Serious Question about Global Warming

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 2manybuicks, Nov 2, 2007.

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  1. Buick Dave

    Buick Dave Well-Known Member

    So there is a bright side!!! After "the big rock" strikes mother earth...home sweet home...what ever you want to call it....we...collectively..........and literally...will become the fuel for the NEXT industrial revoution, er..lifelike warmblooded life form. We will all be worshiped!!!
  2. whamo

    whamo 454 71 skylark custom

    Last edited: Dec 4, 2007
  3. CanadianBird

    CanadianBird Silver Level contributor

    You are very confrontational. Life must not be easy for you.
  4. whamo

    whamo 454 71 skylark custom

    Excellent post Bob! You should be wary of using facts though. The religious zealots of environmental extremism wont let facts or scientific method stand in their way.
  5. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    You are very confrontational. Life must not be easy for you.

    oh, so we're moving to ad hominem assertions now are we? very well.

    when continually faced with people who insist that I must do what THEY want in spite of almost unlimited evidence that everything they have said is a lie or gross misrepresentation and who's demanded remedies ( for a chimerical 'problem' ) will cause untold loss of life, disease, starvation and expense for grotesquely small 'forecasted' environmental 'impacts' ( by their own computer models ), yes, i get a little pissed off.

    compound that by the fact that this has gone on my entire life and yet these lying pieces of crap are never held accountable for the damage they have done or even held accountable for the most basic incompetency of being so wrong that what happened was diametrically opposed to what they forecast ( for example, Ehrlich is still well 'respected', holds a professorship, and still has his opinion sought on population and environmental issues on a regular basis even though the 'population bomb' was to go off, at the latest, by 1985 ), yes, steam tends to roll out of my ears. ideology trumps fact every time for these people.

    and most of the people who buy into this are typified by their use the emotive, supremely irrational, almost functionally insane terminology of referring to the earth as their 'mother'. have you ever read "The Monkey Wrench Gang"? you should.

    but enough with the idle rhetorical chit chat. you can call me anything you like, you can have as low an opinion of me as you want. i don't particularly care.

    moving forward: facts, do you have them?

    The question isn't whether we can permanently damage the earth, it's whether we can affect it in such a way as to bring a great hardship or extinction to ourselves.

    true, true.

    can you explain then why the "Inconvenient Truth" about Carbon Dioxide levels which Al Gore cannot be bothered to explain is that it has never, in any data set that we can identify, led a rise global temperatures? why it has always lagged, usually by periods of 750+ years?

    can you explain then why AGW advocates are so desperate to avoid examining the earth's albedo, or the impact cloud cover ( and by implication, cosmic radiation and thence, solar activity ) has on this?

    can you explain then, in a rational manner, why rising temps are such a huge problem when, in fact, the Medieval Warm Period was a time of plenty? see Bjorn Lomberg for refutations in depth.

    can you explain why, since Ozone is a greenhouse gas, you aren't in favor of reinstating Freon? after all, none of the 'inevitable' UV effects or enlargements of the Ozone hole that the greens had said was going to happen has come to pass either. and you can't get by by claiming that "we must happened regulated Freon in time". the greens were so happy to prattle on about how Freon can take up to, or more, than 50 years to reach the stratospheric Ozone. we should only now ( perhaps not even yet ) have reached the period of Ozone hole that none of their claims have held up, they can only hope that there are no people, like me, who remember their ridiculous assertions. much the same as Ehrlich doesn't like to talk about how wrong he was/IS.

    okay, so the last was mostly a joke.

    much they same as they so desperately hope that there are no people, like me, who remember the very same rhetoric, the very same tactics from the 70s when they were talking up AGC?

    can you explain why current CO2 levels are at their 'optimum' level today, instead of at the much higher levels that existed several Ice Ages ago?
  6. Buick Dave

    Buick Dave Well-Known Member

  7. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    I'm not sure if your ensuing questions were aimed at me. I'll assume not, as I've not really addressed any of those things in this thread. I've not seen Gore's movie, though, and don't rely on wikipedia for real information. I have heard, though, that the Gore movie rivals Houdini's old movies for curing insomnia.
    (OK, for those of you who like the Gore movie, that is not to say anything about the data/information he presents. It just means I hear the movie is very boring.)

    I was just clarifying the "question."

    It would be interesting, however, to apply the arguments in this thread towards other issues the posters feel strongly about. Inversely, of course. Often evidence, or lack thereof, doesn't seem to matter in one opinion, but does in another. As a long-time member of this board, I find certain inconsistencies very intersting.

    BTW, Bob, I find it difficult to recognize you with the new avatar, lol. It's like you had a makeover, and I can't pick you out of a crowd anymore.

    RACEBUICKS Midwest Buick Mafia

    I know Im late here but this seemed to be relevant.....

  9. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    I have studdied this extensively in school and I have avoided this thread for that reason. Its not a pretty future I'm afraid.
  10. Buick Dave

    Buick Dave Well-Known Member

    But!!! It will be alot prettier for those who are using this as a guise to make Billions and use 98% the money except to turn this into a Global Corporate machine.
    Some blindly follow...
  11. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    I am a forestry technogist who does extensive work to revegitate the disturbed areas after either logging or tar sands distrubance, and I sleep well at night knowing I am contributing toward to good side of this industrial destruction by building better forrests and deciding where to log and most importantly where not to log as well as planning for a sustainable long term harvest plan.

    Currently I am a process operator at one of the largest oil plants in north america. Our section of the plant takes amonium sulphate that would be polution (exuast from oil refining) and we are processing this into a granular fertilizer (it is mixed with nitrogen and phospherous (sorry spelling) to made a balanced diet for trees. It is used to re-claim land after it has been disturbed as well as develop better forests after logging. I have spent over a year working on a study of the effectiveness of this fertilization and th eresults are astounding! We are growing better trees faster and we are staying positive about trying our best to limit the impact on the environment.

    Sean Gaskin.
  12. whamo

    whamo 454 71 skylark custom

    Anyone who cares about this subject or has seen Algores movie really owes it to themselves to watch this one. I learned quite alot from it.

    Sean, dont be afraid. Believe it or not your instructors dont know everything. I know because my wife is one............. they only think they know everything.
  13. 72 pet chicken

    72 pet chicken i dont wanna be a pirate!

    the same can be said for the majority of people posting in this thread.

    people need to understand that not everyone who believes in global warming is basing their entire opinion off of gores movie. im sure seans teachers didnt make their assumptions off gores movie or some random video found on the net as well.
  14. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    This is correct Pete, my teachers gave me an un-biased opinion of what is going in this world. I will not post anymore in this thread but rest assured i am working hard to do my best to reduce emissions and recycle waste products in both work and personal life.

    Sean Gaskin
  15. 72 pet chicken

    72 pet chicken i dont wanna be a pirate!

    same here sean. im even debating putting cats on the lark :idea2:
  16. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    High flow cats flow great, just cost more.
  17. whamo

    whamo 454 71 skylark custom

    Thats where you are wrong........ no one gives you an unbiased opinion. I think thats an oxymoron. An opinion is biased, thats why its an opinion.

    I am insulted by those who say that just because I dont buy into the global warming theory it means that I want to pollute the environment. I just want government policy to be based on scientific fact. Its pretty important since peoples lives depend on it.
    Put cats on your car if you want but you might want to find out if doing so would help, not simply so you can feel morally superior. I recycle and reduce emissions as well.
    You dont have to believe the documentary I referenced but if you open your mind it does raise some very interesting questions. The founder of greenpeace is featured so I dont think any reasonable person would call it a right wing piece of propaganda.
    Dont refrain from posting here. Im not afraid of others ideas.
  18. 72 pet chicken

    72 pet chicken i dont wanna be a pirate!

    i guess i better think twice then because thats exactly why i was thinking of doing it :rolleyes:

    the truth is my wife and i do what we can. this is one thing that might help, even if its just a little.
  19. ford2

    ford2 Well-Known Member

    If everyone excercised self control the so called Human Race would be extinct in 100 years.This would settle everything,and would be much better than waiting for someone to wipe us out.
    One of the major problems with Humans is there numbers.
    It is not a god given right to produce as many as you can.
    All life will cease on this planet eventually.
    All life will cease in are solar system eventually.
    The only difference is if it happens now it affects us.

  20. whamo

    whamo 454 71 skylark custom

    so called? huh? do you dispute that its human? or that its a race?:bla:
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