First time for me,...I hope

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by hugger, Apr 20, 2022.

  1. Fred Hickey

    Fred Hickey Founders Club Member

    Agreed, between the spare parts, tools, camping gear, beer and ice, I’m not sure how I’ll get out of the driveway…
    FLGS400 likes this.
  2. 1969RIVI

    1969RIVI Well-Known Member

    I've been wanting to drive my Riv from Wasaga Beach Ontario Canada to the Nats but due to covid and having no engine in the car that hasn't been possible. By next year the car should be up to the task for that long round trip but hopefully the gas prices come back down then.:(
  3. Mart

    Mart Gold level member

    They are still on their way up. $5+ for high test.
  4. 1969RIVI

    1969RIVI Well-Known Member

    Yeh I know:(. It's $2.34CDN/ liter here for 93 octane
  5. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    I’m sure $10 is coming
  6. Prairie Piston

    Prairie Piston Well-Known Member

    @cole weren’t we just talking about this yesterday! Maybe some inspiration to get your 400 going while waiting on the other to get out of body shop jail!
  7. mrolds69

    mrolds69 "The Cure"

    I honestly never thought it would happen! Congrats on getting the car mostly done and there, Ethan. It ran great, too.

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