57 Plymouth Buried in Time capsule

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by zz2h33, Mar 8, 2007.

  1. 64BuickCat

    64BuickCat Geaux Tigers! L-S-U!!!

    Re: 57 Plymouth Burried in Time capsule

    Beats hell outta cleaning the head with a tooth brush!
  2. Floydsbuick

    Floydsbuick Well-Known Member

  3. tt455

    tt455 T Bone

  4. Stage1 Jeff

    Stage1 Jeff Guest

    Re: 57 Plymouth Burried in Time capsule

    doesn't look too bad, looks to only need a good cleaning, some rear springs, it might be saveable yet!!
  5. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Re: 57 Plymouth Burried in Time capsule

    I wonder what it would look like if they hit it with a pressure washer?
  6. Racerx88

    Racerx88 Platinum Level Contributor

    Re: 57 Plymouth Burried in Time capsule

  7. buickgsman

    buickgsman Well-Known Member

    Re: 57 Plymouth Burried in Time capsule

    That was sad to watch, but they should have prepared a little better 50 years ago. One of the articles said it right.. a french drain would have done wonders. It would have been cool to see it if it came out mint. I'm sure Boyd will get his hand in restoring it. What a rusty mess that thing must be. Makes me want to go dig a hole in the yard and pour some concrete(with a big drain) and make my own timecapsule

  8. buickbonehead

    buickbonehead WOT Baby!

    Re: 57 Plymouth Burried in Time capsule

    The interior could use some work.


    Attached Files:

  9. Stage1 Jeff

    Stage1 Jeff Guest

    Re: 57 Plymouth Burried in Time capsule

    and a LOT of armor all :Dou:
  10. 70staged

    70staged Well-Known Member

    Re: 57 Plymouth Burried in Time capsule

    you know me personally instead of putting beer in the trunk i would have put a couple of bottles of wine in there. cause if you think about it when they pulled the car out of the ground something would have turned out better than what it did when it when in there
  11. tt455

    tt455 T Bone

    Re: 57 Plymouth Burried in Time capsule

    Boyd said he can't get it started.Claims it's flooded.:laugh: :pp
  12. TTNC

    TTNC Well-Known Member

    Re: 57 Plymouth Burried in Time capsule

    They should clean it up ASAP before all that crap on there gets a chance to dry and get caked on there making it that much harder to clean
  13. Keith Seymore

    Keith Seymore Well-Known Member

    Re: 57 Plymouth Burried in Time capsule

    :laugh: :laugh:

    In all seriousness, I've seen worse...
  14. Michael Evans

    Michael Evans a new project

    Re: 57 Plymouth Burried in Time capsule

    It looks bad now, but I bet someone will try to restore it.

    If nothing else they will do a ID swap :rolleyes:
  15. Bob the Tomatoe

    Bob the Tomatoe King of Tomatoe Land!

    Re: 57 Plymouth Burried in Time capsule

    HEY! :rant:
    (notice the avatar)

  16. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Re: 57 Plymouth Burried in Time capsule

    I cant believe how the bumper gleams in that spot they cleaned off!:eek2:
  17. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    Re: 57 Plymouth Burried in Time capsule

    Why did they design the lid with the seam on top, instead of making it more of a cap?

    it doesn't appear to me that they buried it in a hill or raised area. therefore, ground water level rising/water main or sewer main breaks are a more serious threat than rain water seeping down.

    the fact that water levels within the compartment appear to have varied so much indicates that for all the Gunite spraying that thing leaked like a sieve.

    but yeah, they should have built a barrow ( or buried it in a hill ) and then capped the capsule with the seam at the bottom.
  18. tt455

    tt455 T Bone

  19. Ol' Yeller

    Ol' Yeller Guest

    Re: 57 Plymouth Burried in Time capsule

    My predictions/obsevations.
    First my predictions:
    Boyd will change his mind and announce that the car will be "restored" in 8 weeks all documented on a special edition of American Hot Rod. Plans for the car will include dechroming, a Chevy 350 4 barrel engine and a custom set of Boyd Coddington 20" wheels. The interior will be redone in roll and tuck leather and the car will be painted "Plum Crazy" Purple. They won't have to lower it as time already took care of that. During the "restoration" Duane will drive the boys in the shop like a taskmaster on a ancient Roman galley ship causing at least 2 of the guys on the stage to quit in disgust. Boyd will declare them "Dead to me". and forbid their names to be mentioned in his shop ever again. His son will secretly steal half of the crew to modify a Japanese pickup from the '90's which causes Duane to swear even more and drive the remaining crew that much harder to meet their self imposed deadline. Boyd's trophy wife Jo will wear jeans and a T shirt to the unveiling and act like she was the reason why the car was completed. During the "Restoration", Boyd will add a degree of difficulty to the task by taking what is left of the entire crew off to 6 Flags for a "team building" exercise which puts them further behind, causing Duane to swear more and 2 more people to quit.

    My Observations:

    I too, am glad it wasn't a '57 Buick
    This proves that even if you don't drive a '57 Mopar it will rust to nothing.
    It was a great publicity stunt that captured car guy's attention all over the country even though it took 50 years to accomplish.
    As it was a '57 Plymouth that was sacrificed, little damage was done.

  20. bw1339

    bw1339 Well-Known Member

    Re: 57 Plymouth Burried in Time capsule

    Am I the only one who thinks that for a car that has spent the last 50 years in varying levels of water, it is in remarkably good shape? The interior is trashed, but the body appears to be pretty intact. My theory is that with nothing to disturb the paint (wear and UV), it has managed to shield the metal quite effectively. I think the car will decay much faster now that it has been removed from that tub.

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