How many men on here are single??

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by buickman69, May 5, 2004.

  1. staged67gspwr

    staged67gspwr "The Black Widow"

    Atleast someone has a date.

    Thanks :TU:
  2. GS Kubisch

    GS Kubisch THE "CUT-UP" BUICK

    Guy walking with a Dog......Huh?
    Sounds familiar,He's quite the ice-breaker.

    I take my Dog to the car show by by me on Saturday nights and he gets alot more attention than my car.

    We'll be looking for your practice pictures for the calender.........

    Here is the first entry to the "Guys/Buicks" calender.........It can only get better from here :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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  3. GStage1

    GStage1 Always looking for parts!

    Wholllllllllllllllllllllllly cow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I did not know JW was a relationship counselor.......I guess when it gets so cold in MN like it is getting there now, JW hosts a call-in radio show for relationships! I knew he had to do something else!

    See, that's what happens when you work on Buicks too much! Type of guy she is after is a rich one(LOL). How did you fall in that category??? You must have won the lotto????

    Ok, what grocery store is this? I have to go there to get some "groceries". If JW did not work on Buicks, he would be 300+ lbs with all those "groceries" he has been buying lately.

    Oh nooooooooo, now I am seriously worried about JW's health! I am going to call some local ACLFs (we have a bunch in this area) Want to get some preliminary info for you JW. Looks like you will be moving to FL a lil sooner than I had predicted! I know, of all things JW has lost, he misses his mind the most! :laugh: Sorry to see the signs of old age starting to set-in with JW. Darn shame!

    I would have bet the farm that was not possible! :laugh: I guess with modern technology and latex prosthesis, anyone can be made to look great!

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you left yourself open JW. I could not resist that one! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Thanks for the laughs JW, what a blast. Now I have to have a cool one to regain composure! :beer
  4. Annie Oakley

    Annie Oakley Well-Known Member

    Beware - Long, Motivational rant

    I'm a nearly 35 year old single (divorced) woman, no kids. Not a great looking woman, but can hold my own. I have an engineering degree, a Master's degree, a UAW Journeyman's card as an Industrial Electrician. I'm a good redneck woman: own a 30 acre horse farm, car, truck, motorcycle, assorted guns, a 4wd tractor, know how to use them all. Never let much stand in the way of anything I wanted to do. Wanted to go to Sturgis one year, had no travelling companion, went by myself. Buy some horses 4 states over? Hook up the rig, take off and get them. Should be easy to meet men, right? It wasn't. This was all on or before June 30, 2003.

    On July 1, 2003 my motorcycle accident happened. Lost my right leg and screwed up both arms, the left is good, the right still waiting for another surgery. Before Thanksgiving, the boyfriend that was with me at the time of the accident took it upon himself to put the screws to me and bolt. I spent the better part of the winter confined to a wheelchair in my house except for when friends would drag me out and push me around or when I was driven to physical therapy. Boo hoo hoo :ball: I sat and sulked and cried and whined about how no one would ever find me attractive, I may as well get 50 cats and start knitting, it was all over. It was hard enough to meet men before I was all gimpy!!

    So do you think it was easier dating for the woman BEFORE July 1 - or as the crippled up, cranky, gimpy girl? It's been EXCELLENT all this summer. It all boils down to one word: A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E :TU:

    Sometime in the spring I gave myself a swift kick in the posterior and decided that that there was no reason I couldn't do anything I wanted. Not going to be able to do a lot with the horses or ride a motorcycle for the summer? I decided to get my dream convertible. Result: buy Lucille. Want to go to the BPG Nat's? Result: Got in the car and went. Participate in car shows? Did it. Watched the Pure Stock drags this fall. Got addicted, wanted to race - ended up spending a day at the track this fall tearing up the place.

    (OK, I'm getting to the point) I do what I want and have a good time. AND, I have dated more since this spring than I ever have in my whole adult life. I've been using the somewhat sullied "Internet dating" scene, but it's been pretty successful. WHY? A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E :TU:

    I'm making the effort to meet people and I'm going about my life with the attitude - LIVE IT or LOSE IT. Didn't meet any guys at the car show? Oh well, had a blast anyway. Meet somebody and they don't like me? SCREW EM, move on. Find someone I don't really like, but they like me? Pre-accident Annie probably would have settled - now I have no problems saying 'no thanks' and move on. I still have all the "qualifications" that I had before the accident, but now I appreciate them and refuse to accept anyone who doesn't.

    Stop worrying about being single and get out and LIVE. Someone will notice and want to participate with you. Case in point - went to dinner last night with a Fireman. He spent the last 30 minutes of the date falling over himself to secure a second date. And mind you this is after I tripped with my prosthetic leg and fell face first onto the floor in the middle of the restaurant.

    I'm no supermodel and I'm not filthy rich, so it's got to be the A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E :TU:
  5. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    Go Annie!!! Work it Girl, work it!!
  6. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    Damn, I wouln't of put you a day over 32, and I think when I saw you it was after a 24 hr drive to Salem :Do No:

    Ok, now when Rod can't find something he asks me what I did with it, then makes me look for it....... I am not going to look for his next woman. If I do I'll make sure she can tie a good knot in his parachute :rolleyes:


    What month do you want to be ,,,,July because your HOT... the dog has to be in it too!

    Here is a pic of Rachel ... she's the short one
  7. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    July's MY birthday month!!:moonu::laugh: I guess we'll have to fight for that month...
  8. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    ok,,, now here is Rachel.... she is stilll the short one

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  9. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    ok we'll move Gary to August :Brow:
  10. GS Kubisch

    GS Kubisch THE "CUT-UP" BUICK

    Is it too soon for me to be in love with Rachel.........Nice name,Good company,And Since I'm only 5'9'' or 10'' I need a shorter girl :TU:

    Hot huh?.......Stop laughing :laugh:

    Here's one......Just need to work in the Buick

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  11. Topcat

    Topcat Got TORQUE?

    Ronnie, you would make a GREAT son-in-law are too old for Kylie!
    Danie'...Kylie wanted to be in the calender....this is the shot she sent to
    her brother-in-law(and his platoon) who is a Marine in Falluja, Iraq right now.
    Kylie is too young for most you guys but i expect to have a great son-in-law some day. Peace WildBill
    P.S. thats HER T-type that she races where she works......
    Bunker Hill Dragstrip....that's my girl :TU:

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  12. Mister T

    Mister T Just truckin' around

    My story..rather long.. but G rated

    This is better reading than the local Miss Lonelyhearts advice column :laugh:

    I've been single for some time, and rather liking it. Do whatever you want, whenever you want, seat up, seat down, who cares. Have gotten somewhat set in my ways, but would readily adapt for the right lady.

    One thing I've found is that society places too much emphasis on appearance, whether it be full head of hair (don't have that) six pack abs, (not here) or for the ladies, the hour glass figure.

    What's up with dressing to the nines regularly to impress people?
    My daily wear includes jeans and a tee or polo shirt. I own one suit, that doesn't fit anymore, one dress shirt, one pair of 20 year old dress shoes, and three ties, two of which have looney tunes characters :Brow: I am not comfortable in business attire period, don't need it for work, feel constrained when I do have to wear it, and it feels so phony to me.

    I have had high standards in the past, and been subsequently turned down far more than I care to think about. Sometimes when I do meet an intelligent good looking lady my feet tongues over my trip, then I get flustered, spout something untelligible, and turn back into wallpaper. Bottled courage doesn't work for more than a few minutes, so gave that up.

    When I see a lady at a cruise night, conversation essentially remains about her car, I have rather low self esteem when it comes to women ( been burned badly a couple times). There is always this little relationship councillor rattling around my head saying "she's taken, or she's not interested in you, or you haven't got a chance, she's not your type, I'm not her type, etc etc"

    Interestingly, conducting a training class gives me plenty of confidence. Teaching someone how to drive a tractor trailer is stress free or driving it through any large city traffic is a piece of cake, so is backing it into a small loading dock off a busy street.

    Go on date with a nice woman, I'd rather not risk rejection. Yes, that may be a defeatist approach, but it's a safe one.

    Who we are as adults comes from what we grew up with, I could never please my father enough, no matter how hard I tried, thus giving up became the easy way out.

    Play the game? Not very good at that game, now poker, that's a game :TU: :Brow:

    Sure it comes down to attitude, I can have all kinds of fun with just about anyone, closing the deal is what scares me away. One of my best pals regularly tries to hook me up with his single friends and acquaintances, can't seem to make any connections. Is it me? What is my problem Dr Freud??

    Good grief, my head is royally mixed up.

    How bad is it?

    Last Christmas, an old female friend, who hasn't seen me for about 10 years, sent a card saying she'd love to see me again. She always gave the impression that she was available to me for the asking. My response, 10 months later, I haven't. Now I'm not sure what to do, my brain constantly plays one side off against the other, gonna fall of this fence one day!!
    Should I call her, send a card, grovel for forgiveness at her door step, or let her go? decision decisions decisions. I got to make this one myself, one of these days.

    Wonder if there is space at the monastery??? :Do No:

    BTW, I own my home, a fishing boat, 3 Buicks, a 4X4 truck, ride motorcycles (just not lately) am intelligent, well read, aware of what is going on in this world, and sometimes talk too much :grin: and no, this isn't a personal ad :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  13. D-Con

    D-Con Kills Rats and Mice

    Sometimes music says it best...

    "Wookin' Pa Nub in all da wong paces. Wookin ' Pa Nub." :laugh:

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  14. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482

    Flattery will get you everywhere... young lady..

    But I will turn 38 in about a month here.

    Geeze, that sounds old, now that I just typed it out..

  15. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Super Moderator Staff Member

    Ahhh yes....bachelorhood....

    I saw this thread when it was first posted and didn't pay much attention to it but now that I'm here at work on an overtime shift, BORED out of my mind, I figured I'd give it a read...

    Plus, I had no idea JW was a relationship guru... :laugh: (j/k)

    Anyway, YES, I'm 32, single and have been for quite some time. I guess it's one of those things where "you don't miss what you don't have", or something to that effect. I haven't been in a serious relationship in a couple years, but that's my own fault. I met a wonderful girl, who I dated for about a year but the whole time I was "preoccupied" with someone else. BIG screw up. For you guys in the early stages of a relationship, let me give you this advice: make DAMN well sure you're finished with one thing before moving on to another....TRUST me....

    Fast forward to earlier this year, (keeping in mind that I was still "freelancing" between the previously mentioned period and now) and I've met the most amazing girl EVER. Beautiful, brilliant, young :Brow: (24), passionate, appreciative, makes me feel like the most IMPORTANT person in the world...pretty much the PERFECT girl.

    She works in my building and I "accidentally" bumped into her one morning on my way into work. (accidentally...who the hell am I kidding? I timed that one perfectly! :grin: ) Pretty soon, these walks into work morph into coffee after work...which turns into a drink and some food after work....which turns into hanging at my house after work....which turns into spending a weekend at my calls every day...yada, yada, yada....I think you get the picture...

    When I say this girl is amazing, I mean AMAZING...oh yeah, did I mention she lives with her boyfriend of three years?? :eek2: Yeah, I think I might have left that little nugget out.....probably because I try to forget it myself sometimes....

    I guess I should get to my point: things creep up on you when you least expect it, in ALL forms and fashions, as I've just laid out for you...don't be afraid to take a chance, even if it means you might fail....this afore mentioned young lady is still around, in a much more limited capacity, but around nonetheless and I'm beyond the point of holding back from meeting someone else because I'm waiting for her to come around...

    Of course, if I meet someone else and tell her, she's going to freak out but that's a story for another day...

    I'm going to dig up some pics for the "calendar" tomorrow when I get home. I think I might have some then and now photos...maybe one with one of my cars and a recent one as well....I'm going on record as claiming August as my month... :Smarty: :Brow:
  16. 70 Skylark Conv

    70 Skylark Conv Well-Known Member

    Wow, this thread really took off after I discovered it! :3gears: Just trying for some advice and got a lot of good advice and a lot of positive attitude that helps me out a lot!!!

    Annie's story is too cool. I think adversity really helps us find ourselves. It either makes or breaks you and Annie sounds like she has taken off and is conquering the world, which is great!! :TU: You've really given me something to think about when something gets me down. Thanks for sharing your story!!! I know that you have changed my attitude tremendously!!! :beer

    This is not a singles ad either. One of these days I'll find the right guy that has no kids, no ex's that come back to haunt, good job, own to place live, got his own life and doesn't have to run back to momma if he loses his job, love's cars, home improvements, fishing, some hunting, guns, antiques, etc. that wants to make me number 1 so I can make him number 1, treats me like a queen so he can be treated like a king, then I'll be set. And yes, I can ride a motorcycle, but choose not to because of all the stupid drivers that are out to get you. Yes, cool girl here that is comfortable in sweats or dressed to the 9's!!! I'll just sit back, wait and enjoy life until someone, if ever, comes along.... :beer
  17. GStage1

    GStage1 Always looking for parts!

    I need to get some stamps so I can mail my boyfriend application to Dee!
    Wonder if there is a page limit? :laugh:

    See, Danie, I told you JW was ancient! That white stuff you saw in his hair at Salem was not white paint!
  18. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    ROFLMAO !!!!

    Hey Gary.....if that IS your dog....I think He'll scare more women than attract them !!! YIKES !!!! You could prolly heat your house all winter burnin' PoochPatties :puzzled: :laugh: :Dou:
  19. 70 Skylark Conv

    70 Skylark Conv Well-Known Member

    :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :laugh:
  20. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    Oh, Gary's pooch is a big baby. I forget his name though.

    With gas prices this year,,, burnin poochpatties might be something worth looking into.

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