Should have seen his face!!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by '71buickg.s., Feb 20, 2004.

  1. 65 Riv 425

    65 Riv 425 Well-Known Member

    you are some dad.. I got a 85 ford Van with two seats in it. and that about it..
  2. Chris Lott

    Chris Lott 4 speed finally

    Some words of advice for Josh:
    I started working at a grocery store sacking when I was 14. Every saturday and sunday (parents wouldn't let me during the week, wanted me to focus on schoolwork). I made minimum wage ($5.15/hr, It may have gone up now) and I think I only put in 16 hours a week. But, I saved every penny I made and put it in a savings account, and 3 months before I turned 16 I was able to purchase my first car, a '70 GS455. I couldn't have been happier. It may kill your social life for a while, working on the weekends and such, but it was all worth it when I was able to get that car. Start checking with your local grocery stores and see what they have to offer. I work at a small hobbyshop now, making decent money (8.50/hr) but looking back I would have stayed at the grocery store. Granted it wouldn't be as much fun, but if you stick with them you have opportunities to make large sums of money (Some HEB checkers are making $11.00/hr, managers even more than that...).

    You've got access to a killer '70 Skylark now, good luck with finding a job! Keep us all posted! :TU:
  3. henry white

    henry white Well-Known Member

    very nice car, sport mirrors and posi's are all nice stuff, but what is even more important is rust prevention. i dont know your situation or climate, but dry storage from day one will save some $$ in the long run. nos fenders and quarters aint cheap.

  4. '71buickg.s.

    '71buickg.s. a dark and stormy night..

    Chris, that'll have to wait until next weekend, my dad went out of town this morning, my sister has worked at a kroger in ohio since her freshman year of hs, shes now a freshman in college and makes 11.80 working in the bakery!

    Henry, we've only lived here about 2 months but id imagine texas is dry most of the time.. and when its not ill be sure to have a garage spot... especially when it hails:eek2:

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