Did you get The Shot, yet ????

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by mobileparts123, Mar 6, 2021.

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  1. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Sean, last time I looked, that was an open question. The CDC is still studying the data on that.
  2. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    However that doesn’t take into account the millions of people who got COVID and recovered without testing or treatment, so it’s likely much closer to 99.99999 in reality.
    m louk and docgsx like this.
  3. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    That is unknowable Sean. It is definitely not 99.9999 though.:)
  4. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    Until proven otherwise we have no data to show that COVID vaccinated people cannot get and share the virus including it’s variants. They express hope but no proof.

    Last I looked the experts still haven’t provided any peer reviewed study showing that masks even work to stop virus transmission. Yet people act like parrots repeating the nonsense that masks help, despite no evidence.
    Dwayne B, m louk, GKMoz and 2 others like this.
  5. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    Okay let’s split the difference and call it 99.90 lol
    1972Mach1 likes this.
  6. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Like I said, unknowable. I have lost some dear friends to this disease. Thank G-d, no family members. There doesn't seem to be any way to predict how your immune system will react to this virus. I'm not willing to risk finding out.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2021
  7. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    I survived Covid, worst 3 days off my life... wife wasn’t happy I watched TV all day but by the weekend I was back in the garage as normal. That’s life, some people are healthy and others aren’t. If we spent as much time being better instead of taking medications most of us would be in a better situation.

    The keys to success:

    Stop the fear
    Eat healthy
    Reduce toxin intake
    Reduce stress
    Briz, m louk, Mister T and 1 other person like this.
  8. eagleguy

    eagleguy 1971 Skylark Custom

    It is my understanding over the last year or so that NOBODY has actually died from Covid itself but that it contributed to other underlying health issues or causes causing death that may have been undetected at the time. Not looking to stir the pot but am going by what I have read and been told by health professionals I have work with who specialized in viruses. If some think I am wrong I am sorry. Its a virus and people have died, I get it, but between the media and misinformation its bloody crazy. And yes I know what gets written on a death certificate.
  9. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    I'm glad you were that lucky Sean. There are lots of seemingly healthy young people who have succumbed to this disease. The unpredictability of it all scares me. Not willing to risk it. BTW, I am in great shape at 64. I exercise, eat healthy, and have a 32" waist. I do not have any health issues, nor am I on any medications.
  10. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

    Here’s food for discussion: When figuring the mortality rate, one needs a number of cases to be the denominator, and I think the number being used in the US is way low. My nuclear family (me, wife, two kids and wife’s mother) apparently all had Covid in December. At the time, getting testing was difficult and potentially expensive. No free test appointments to be found and self pay were difficult to book and nearly $200. My wife works with the public so she paid for testing. MIL is in a risk group, she paid also. The doctor wouldn’t agree to order tests for the kids and I just said ‘F*** it’, I feel like crap, I know I have it’. My point is this-our cohort almost assuredly had five cases but were officially recorded as two. How many other unreported cases were there nationally? I won’t get into the numerator being wrong, too; but I suspect the Covid death count may be inaccurate and errs on the high side. There were incentives to label a death Covid...
    That said, I will take the vaccine but I’m not in a rush due to my presumed antibodies.
  11. Todd69GS

    Todd69GS Silver Level contributor

    How many people are tons? 10? 1000? 10,000?
    And also prove that the polls are fake. Let's see some facts to back all this up otherwise it's just more misinformation. Spitting out opinions and regurgitating twitter memes aren't facts.
  12. 69GS455

    69GS455 69 GS 400

    NOPE. I will not get a shot that is manufactured to change your DNA. The pandemic is a farce.
    Quick Buick and GKMoz like this.
  13. eagleguy

    eagleguy 1971 Skylark Custom

    I don't think Twitter or the internet is a good source for anything. However, isn't what's being spit out everywhere based on facts that in many cases are based on information that is later found to be skewed? Are all the doctors and institutions that disagree with what we hear everyday who are then silenced wrong? At least we should be able to acknowledge that. I think its about personal choice and respect for others in the end which will make a difference!
    69GS455 and Guy Parquette like this.
  14. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    NOPE, the shot is mRNA. mRNA is used in every cell of your body to manufacture proteins for everything from cellular metabolism to cell structure. DNA is contained in the nucleus of the cell. The vaccine is mRNA that codes for the spike protein of the virus. After it enters your cells at the site of the injection, your cells make the spike protein which your body recognizes as foreign, and it initiates an immune response. Your immune system has a memory so to speak. When it sees the real virus, it mounts the same immune response giving your body a leg up on the virus. That is how all vaccines work. After mRNA is used in the cell, it degrades and is recycled. mRNA is naturally occurring in all cells. It has nothing to do with DNA.

    mRNA vaccines are new, but not unknown. Researchers have been studying and working with mRNA vaccines for decades. Interest has grown in these vaccines because they can be developed in a laboratory using readily available materials. This means the process can be standardized and scaled up, making vaccine development faster than traditional methods of making vaccines.

    mRNA vaccines have been studied before for flu, Zika, rabies, and cytomegalovirus (CMV). As soon as the necessary information about the virus that causes COVID-19 was available, scientists began designing the mRNA instructions for cells to build the unique spike protein into an mRNA vaccine.

    Future mRNA vaccine technology may allow for one vaccine to provide protection for multiple diseases, thus decreasing the number of shots needed for protection against common vaccine-preventable diseases.

    Beyond vaccines, cancer research has used mRNA to trigger the immune system to target specific cancer cells.

    Last edited: Mar 14, 2021
    71GS455 likes this.
  15. Todd69GS

    Todd69GS Silver Level contributor

    Agreed that it is everyone's personal choice. It doesn't really affect me if someone does or doesn't get the shot. I will say however that it is very tiring reading false information being spread throughout the internet. So many talking points from the anti vax side have been easily proven false or debunked as photo shopped pictures, made up data, false claims, fake web sites...etc etc
    So get the shot or don't get the shot but people should stop with the tin foil hat stuff. Either produce facts or stop the false information campaign. We've seen a lot of that the last few months. Lots of claims....no facts or proof.
  16. 12lives

    12lives Control the controllable, let the rest go

    Well, yes, it does affect you. Or, rather, it increases the risk that you will died from Covid. If someone does not get the vaccine they can become a host for the virus. Even if they have no symptoms, the virus can happily mutate, because that's what they do. Which is why we get new vaccines each year for the flu - it mutated from last year. If we can shut off the supply of host bodies which give the virus a party room to mutate, we, together, can shut down the mutations and the increased risk that we will need more shots, or more people will die.

    Of course, after this spring break, this is all mute. Party on!
    71GS455 likes this.
  17. Todd69GS

    Todd69GS Silver Level contributor

    You are right Bill and I thought about that as I was typing my rant. Lol
    I was speaking more from the "if you don't get the vaccine and end up on a ventilator it's no skin off my nose" angle. Lol
  18. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Im just worried about possible long term side effects. No one can tell me for a fact that there won't be any. I can almost hear the commercials now, "were you injected with the covid vaccine? Were you diagnosed with [insert some type of cancer], if so you may be entitled to compensation. Call the law offices of ...."
    69GS455, Dwayne B, Briz and 4 others like this.
  19. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    That's true about anything you ingest today. mRNA is naturally occurring in EVERY cell in your body. I worry less about a vaccine like this than other vaccines, or medications. I took Ranitidine (Zantac) for stomach acid reduction for a short time. Then I heard it contained a cancer causing component. Threw the rest of it out.

    I fear getting this virus and being one of the unlucky ones. This despite being in great shape and healthy with no comorbidities. Plenty of healthy young people have succumbed. There does not seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. That scares me. IMO, anything you can do to avoid getting this virus is the prudent thing to do.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2021
    71GS455 and GSX 554 like this.
  20. Max Damage

    Max Damage I'm working on it!

    Yes, it is, these are cumulative. None of them is fool proof, but they all help.
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