East Coast BPG Get Together Information "PLEASE READ"

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by OLDS442GM, Jan 21, 2003.

  1. JerryF

    JerryF Well-Known Member

    Lets see, nope nothing on the calander for June 7th. OK I'll be there.
  2. Duane

    Duane Member

    I'll be there. I will tell the rest of the guys in my area about the Spring meet when I see them this Sunday, I am sure some will come. Once everything is decided let me know how much $ you need.
  3. pwm72

    pwm72 Well-Known Member

    Count me in!

    Count me in to show up as well...if you need the money before-hand, let me know as well.

    Bill Lagna, if you would rather, swing by my house on the way up there (just off I95 in Newark DE), you can leave your newer Buick in my driveway and ride up with me in my 72 convertible!:Brow:
  4. Delerius

    Delerius Well-Known Member

    Yep... I will be there. I think we need to do a recount to get some real numbers. If you want, I have no problem to contribute some money for the tent and other items. What extra money that is left over, place in a account for next year. Who knows, we could even use the left over money to support a Northeast Chapter of BPG or v8 Buick. I know I would be interested in helping.
  5. Olds442gm-1

    Olds442gm-1 Active Member

    Here is the list as it stands for 1/21/03:

    Larry (olds442gm)
    Marco (Marco)
    Ray (voom350)
    Larry (Larry70gs)
    Jeff (Yardley)
    Alan (69gs400s)
    Rob (Tubbed)
    Rick (9secstage1)
    Bill (bill lagna)
    Bill Bell (12 lives)
    Jerry (Jerry F)
    Duane (Duane)
    Paul (PWM72)
    John (Delerius)

    A BIG THANKS to all that are stepping up to the plate. :beer So far that makes 14 people!!! WHOOO HOOO!!! :beer . Lets keep the head count up. I would definetly say its a green light to make the reservation and get the party underway! Marco, if you want to call me tomorrow and let me know whats going on, contact me after 6...i should be out of my comatose state by then :laugh:

    Thanks again for all who are supporting this get together :TU: I should be out of the hospital at around 3 or 4, and I will be back on the board again in a day or 2.

  6. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Member

    Good Luck tomorrow Larry!

    I e-mailed Ray. We'll try to hook up tomorrow to get the tent booked.

    Looks good everybody - it's going to be another great Buick day!

    Duane - what are the odds Vic can come?
  7. 73Electra 225

    73Electra 225 Well-Known Member


    I might be able to go. Too far in the future for me to know. Got no job and no money right now, so I have no idea where I'll be. If I do go, I could probably make some of my world famous guacomole. And if I get a job and can make it, I'll definetly put some cash down.
  8. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    I'm there. Count me in. Probably have one or 2 buddys with me. Maybe even the family...

    I'm pretty sure I can get GSThunder (Al Fiandaca) to show up too.
  9. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

  10. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

  11. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    I know it's still years away (seems like it. c'mon spring!), but is anyone planning on bringing their kids and wife?

    The Mrs. will only come with the kids if it isn't an all-testosterone event.
  12. 69GS400s

    69GS400s ...my own amusement ride!

    Seeing as my In_laws live in the town, Im sure my wife will come along.....whether or not she goes to the park will prolly depend on other "XX" chrmosone sitings at the event.

    I think we should DEFINATELY plan on CRUISE'N to some local nite spot.

    Imagine.....ricers, brand "X"ers and a lone mopar & chebby standing there in the lot as 15-30 ?? 40 ?? Bufords Shake rattle and Role into the night !!!

    Hey Zach ?? If you can't find the coin for the gas money to make it down, try looking in and under the seats of that Boat:laugh: Im sure that over the 30 years its been roaming the planet considerable Coinage has been trapped inside its vastness (dont let the "admission fee" keep you away either !!)

    Alan W
  13. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    To whom do we send money$$$ and how much?$$$$$$$$
  14. DugsSin

    DugsSin Well-Known Member

    I'm in rain or shine. :TU:
    Question on who is invited? I feel it should be open to any and all that have a Buick of any variety. You drive up in a Buick "Come on in Brother" I have several locals that own Buicks but are not on the internet and there fore not BPG Members or V8 Buick regulars. I would like to at least let them know that a gathering of Buick folk is happening and they are welcome to attend???
    I'll go with whatever the majority feels comfortable with since "we" will be footing the expenses.
  15. Jake G'S 350

    Jake G'S 350 Well-Known Member

    I'm in...

    Larry, The 7th of June is good for me too. I will be there. Let me know about the $ thing. I don't know if the wife will want to tag along or not. I hope the GS is back on the road by then.......

    Hurry up and recover so you can enjoy this deep freeze (for NJ) with the rest of us.

    Thanks to all who are working to set this up!

  16. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Member

    Any and all Buick enthusiasts welcome :TU:
  17. 9secStage1

    9secStage1 Worlds Fastest GS Stage 1

    THe Northeast GS/GN Club is having their Spring Meeting on March 30th and I will definately mention the get together, members or not just try to bring a Buick and who knows we may be signing up more members there. I will also mention the dates and particulars in the up coming issues of the BPG Build Sheet and the Northeast GS/GN Newsletters. Ifeel we should have NO problem meeting or exceeded last years amount of participants.

    Should be a blast...How about a creeper race

    Rick Martinez
  18. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Member

    Anyone in Monmouth County???

    Ray is from Middlesex county, not Monmouth county.

    We need someone from Monmouth county to reserve the tent in the 'Lake View' section. Anyone? Alan, do you think you can get your in-laws to do it?

    I'm more than willing to front the $$ with my credit card to get this reserved ASAP. Anyone?
  19. pwm72

    pwm72 Well-Known Member

    Wives and kids

    I know my son (13 yrs old) would not miss this for the world...he was devastated when we missed Duane's last year. My wife and daughter (9yrs old) may also tag along.
  20. GSGN

    GSGN TheAntiObama


    I'm in barring any unforseen conflict and will be happy to pay unfront and take the hit if I can't make it at the last minute so you don't get stuck. My preference would be wherever we can be closest to the cars, tent or gazabo, with cost being secondary factor. Let's do it up right since a few folks will be traveling far and deserve more then a place to park. I'll contribute $$ or bring something. Just give me something to look forward to while it is only is about 10 degrees outside


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