Bush Got Shoes Threw At Him In Iraq Today

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 72 V Code, Dec 14, 2008.

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  1. 72 V Code

    72 V Code 71 72 GS GSX Fan

    I'm sure alot of you all have seen that by now-Myself I laughed.
  2. jdk971

    jdk971 jim karnes

    he did not go beserk and looks like he had a smirk on his face. did you see
    where he told sec service to back off and said i think they were size 10. let see that guy do that in iran or to the late sadam hussain.
  3. gui_tarzan

    gui_tarzan Certifiable

    I hope this doesn't turn into a political discussion.
  4. jdk971

    jdk971 jim karnes

    me to, there is no need for politics in this forum.
  5. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    :laugh: Missed me!
    Missed me again! :laugh:
  6. 70sLark

    70sLark Well-Known Member

    Oh you know thats why he posted it, to get a rise out of the other side.

    A texas oil man, or a mobster from chicago, there will be no difference in the worlds reacation to them. Unless he changes our moto to in ali we trust.
  7. 72 V Code

    72 V Code 71 72 GS GSX Fan

    The man that threw the shoes called Bush a "Dog" and said that was for all the orphans & widows.I'm glad the man is now under a democracy so he could do that.That is the worst insult over there being hit with a shoe or having one thrown at you as i understand it.
  8. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    That video was hilarious! He did a hell of a job dodging that first shoe.
  9. Junkman

    Junkman Well-Known Member

  10. jdk971

    jdk971 jim karnes

    isn't it funny that every time the USA helps people become free, they bitch. look at europe. those mfers are so socialists they can not keep a military do to cost. then they come crying over bosnia serb stuff. now iraq, 25mil people free, and they will turn on us within 3 years if not sooner. thank God for canada, gbritian and australia, and the old free eastern block. i know russia is turning back to their old ways, but i wish we could us them some how in this war on terror. they don't worry about what people think. sorry for my rant. jim
  11. monkeyy337

    monkeyy337 monkeyy337

    I heard the guy that threw the shoes now has a try-out for a major league pitcher position?

  12. Maybe the Pirates should sign him . He cant be any worse than what they already have.

  13. frednoah

    frednoah Well-Known Member

    Velocity is way low. Kinda reminds me of an Iraqi Barry Zito?
  14. 72 V Code

    72 V Code 71 72 GS GSX Fan

    Gotta admit the guy had guts to stand up there & do that,to let Bush know how he felt about him.
  15. whamo

    whamo 454 71 skylark custom

    If he had any real guts he would have thrown shoes at Sadam. Or better still tried to oppose Hussein politcally, of course if he had done that he would not be alive today, like 10s of thousands of Iraqis who actually did have "guts".
  16. gui_tarzan

    gui_tarzan Certifiable

  17. Junkman

    Junkman Well-Known Member

    You have a legitamate source saying otherwise?No?
  18. 70sLark

    70sLark Well-Known Member

    Its no one fault but the enemys who is to chickshet to put on a real uniform and fight like men, so they dress like everyone else on purpose.

    I say nuke em all, they want to die n e ways.
  19. mrsportwagon

    mrsportwagon Well-Known Member

    A little disappointed in those on the board who think this is justified. If I were Bush, send that guy to Gitmo.

    Regardless, it reminded me of when Reagan was attacked http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAdjvlCrGB0

    Don't know what it is, but our Presidents never back down from any would-be assailant. Bush was like Neo on The Matrix. Would like to have him on my dodge ball team
  20. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    You have a legitamate source saying otherwise?No?


    that's not how it works, Ted. he hasn't made any assertion whatsoever. out of politeness, if nothing else, you should google some minimal reference.

    http://www.iraqbodycount.org/ - for instance documents less than 100,000 Iraqi civilian deaths.

    more interesting though, is the methodology. for instance, not this entry from Anti-War:
    Totals: 1 dead, 19 injured

    what's interesting about those numbers? not a single one of them resulted from the actions of US forces.
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