seemed to work in this case..

    Serioiusly, I don't think that is the deal with most guys.. I think it is actually a small minority. Yes, it's tough to put yourself out there, and we all have been walked all over before, but you just have to do it. Most guys are already married by my age, since they, at some point in time, got the courage to talk to "that girl".

    But there are a lot of guys my age, and a little older, who, for one reason or another, just never got married. I almost did, (twice), but both times I realized that the rest of my life was a long time, and this person was "not the one". I personally was never happy working for someone, and I knew that I would not be happy unless I worked for myself, but it took a while for everything to fall into place so that could be a reality. And both those women, were too concerned with the material stuff they had to have, to allow me the latitude to go out on my own. I am quite sure there are a bunch of guys reading this, nodding their head, knowing exactly what I mean.

    Speaking of that.. time to hit the hay.. got to get some work done tomorrow.

  2. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    Would the bubble gum candy cigs that smoke give the same effect??

    Anything I can do to help weed out the crazies.
  3. 70 Skylark Conv

    70 Skylark Conv Well-Known Member

    LOTTERY RIGHT HERE!!! Just waiting to be treated like a million $$$. :laugh:

    Just wondering why everything is so great at first (when a guy says you are sooooo perfect), and then the guy starts treating you like you're just another one of the girls and not that "special" one he said you were.

    Anyone got any answers to that???? :jd:
  4. 70 Skylark Conv

    70 Skylark Conv Well-Known Member

    Been in Texas all my life and still haven't found a good one here.

    I had what I thought was a pretty good one that moved all the way from Iowa to be with me. Thought he was the one. Way too much baggage for me. Guess he thought I'd put up with all that baggage when I have NONE! :Dou: His minuses keep racking up and up and up. :ball:
  5. GS Kubisch

    GS Kubisch THE "CUT-UP" BUICK

    Because Dee.......Guys are lazy by nature......And Girls are insecure by nature.....So then when a Girl wants to hear over and over things you've already said it becomes "High Maintenance" and most guys will get frustrated.

    I heard a quote once that I thought was perfect.......Husband to Wife..."I love you and I'll let you know if anything changes".

    Still waiting for you practice shots for the calendar....... :pp
  6. 70 Skylark Conv

    70 Skylark Conv Well-Known Member

    Okay Jim, where's your pic.??? I've always heard of the famous "Jim Weise" but have no idea who he is.

    I'm back on the computer after one heck of an exciting weekend!!!! :af: :(
  7. 70 Skylark Conv

    70 Skylark Conv Well-Known Member

    Very secure in myself. Very secure when in a good relationship (and I don't need to hear the dopey stuff all the time). When insecurity starts for me in a relationship, there's something very wrong with the relationship. All the dopey stuff in the world won't help an insecure relationship.

    Okay, here's me practing my pose on my Z28 circ. 1987. :eek2:

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  8. D-Con

    D-Con Kills Rats and Mice

    Is that the same time that the woman starts to think it's time for the guy to start changing? :pp

    Honestly, it's probably when lust starts to subside and reality starts to set in. You start to see each other's warts. Either you learn to appreciate them, or you don't.
  9. joy51872

    joy51872 Well-Known Member

    My peeve is when I date a guy for a month or 2 and he starts with the 'I love you', 'You're the woman I want to marry', wants me to be on a leash, blah blah blah....GEEZ, now THAT is a turn off!! :rant: :spank: I'm not a jealous nor insecure woman which translates to them that I don't care, now that is 2nd on my extremely short list of peeves, Insecure men....what is wrong with going out, having fun, letting things develop naturally??? Ok, I feel better now :laugh:
  10. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Super Moderator Staff Member

    Who are these men you're dating?? :shock: Good lord!!
  11. joy51872

    joy51872 Well-Known Member

    90% of them are like that :spank: Drives me bonkers!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. D-Con

    D-Con Kills Rats and Mice

    I'm sure you are a great gal, but you must be something really special for a guy to blurt out something like that! That goes against the "men's unwritten rule book" :Do No:

    Maybe you had better post a photo so we can narrow down the reasoning behind these outrageous outbursts. :Comp:
  13. Roberta

    Roberta Buick Berta


    Ok, I've been reading this thread since it began and just want to jump in and say a couple things, Girls? are you happy with your life? and if the right guy jumped in would you still be happy? Lots to think about, had a preacher/lawyer tell me back in '97 when I was in the mist of divorce that, if you can put up with their s**t and they can put up with your s**t, you will be ok, otherwise forget it! That's the way it is, I can rebuild an engine, paint a car, rebuild a 4 speed trans, no automatics, but someday, I will learn, replace a hot water heater, install a gas valve for my new dryer, rebuild a carb on the kitchen table in the middle of winter, install a starter in a '64 Electra in a K-mart parking lot in the slush of winter, etc, etc, and scare every guy around, sure I like to have some help, but it has to be 'good' help when I know where his tools are and can hand them to him before he has to ask for 'em. Duh! Like I do at all my friend's garage's, it amazing to them, how I can find a tool or part, cause we all sort of think the same! But now matter what you do in life you have to find a way to be happy, with or without a partner/spouse/ or whatever, just be cool with yourself! R
  14. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Super Moderator Staff Member

    Yeah...what he said... :Brow:

    Also, I've heard that "unwritten rule book" is now available on audio tape.... :laugh:
  15. 69buick455kid

    69buick455kid Well-Known Member


    Plain on being Single til I get all my Toys and shop built, hehe :laugh:
  16. Skwee-G

    Skwee-G Semper Ubi Sub Ubi

    Blissfully Single

    A good book out there from a guy who is probably the most hated man in America about now.
    A bit vulgar in places, but he gets his point across quite brutally.
    He is a self professed former (?) gigolo type guy.
    The book is:

    He's Just Not That Into You

    Author (s) Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo

    The dialogs could easily be a man questioning the same behaviors about a woman he is interested in though...

    And as for me...

    I understand there have been others before me, but, if an evenings conversation consists of someone blathering about EX anybody in sordid graphic detail, I am looking for the trap door to escape.
    What I am hearing is someone who is probably not ready for a new relationship and quite possibly still has a torch burning for one of them.
    Plus, if they are dragging a whole boatload of also-rans through the mud that means I am probably next in the hopper to be trashed with the next one who didn't want to be an unpaid problem dump grounds.
    Quite tacky,let me out of here!!!

    The cool guy doesn't circle like a scene out of Jaws, makes direct eye contact, is smiling, asks questions about me and shows GENUINE interest in me as a person.
    The car thing is OK but don't dig a One Trick Pony, how about showing me how far you can shoot a rubber band, the utimate paper airplane or inviting me to your place for a little dinner that only you can cook??
  17. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482

    Have no pictures of myself on my computer, but stole one from Yardley's site..

    I am the tall one in the Green T-Shirt.

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  18. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482

    Heck, it's on CD ROM now.. so it can be downloaded to a Palm Pilot, for easy refresher's in the bathroom of the bar.. before you do something stupid..

    IN that case, refer to the sections titled "Beer Goggles, Coyote Ugly, and "taking one for the team", and search the appendix for all topics containing "what was I thinking"... :Dou:

    And yes, Adam, you took the words right out of my mouth.. we are going have to see a pic here, so we can get a ruleing here..

    Is Joy really that hot, does she attract "clingy Curts" , or some combo of both..

    All right... let's have that pic.. :Brow:

  19. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482

    So what's number 1?

    Inquiring minds want to know..

    Just trying to help out my bro's, who live closer than 4 states away..



    PS.. say "hi" to your Pop for me, next time you see him.
  20. 72Rivguy

    72Rivguy Carl, Buicks Are the Best

    Now what to do with the singles?

    Now that we know there are both single men and women into Buicks out there, it's time to organize some events where some actual interaction can take place. Are there enough Buick enthusuasts out there in any of the bigger cities to make it happen? A car show/meet and greet maybe? And the married folks would be encouraged to bring their single friends....

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