help me quit SMOKING

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 1 bad gs, Jan 22, 2004.

  1. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    Well.....I had 6 yesterday and only 4 so far today.

    I told myself when the pack was finished so was I.

    7 left.....dont think I'll have anymore today

    :TU: :TU: to everyone else trying......this is my way so If you've gone cold turkey please dont say..."Well Alan had one, I can too"
  2. MASH4551

    MASH4551 Well-Known Member

    48 hours feeling good

    Its bin two full days in 1 hour 27 mins. feel good and have not had a C-BOMB yet or even wanted one, tore my shower apart in the basement stayed busy all day, didn't even take my 20 min. Nap today WOW, Now I have another Job to keep me busy Randy that has Outrageaus wants me to redo his 71 GS grill so that will be time consuming, keep busy and the Cravings won't bother you. good luck to every one till weds. night. :TU:

    I hope I spelled everything right :Comp:
  3. ricknmel67

    ricknmel67 Well-Known Member

    I don't know how I missed this thread.

    Thumbs up to everyone who's quitting here! It's not easy. :TU: :TU:
    I've been a smoker since 1989. I've quite about 5 or 6 times.... usually part of a bet, or a new years resolution.
    The only time I was "successful" was a "cold turkey", just out of the blue, one day decided I didn't want to smoke anymore. That was about 5 years ago, and it lasted about 3 months. So I guess it wasn't really successful, but it was my best effort yet.

    Lately, I've been thinking about quitting alot. Like every day.
    I have alot of "instances" where the urges are overwhelming. They are what kill me every time I try to quite....
    - Every time I get in a car. (This is a TOUGH one!)
    - Every time I go out in the garage
    - Every time I come upstairs to check email (we don't smoke downstairs)
    - At work, every time I go out in the shop to check on a job (about 15-20 times a day) Half the time I only have half a cig, because I'm only out there about 5 minutes (Can't smoke in my office)
    - Beer = Smokes!
    - After I eat

    How do you get past those urges?
    I guess you take them one at a time and move on.
    Last time I quit, I ate alot of cashews. That seemed to help. :laugh:

    I think I just might get on this bandwagon starting tomorrow morning! If I can look forward to posting every night how I haven't smoked, that might be enough to help resist the urges.

    I just bought a carton today though. But thats the same old excuse I've told myself 100 times over the years....
    "after this carton is gone" or "after this pack is gone" :Dou:
    I can't "slow down" or "slowly quit" either. I need to just STOP.

    I'm gonna do it!

    PS.. Dan.. Just because I'm a nice guy... and trying to help YOU... I can send you a couple 67 GS grilles so you can restore them too. You know... to help YOU out. :pp :laugh:
  4. grant455gs

    grant455gs Well-Known Member

    Not doing very good at all!! Thumbs down to me..

    :eek: :eek: :rolleyes: :ball:


    Since yesterday AM, till now, I've had 12-15 C-BOMBS....:ball:

    Stressful times right now, BUT I am determined to QUIT, regardless of any excuses!!
  5. Rick Henderson

    Rick Henderson Well-Known Member

    Go to your nearest hospital and go to the cancer floor. Thats where I have been with my Dad. His neighbor in the next room had smoked. The person is coughing so bad it makes me sick. Just listening to the crap he is spitting up.

    They say that he is not going to make it. The daughter was called today and told to get there now. Then I heard them call a code yellow or something and then nothing. It makes you really appreciate life. Just think if he would of quit sooner........
  6. 1 bad gs

    1 bad gs Well-Known Member

    quit smoking

    rick and everyone, 7+days without a cig! heres how i battle my urges. i use toothpicks, straws and a lot of fruit. i bring 2 or 3 peaches or nectorines to work with me. after i eat the peach i keep the pit in my mouth for an hour or so. after work we usually hang at our shop for a beer or 2 befire we head home. i used to have a beer and a cigarette. now i have a beer and a banana! rick throw those cigs away and quit now!
  7. MASH4551

    MASH4551 Well-Known Member


    If you wanna stop smoking you have to stay busy all the time for the first who knows how many months if you have gone cold Turkey, Rick start redoing those grills and any other parts you can think of to keep busy, the way the weather is here today drifting blowing cold a-- Ohio, its gonna be hard, we will see how nice Randys grill turns out, I ll let you know on the 67,s ? aren't they metal :puzzled: Dan.
  8. gs1970455

    gs1970455 Well-Known Member

    just a lil update.....i have 7 cigerettes left in my last pack....I'm going to do this. Keeping busy is the hardest part....I stay home all day (can't get the car outta the driveway) and being unemployed I dont have the money to do all the things that I would like to be doing to my house.....i guess I could always sleep more (never seem to get enough of that) or I could go out and get a job........NAH.....I'll just sleep more :)
  9. MASH4551

    MASH4551 Well-Known Member


    Jeff now try 5 or 6 C-BOMBS a day than try cold turkey what ever it takes to stop, The doctor gave me a persciption to try a pill to help me but I hate taking anykinda pills so there just sitting in the cabinet, the name of them is Wellbutrin its suppose to help you QUIT the rotton habit, check it out with your Doc. and get busy, Just trying to help :Comp: Dan.
  10. gs1970455

    gs1970455 Well-Known Member

    Wellbutrin is about the same thing as Zyban. It's an anti-depressant. Wellbutrin is supposed to be alot better for you to take with less side effects. I took Zyban for a while and did quit. Those pills will make your cigarette taste like the garbage on the bottom of your shoes and you will notice the nasty smell of a cigarette alot clearer. The problem with Zyban is one of the side effects was seizures. I never experienced that, but those pills sure knocked my balance for a loop. I was always light headed and had to quit taking them for that reason. You might want to be aware of the side effects of Wellbutrin as well. Like I said though, the side effects were supposed to be alot less hazardous. Good luck and keep up the good work. :)
  11. MASH4551

    MASH4551 Well-Known Member

    3 whole Days

    Not to bad for a 52 year old, today was touch n go but still doing good the weather is so bad here it was boring so couldn't keep busy all the time, Well I hope you smokers aren't giving up there is not much talking going on anymore in this thread:( I know it has helped me to talk about it and push just that much more to QUIT so I will check back every 2 days and see how many people want to enjoy life longer and there Buicks.......:3gears:
  12. BuickStreet

    BuickStreet Well-Known Member

    I have one word for you all who are trying to quit.

    P A T C H E S!

    I was curious about how easy it would be to give up with no will power at all so one day I just pulled into the local pharmacy and got me a box of 24 hour patches.

    Peel it off and stick it on your shoulder. End of cravings...full stop!

    You put them on after your shower (whenever that is) and leave them on all day. But be warned! Do not smoke whilst wearing a patch! You will spin out, fall over and vomit. Anyone ever had "tobacco spins" it's worse than drinking too much. They claim that you give up gradually but I just left the pacth off after 10 days and didn't need another one.

    It was amazing. All of you who are trying to do it cold turkey are really doing it the hard way. I gave up without feeling one craving which is amazing considering that the thing that stops most people from continuing to give up is the cravings. Without the cravings there is no smoking. It feels like you have just had a cigarette so obviously you don't need another.

    It really is that simple. I know because I've done it. The Vivid dreams where the best part!
  13. buicksstage1

    buicksstage1 Well-Known Member

    JANUARY 19 2004

    On January 19 I quit smoking and went on the atkins diet. That means NO beer, coffee or carbs. No patch, no gum, no nothing just cold turkey. I've smoked 22 years, I'm now 36 and I've quit many times but I think this time its for good. Its hard to do all at one time but I want this to work in the worst way. The problem is I like smoking, But I LIKE LIFE WAY MORE so this has to work. GOOD LUCK EVERY ONE! The biggest thing is YOU, your self has to want to quit or it won't work.....Chris
  14. 1 bad gs

    1 bad gs Well-Known Member

    quit smoking

    heres my update, 10 DAYS without a cigarette! it hasnt been easy, only a true smoker knows how hard it is to quit. hows everyone else doing out there?
  15. MASH4551

    MASH4551 Well-Known Member

    It will be 6 days tonight

    Doing good even had a couple long Islands last night and didn't have the urge, usually alcohol will make you want to smoke after a couple and other people were smoking but did not touch one, I kept telling them that smoking was bad for them, You would think I was a stand up comic or something they laughed :laugh: like I just told them a joke, so as they were coughing and laughing at the same time, I just told them that this cake sure taste good now that I can taste it again, I feel much better now that I Quit and I can make smokers all laugh with the truth.........

  16. chryco63

    chryco63 14's or bust!


    Good to hear you guys are stayin' in there! Keep the updates comin'! I love reading them.

    Bill: How long had you been smoking for before you quit using the patches?
  17. MASH4551

    MASH4551 Well-Known Member

    All good things come to a end

    I guess this thread is Dead, but I am still alive from not smoking
    Good Luck to all who are trying If you fail keep at it you can win or at least cut down alot Thanks Dan.:Comp:

    :blast: SMOKING SUCKS
  18. 1 bad gs

    1 bad gs Well-Known Member

    quit smoking

    dan, ive quit now for 2 WHOLE WEEKS! i feel better and ive been paying myself 5.00 dollars every other day to quit smoking. this time i hope i can quit for good.
  19. 69GS400s

    69GS400s own amusement ride!

    I've only had a few (under 10) for the past week with only 2 on Sat and three on Sun.

    Thursday EARLY I leave for Vacation in Belize and Im COLD Turkey come wed nite.

    I'll be gone for 10 days and will come back totally clean :TU:

    Good Luck to everyone else who's trying......Im WITH YA !!!
  20. buicksstage1

    buicksstage1 Well-Known Member


    Hey guys, It's day 15 and I haven't touched a smoke! So I rewarded my self and order a brand new 24' light metalic pewter, Interstate car trailer with trim package, mags, awning, etc. Boy buying the trailer sure helped get rid of the cravings :laugh: :laugh: Chris

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