political humor

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by gsjohnny, Sep 29, 2003.

  1. txgwildcat

    txgwildcat Guest

    The Edge may even get some reps this week?
  2. tdacton

    tdacton Gold Level Contributor

    Yes I heard today he is playing

    He has been practicing with the team this week.
    Unless he gets hurt before game time it is said he will be playing.
    If we can have a passing and running game, Wow, Both in the same game, Double Wow. Could be very interesting!
  3. txgwildcat

    txgwildcat Guest

    Monday Night games are usually when the stars shine. Peyton Manning had a stellar game last week, we'll see if he can top it?
  4. StageTwo

    StageTwo It's a Beauty Too.

    Awe, don't worry about that; I was just poking fun at people who bear no sense of community or the responsibility envolved in existing within one. :grin: It does not apply to you.
  5. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    Well said Brent! :beer

    I save my arguments of politics for my Liberal sister. Who demonstrates the double standard on that end of the political spectrum by being a member of both Greenpeace and the Sierra Club all the while driving a Ford Expedition. :rolleyes:

    The best part of the football season is when it ends.

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2003
  6. frtlnrbuick

    frtlnrbuick Midwest Mafia


    I'm with you Dale: every bit, 100%:grin:
  7. grant455gs

    grant455gs Well-Known Member

    Just wondering, are these your words, or someone else's??

    I wasn't worried, just curious:confused: :Do No:
  8. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections

    What Brent said....

    Jeff and Brent,

    I appreciate your comments and am willing to agree to disagree on a few of them. Brent, unlike Jeff, I see the point of your final paragraph. Essentially, you are saying we need to get involved in the affairs of other nations since we are in essence all neighbors. Ahh, the old internationalist's veiw of world politics. Isolation be damned and full steam into every nations problems!

    Every President of the United States since Woodrow Wilson has been of this terrible mindset. So has the media. And finally, even though you claim to see past the media bias, you have bought into their mentality. You are not alone. Years ago both Woodrow Wilson and FDR had difficulty trying to convince our nation that intervention abroad was necessary but for the longest time public opinion rightfully resisted. Since then, becoming embroiled in other nations affairs has begun to become routine in nature, and most people supportive of those "wars" with the possible exception of Vietnam.

    One conflict after another is suddenly of our concern. You even foretell of coming conflict with your response, "Terrorism will be with us for a long time, if not indefinitely." Gee, where have I heard that before? The mainstream media of course. Yes, condition ORANGE is with us and our children and our children's children and their children. Our government and media have told us this and it is already accepted. How awfully sad that is!

    I say it is not so and have written my representatives in Congress suggesting how it must be stopped. Catching Bin Laden in the 90's is no fix dude! We need serious immigration and foreign policy changes in order to prevent acts of terrorism. I think Ken has the right idea on immigration so I will concentrate on the foreign policy questions.

    When you have someone that hates you like Bin Laden and his ilk hate us in the good old US, you have to put yourself in their shoes and ask why, in order to deal with the problem effectively. They are tired of seeing the middle east dominated by a US backed Israel. Everything relates directly to our foreign entanglements. As they see it the United States provides BILLIONS OF DOLLARS and lots of support for Israel, a ministate that bullies arab peoples and nations.

    Brent, it would not surprise me if you are ok with what is going on as far as Israel is concerned. After all they are just fighting terror with terror, and that is the best policy right? But how can any American side with this "track and kill" attack system Israel is now using. If you know where a suspected terrorist is why not arrest, detain, prosecute, and penalize that party just as we have done with any criminal in this nation? To fire missiles into civilian areas hoping to kill your target is murderous. Children have been killed! Worse, can you imagine what that does to the Palestinians psyche? This CNN article talks of the situation:


    Kill Bin Laden and there will be someone else right behind him willing to die for something he believes in. Kill Saddam and some other leader is likely to gain power that wants nothing more than to be a thorn in our side. At best we will install a puppet leader with a weak hold over an unruly bunch and smaller acts of terror will still be the norm.

    What makes me, the isolationist right, and you the internationalist wrong? George Washington, thank you very much. The father of this nation that has only survived because of his brilliance and courage, along with real men like Jefferson and Franklin. In his Presidential farewell address in 1796, he outlined the perils of foreign entanglements. This was at the very peak of his knowledge, and obviously of tremendous importance to him. Here is what he said, and you should have no problem interpreting. Scroll down about 7/8 of the way down to the paragraph that begins "It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances... :


    Brent, you will counter with this man wrote this crap over 200 years ago, it doesn't mean s#%t anymore. Globalists sell the need for their new world order and want you to turn away from the teachings of our forefathers. They will say that nuclear devices, environmental issues, population explosions, and the like demand a new way of thinking. They'll tell you we won't survive unless we support the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, the WTO, Nafta, Nato, Interpol, and countless other entities. But to me George's words are timeless. You can change the words Israel for Europe and it reads just like he told us how to handle things yesterday.

    My man is George and he ain't from Texas. Texas George is the best GM, GE, IBM, 3M, Boeing, Northrup, Phillip-Morris, Wal-Mart, Owens-Corning, Exxon/Mobil, USAirways, Citicorp, StateFarm, AIPAC, Halliburton {you get the idea} can buy. Bush is old establishment politics and you can only be sure of one thing; BIGGER GOVERNMENT/LESS FREEDOM, just like the Democrats and Republicans that dominate every corridor of Washington promote.

    For all of you fellows that will mock those of us interested in the politics, shame on you. If a certain group of men had only talked about horses in 1776, you wouldn't enjoy anything we have now. And if most stay on the sidelines now we stand to lose those horses {now GS's}. There are those that believe most men are overly eaten up with sports statisitics but can't tell you who their US Senator is. I tend to agree with them. In example, I have written my KY legislators letting them know how unfair I think the emissions testing in our county is, since it is required on all 1968 and newer vehicles. Equally important, this middle east situation is crucial to oil production and prices. If you can't see the direct-connection [no Mopar pun intended] between US policy and gas prices then your not looking past that ram air hood.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2003
  9. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections


    I hope your not considering my remarks that Brent responded to be those of a liberal? Call me a Constitutionalist, Isolationist, Populist, Right-Wing Conservative but please note that my views are not someone on the left!

    All the followers of Rush, the mushy middle class mainstream moderate Republicans, are just a tach needle to the right of Socialist left as far as I am concerned. So battle on with those liberals!
  10. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    No, not at all Brian.
  11. StageTwo

    StageTwo It's a Beauty Too.

    So rave on, critics of community, sleepers of responsibility! Glean those fields of debate with slothful combs of delight; harvest 'till the sun is swallowed and give rest. Never mind your neighbor's labor nor bother the walls of your house from them. Sleep. Sleep.

    Yes, those are my words. Evidentally, they hold true.
  12. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections


    Thanks Dale-love that Avatar:beer
  13. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections

    Very talented!

    That is extremely eloquent! You have some real talent there. We just need to get it into the right direction.
  14. StageTwo

    StageTwo It's a Beauty Too.

    Re: Very talented!

    Thanks! Sometimes I find myself with a little too much time on my hands, I guess. :Comp: :laugh:
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2003
  15. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    Re: 10-4

    Thanks Brian.
    I sent that same pic into Car Craft and they used it in the June 2000 Reader's Rides section.
    Wife saw the pic and said "Don't you dare buy new tires again any time soon!" :laugh:
    (Those Radial T/A's were about a week old at the time.) :Brow:

    But I digress, Wasn't this about politics?

    I think I'll check back later.
  16. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Brian, the issues you refer to are quite complex, and any solution is difficult to come by. I agree with most of what you posted above. However, I'd not consider myself conservative or isolationistic.

    I think "community" is the very reason your argument stands true. It does protect our "local" community, as well as the "global" one we are part of.

    Like it or not, we are not the only people on the face of the planet. We have a responsibility to be good neighbors. Sometimes that means seeing the big picture and keeping to ourselves.
  17. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections



    Having pondered upon your basic replies to my two postings, I feel it is time to both thank you for them and to respond. Can't my sense of community be the USA? Why must it be the world? I don't have a Websters at my fingertips right now, but if I did, I bet the USA would fit the definition of the word community. My hometown of Oakdale, PA., with its 5,000 inhabitants would fit the definition would it not?

    Perhaps my postings gave the illusion that I do not care about the rest of the world. I do, and just like you I want it to be free and prosporous with people able to pursue a life of liberty and justice. However, you can't force that on anyone or any nation. You can only lead by example and promote it in my opinion.

    Right now OUR community, the USA, has many problems. Are we still the best nation on earth? Yep, no question about it! But can other nations point to us and be critical? Absolutely they can! They could say we have racial tension, that we are the murder capitol of the world, that we have more people imprisoned than any country in the world, that the very corporations that we founded are ripe with greed and possess no conscious, that our currency has fallen in value 97% since WWII, that our public school system is lacking and our students below par, that our health care system is unaffordable to many, that our government has abusive agencies like the IRS and ATF, that our government has agencies that seem unanswerable to anyone, including the President, like the CIA, that many of our urban areas are in decline, that personal/corporate/and governmental debt is at an unreal and unsustainable level, that we have created a loss of self reliance as our manufacturing base erodes, that we have failed to develope our own resources and alternate energy means, that our justice system is slow and often unjust, that ridiculous civil lawsuits are running rampant, that our morals are low and our teen pregnancy rate is high, that we can't even protect our own borders from illegal crossing, and finally, that we to often become involved in other countries affairs causing as much bitterness and dispair as we do happiness and hope.

    Brent, what if someone could point to our nation and not be able to find much fault with the USA or a COMMUNITY living in near utopia? If we turned all our energies inward, while still maintaining a fair and balanced trade system with the rest of the world, I think it is possible. Then all these dictators and corrupt governments wouldn't have a leg to stand on. Their people would not tolerate anything but the path we have taken. They would rise up and throw off the shackles themselves or with very little help, just as our forefathers did in this nation. Our forefathers had a vision of utopia and if we only followed the near timeless law and guidance, they unselfishly gave us, I think utopia would be nearly unavoidable. Why must we visit Disney World to see what main street USA should look like?

    The highly Socialist-Democracy we have created is a far cry from the Republic we originally had. 80% of our problems can be traced back to the original mistakes made by Woodrow Wilson's administration and the other 20% can be easily tied to FDR's poor policy. President Wilson gave us great things like the communistic progressive income tax, the diabolical Federal Reserve Banking system, and of course, the war he promised during his campaign for reelection that he would keep us out of, WWI. FDR saddled us with countless bureaucracies, the mess called Social Security, and of course, the the war he promised during his campaign for reelection that he would keep us out of, WWII. The aftermath of WWII created things like the UN, Israel and the unstable middle east, The Cold War, ect..

    Truzi said the issue is complex. It has become that way and the believers of a big and powerful federal and world government want you to think that you can't exist without them, their ideals, their machine, and its enormous cost. I say it is them and their machine [yes, there is one worse than a Ford] that is leading to our decline!
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2003
  18. TuBBeD

    TuBBeD Well-Known Member

    I think we should start a V8 Buick crossfire with all these political opionion's being expressed here:rolleyes:

    Everytime someone puts a new post up on the board involving politics everyone goes haywire with their beliefs on how this country should be ran. I for one don't care anymore until someone starts looking over my shoulder 24/7. It hasn't happened yet and for everyone who is going to be telling me what the government is doing in order to take away my liberties, it's doesn't bother me. I have all the freedom that a person can possibly have and those laws that are imposed onto me are just words in a book. Until the day I can't move freely on my own, I will be carrying a gun by my side in order to protect my liberties that were given to me when this country was established. I don't even know why people worry about this stuff anymore, all it does is give you high blood pressure. Everyone blames the people in office for doing all these wrongs, but guess what? You and I voted for one of those people! If all you guys are upset on why the country is being ran like it is, why didn't you investigate the candidate before they were elected into power? I can't see how people are proactive in the way our country is ran with the people who are currently in power, but yet haven't done anything before their name was ever put on the ballot. The people of the United States is to blame for the way things are going and that includes you and me. So, everything that we are complaining about are the mistakes we made instead of our leaders, because we put them in their position in the first place! All politicans have self-interest for why they want to be in office and everybody else comes second, it will always be that way. This country is going to hell and I'm not going to worry myself about it, I'm just going to live happily. When I die all of this will go away.
  19. StageTwo

    StageTwo It's a Beauty Too.

    Ken, I appreciate your concern for our country. We share the concern equally. Don't let my editorial get under your skin, though. We all have different opinions. I respect yours whether I find faults in them or not and do not believe that arguing with you will be a productive venture.

    I expressed my opinion in a proceeding post, not to stir the pot of debate, but to simply express what I believe. The views, concepts, values, and opinions I have are based on principles and inspirations that have impressed themselves upon me throughout my life. Although I am a teachable and reasonable person, I do not feel they need to be challanged at this point.

    Please continue to communicate to your political representatives and I will mine.
  20. TuBBeD

    TuBBeD Well-Known Member

    Why don't we all agree not to bring anymore political topics up in this forum? I feel although we all like to express our freedom of speech, it just ruins the fun for everyone on this board. It seems their is never anything positive in politics nowdays, I think we can all agree on that. :TU:

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