Did you get The Shot, yet ????

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by mobileparts123, Mar 6, 2021.

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  1. Max Damage

    Max Damage I'm working on it!

    This is true. The Israeli's who are the most vaccinated nation on earth, have told people that if you have tested positive and survived COVID, wait until everyone else has been vaccinated, before taking one.

    Also, the science now seems to be moving toward people who have already tested positive may only "need" one injection rather than both.
  2. eagleguy

    eagleguy 1971 Skylark Custom

  3. Max Damage

    Max Damage I'm working on it!

    Great! None of the COVID vaccines do that. The Moderna variant uses genetically modified mRNA, but in no way modifies your DNA.
  4. Max Damage

    Max Damage I'm working on it!

    Sad there is so much misinformation here.

    Also, a 99.90 mortality rate would mean virtually everyone who gets it dies.
  5. Quick Buick

    Quick Buick Arlington Wa

    You guys are nothing but a bunch of armchair biologists. That never dissected a frog... There are more opinions here than there are barrel of monkeys...
  6. srb

    srb Well-Known Member

    I'm not offered one yet (I'm from the Netherlands, we're a tad late to the party over here), but I definitely won't have it. I'm metabolically healthy in my thirties, I don't see a single reason to take it. The European Medicine Agency gave conditional marketing authorisation to all vaccines only and they will follow up for 2 years. That's probably the case in the USA too.
    So basically you'll be part of a phase III trial. To each their own, but I'm not willing to be part of an experiment, so I'll pass. Long term data is not known. I hope nothing bad will come from it the coming years, because millions are being vaccinated. Some doctors are worried about auto immune issues, or antibody dependent enhancement. Especially the latter was always the problem with Corona virus vaccines (like SARS).
    Topcat and Quick Buick like this.
  7. HeavensDevil

    HeavensDevil Well-Known Member

    It seems that over the past year everyone can add health expert and political pundit to their resume..
  8. eagleguy

    eagleguy 1971 Skylark Custom

    Why is it that there are those who constantly request proof from others when they can't do the same for their very own statements!
    Just sayin!!
    GS44667 and Quick Buick like this.
  9. Mike Trom

    Mike Trom Platinum Level Contributor

    My sons friend ( 17 years old) was "diagnosed" with Corona virus twice 4 months apart. Both times testing negative after his quarantine period. I wonder why his natural antibodies did not prevent it the second time.

    Our one son tested positive, had flu like symptoms for 2 days and was fine on day 3. Mom, me and his brother all tested negative and never had any symptoms. Strange thing is that my son that tested positive and had flu like symptoms had not left the house in over 3 weeks (on-line schooling and Thanksgiving break time) so the only way he could have caught it was from one of us that never had symptoms... I still can't figure that one out and the doctors could not explain it either. Seems like there are still some unknowns out there.

    JESUPERCAT No Slow Boat

    Mike sounds like testing inaccuracies is a possibility. Depending on the test type in our area many false positives happened.
  11. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Well, in this day an age, there is no proof, at least none that everyone will accept. Don't like the source? Don't agree? Just call it fake and don't believe it. That's where we are, like it or not. I'll say it again, we can't even agree on what is fact and what is fiction. Everyone has their own "alternative facts"
    GSX 554 likes this.
  12. GKMoz

    GKMoz Gary / Moz

    Causing confusion is a typical psyc-op......And this newer generation has been condition to follow the "experts"?
    Phil Donahue started that back in the early 70's....that would be the middle-agers on here?
    Quick Buick likes this.
  13. Todd69GS

    Todd69GS Silver Level contributor

    When my engine builder advises me to go a certain route or use a certain part I follow his advice. I may do some research but at the end of the day he is the expert.
    When the medical experts and scientists tell me I should probably take the vaccine I take that information seriously. I may have some questions but at the end of the day I will take the advice of the experts.
    Wonder what the so called internet expert does when the doctor tells him he has cancer and should seek treatment immediately?
    68Rivi_In_Cali likes this.
  14. Todd69GS

    Todd69GS Silver Level contributor

    You're an older guy. Where did you get all of your conspiracy information before the internet? Must have been tough getting the false narratives to pick up steam back then.
  15. GKMoz

    GKMoz Gary / Moz

    Ever had an engine blow up? even after "expert" advice or work?
    The difference in one's comparison is A psyc-op isn't your expert advice! it is used to confuse or distort a reasonable conclusion.
    It was used to create the term"conspiracy -theory" back in Nov.1963
    Topcat and Quick Buick like this.
  16. GKMoz

    GKMoz Gary / Moz

    I don't need the internet to know BS when I see it!
    That's how it worked for me all these years where I did't have to "depend" on some other idiot to tell me what's what;)
    It is called intelligence/discernment/common sense thinking for one's self and not just going along with the herd :)
  17. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482

    Here is what bothers me:

    It is established and accepted among all that after you contract and resolve the virus in your system, antibodies are left to bear witness to your fight, and to protect you from future infection. There is some discussion among medical professionals about serology testing methods and specific tests, but no one disqualifies the importance of the knowledge, especially on a broad scale.

    Why have there been, to my knowledge, no CDC lead official attempts to quantify the percentage of our population, with these antibodies. Any serious government attempt to study these antibodies, and identify the level of protection they provide? And for how long they provide it? They have dangled their feet in the water with a few small health care worker studies, but nothing on a serious scale.

    The answer to these questions is the key to assessing actual risk, and no one is asking ... there seems to be very little official interest in the subject.

    It's almost like they don't want to know..

    The threat could be much worst, or much less, than we are being told. I understand that a year ago this was a new thing, but that was then, this is now... what has been done in this area... precious little, I could only find a couple of private studies, one that suggest that nearly 20% of the respondents, with no known history of Covid infection, test positive for the antibodies.

    If nearly a quarter of the population has had it, that makes the 29.4 million cases more like 120 million... quite the difference.

    How would that differently shape public opinion?

    All you can find on the CDC's website is a lot of double talk that amounts to "we don't know".

    Instead they seem to be hell bent on promoting a "vaccine" that is really not that.. None of the current products out there keep you from contracting the virus, Not getting the illness is the common understanding of the word "vaccine" and we have seen, in this conversation on our board here, that many folks think that is what is going on here. In this case, they are just pre-dosing you with virus to give your immune system a head start. Lessen the symptoms. Prevent hospital overcrowding.

    That's all fine and good, but let's call it what it is, a pre-infection therapy drug, not a vaccine.

    It's true that many true vaccines use modified forms of the pathogen they are designed to fight as part of the process to get your body to create immunity to said pathogen. I am not a vaccine expert to be sure, but I have lived 54 years on this earth, and I don't recall anyone getting "a little bit" of mumps, polio, smallpox ... after having been vaccinated. Their bodies developed an immunity to the disease, nothing less.

    It appears that there are other forces at work here.. as there usually is. I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I am not gullible either. Some one saw big dollars to be made here.

    Whenever there is big money to be made, there will be greedy politicians to make it happen, and insure their continued "campaign contributions" funding hungry government entities to feed the need, and greedy individuals/corporations in the private sector to lap up the cash.

    So that's my concern, but as I have said before, I will not hesitate to take the vaccine when available, but will be going in with eyes wide open..

    I think that to take it or not, should be a personal decision, free of judgment from any group, certainly not from our car buddies..

    Last edited: Mar 14, 2021
    Dwayne B, Guy Parquette, srb and 7 others like this.
  18. Mike Trom

    Mike Trom Platinum Level Contributor

    Those testing inaccuracies cost me 10 days of work due to mandatory quarantine since we were in close contact with someone who tested "positive". It also added to the number of positive tests in our area that caused more shut downs. Wonder how many more were false positives. We asked if he could get a second test and the county said it would not matter because they would only accept the positive test even if the other test was negative.
    My son who tested positive was out of quarantine in 7 days, the rest of us that tested negative with no symptoms had to quarantine for 10 days.
    docgsx likes this.
  19. Todd69GS

    Todd69GS Silver Level contributor

    You know nothing about the medical field so therefore you are unqualified to make any assumptions about medical issues. If you're a doctor or scientist please say so. Otherwise you're just another keyboard pounder.
    69_GS_400 likes this.
  20. GKMoz

    GKMoz Gary / Moz

    I give my opinion just like you just did....... I've made no claim of expertise on this subject....get the vaccine I don't care enough to continue with this conversation! Have a great racing season?
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