Newsweek!! What the **** do you think you're doing?!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 462CID, May 14, 2005.

  1. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    He was a German Army regular retreating from the Russians. Really nasty stuff that the Russians did to them.

    well, you take a centuries old cultural distaste for each other between the two societies and aggravate it with the seiges of stalingrad (extensive starvation and cannibalism forced on the residents) and moscow along with the general blood thirstyness of the germans on the way in country and there isn't really anything else they could have expected when the russkies got a chance to give a little of it back too them.

    and oh, did they ever.

    btw, Mein Krieg is an exceptional film, both for the opportunity to view eastern front combat footage and for the interviews with the german veterans. very interesting to see how they justify their behavior ... and they aren't ALWAYS wrong ... just most of the time.
  2. MPRY1

    MPRY1 Gear Banger

    Yea, what an absolute atrocity to humiliate these poor terrorists. :rolleyes:

    Putting a dog leash on these poor fellas is much worse then what happened to this American contractor.

    *WARNING* I don't advise following this link if you have a weak stomach. I usually don't resort to posting stuff like this, but I think people should see what happens to our guys when caught by these poor poor abused terrorists that were forced to wear dog leashes and womens panties. :af:
  3. EEE

    EEE Straight out of lo-cash!

    I saw the best bumper sticker I've ever seen today on a car. In Europe you need to put a sticker on you car with two letters indicating which country the car belongs to. This one looked like one of those but said: "EARTH" on it. I don't want any stickers on my car, but I'll put it on the toolbox in the trunk if I can find it.
  4. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    How about the fact that this all had a blind eye turned to it until some photos were leaked?

    pure bullshit. marla mapes broke the abu ghraib story after soldiers were already being prosecuted. even sources friendly to her/the left admit this:
    "Lawsons nephew, the now somewhat infamous Staff Sergeant Ivan Chip Frederick II, was being charged with abusing prisoners at Abu Ghraib. Lawson believed that his nephew was being railroaded for following orders from his superiors at a prison run amok. Lawson, who had already heard there were photos, told his story to Charles, who then brought it to Mapes, and, separately, to Hersh. Within days, both Hersh and Mapes had tracked down the photographs from Abu Ghraib."

    you'd think someone who professes to be a libertarian would be a little more critical of the scandal whoring (whether real or concocted) that passes for news these days.
  5. Gmachine Lark

    Gmachine Lark Well-Known Member

    Why is it the that if you are not a republican then you are automatically some leftist liberal who is imoral and doesnt go to church?
    The reality that most Americans are somewhere in the middle . I ,like most , am fiscally conservative but socially fall more on the liberal side. That means I want a strong business community but I dont want the government legislating things I feel are not the governments business. You cant say less goverment and in the same breath say that women should not be in charge of thier reproductive rights. If you do so by saying that "My religion says its so" then you want the government to legislate a religious issue. Are you sure you want to open that flood gate. What you are doing is making your religious values the "official" government doctrine .
    There are a number of countries like that..
    One is Iraq
    Another is Afghanistan

    That doesnt mean I condone flag burning . It means that in a free society ( thats what we are supposed to have ) I will fight for your right to burn it . THAT my friends is what organisations like the ACLU do. Civil Liberties. Those words are pretty important no matter what party you are affiliated with officially.

    As an owner of multiple businesses and the employer of many both here and abroad , I agree with some of the things that the current administration does and says. But as a person who studied the law , to me , there is too much talk of religion coming from the White House. Just so you know , I am a person who goes to church, but I also believe as the founders of this nation felt that there should be a seperation of church and state.To say that we can change it now because we are in the majority is the same attitude that kept things like slavery , unfair housing practices, and the the exclusion of women from the right to vote going for so long.

    In adddition, no one can say that the torture and humiliation of these prisoners was somehow justified because of the Towers. Both of these are terrible acts. So are there degrees of terrible ?

    At Neuremburg, even the most haenous criminals were given an opportunity to answer for thier actions. Some took the cowards way out, some were hanged, some were give 10 year sentences, and a few were aquitted. After doing extensive study on this matter I can tell you that there is NO RECORD of them being torchered. What the real case is who knows.
    If these soldiers were irresponsible enough to do these things AND NOT THINK ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES, then it should be on them. I am sorry if you dont agree with me , but it doesnt make me a bad guy to disagree with you it just makes me just as much of an American as you.

    I get to disagree with you and you get to disagree with me . Thats a good thing in my world because I have been to a lot of places where you dont get to do that one bit.
    I will end with this thought then I will shutup. There has been a bad trend of jumping to conclusions in this coutry of late. Ill give you some examples.

    You are a Muslim so you must think ...
    You are a Christian so you must think...
    You are a republican so...
    You are an attorney so...
    You are black so you must think ...

    I have some news, nobody is ever going to tell me what I must think. I might disagree with you , but I will fight like h#ll so YOU can think whatever you want. Dont pidgeonhole and classify me because most likely you'll be wrong .

    Allright just one more thing .
    Too much of ANYTHING is TOO much. Before we condemn Muslims as being so outta left field we need to remember a little thing called the Crusades. Terrible things have been done in the name of religion and the Muslim world doesnt have exsclusive rights to that little bit of world history.

    OK I think Im done.

    My hometown is on your local news every day.
    Take care everyone
    George in DC
  6. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    Back to the topic, does anyone have proof that the soldiers didn't rip up the kuran in front of iraqi prisoners, fully knowing that it would incite some kind of response in a people that are some of the most devout followers of their faith? Being the republican way, this is guilty until proven innocent at this point, no use in going back to the democratic way just when it suits you.
  7. grisby

    grisby Well-Known Member

    I have been reading this thread for some time now, so just to throw a wrench in it------you ask for proof about the koran---well it looks like their (newsweek) "sources" gave them information that was incorrect, and you know what happened next--

    Well I am still waiting for the "weapons of mass destruction" that got us into the war to begin with!!! Newsweek attempted to apologize, just as Bush did about his "incorrect info"--yet he got reelected--and a lot more Americans died in the interim. He didn't get fired and I am sure his "intelligence group" is far more efficient that Newsweek sources!!!

    So I guess The US government is also
    "guilty until proven innocent at this point, no use in going back to the democratic way just when it suits you."

    And Mechacode, when I first read you comment about the "stupidest soldier" comment, I was originally upset since I have 2 kids in the conflict, but I didn't write right away and I am glad I didn't---since you explained your comment in the following threads I understood what you meant. Good and bad in everyone.

    Sometimes it pays just to sit back and take it all in before you write, but even doing that it can come across wrong in text.
  8. Oklahoma!

    Oklahoma! Well-Known Member

    Religion and politics on the same thread! No wonder there are so many of those little "mad" emoticons.

    >>>>>>>>I've yet to meet a bible banger who has voted democrat.<<<<<<<<

    I know several, especially among my denomination where we are very peace minded. I am not very political on either side, but grew up conservative and a campaign worker for Reagan ( a great president). But even though I have stayed away from politics recently, I must say that Christian democrats are a bit of an enigma to me. In spite of everything good a democrat may do or think, I can't get past certain moral issues that democrats seem to push, such as abortion, gay marriage and more governmental control over people's lives ( go to a liberal city like Portland or San Fran and they will tell you how you can build your own house and that you can't have a garage, but they hand out condoms to school kids!).

    I hate war and wish the military did not exist in any country. In heaven there will be no war, death or hate. But this is a fallen world where greed, self and lust for power rule the day. The Bible says there is a time for peace and a time for war. I stand behind those who fight for freedom....and hope that is what is happening.
  9. mrgransport

    mrgransport Well-Known Member

    The press is suffering from C.R.I. S.( cerebral rectal inversion syndrome). They report things without caring about the greater implications in the name of free speech. People should boycott Newsweek and let their bad decision making hit them financially. I agree we have the right to speak our minds and the press has the same rights, but as responsible human beings we should look at the big picture. With the US in a war and lives being lost in Iraq daily (on both sides), how did Newsweek think the Muslim world would respond to such reporting -true or not. There is a time and a place for everything and logic should be used when doing such things. How many lives will be lost to sell their magazine?
  10. 462CID

    462CID Buick newbie since '89

    Stereotyping is always a bad idea, but as a group, Man loves it

    As for the religious aspect, for me, it is an aside, because fundamentalist ideals are often extreme, and this is a known possiblity. What Newsweek did was run a calculated risk. For me, the issue of what Newsweek did, and what the Religious connotations are need to be looked at seperately

    As far as prisoner abuses go, this is a fact:

    Every Army or occupying force in History has comitted atrocities. That includes the US forces in every war they have been in

    As a student of History (not just US history) it is my opinion that the US is involved in these cases more rarely than most other countries involved in war

    But going back to my first sentence in this post, everyone loves to stereotype, and that includes folks in the Muslim world. "Americans" have the filthy hands that defiled the literal Word of God to many of them now. It cements a beleif they have, however misguided or unfounded, that "Americans" are evil
  11. 73-462GS

    73-462GS GS Mike

    Didn't the Eagles do a song about this kind of thing? "Bubble headed bleach blonde comes on at five". I can't remember the name of the song, just some of the words.Mike D.
  12. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    OK--next time we should have them keep their underwear on.
  13. leo455

    leo455 LAB MAN

    Well I think we need to hand over the writer of this to the muslem world. As far as seperation of church and state. The only on for that was bennie Franklin. known Athist. I really don't think there is any statement anywhere in the declaration or anywhere else about it other than what the alcu claims.
  14. Keith Seymore

    Keith Seymore Well-Known Member

    Well said.

    Christianity is not about "religion" (ie, rules that men put on each other); it is about "relationship" with Jesus Christ. Control the "heart" attitudes and you take care of the outward actions, not the other way around.
  15. Keith Seymore

    Keith Seymore Well-Known Member

    Pretty much correct - the phrase "Separation of Church and State" first appeared in a personal letter from Thomas Jefferson and the context was that the Government should not force it's will on the free exercise of religion.

  16. Keith Seymore

    Keith Seymore Well-Known Member

    ...not at my house - I'm getting a new septic field this week... :af:
  17. Keith Seymore

    Keith Seymore Well-Known Member

    I can answer this one - I'd stand there and watch you do it and then we'd have a beverage of your choice and discuss what it was that made you want to do that.

    Then we'd clean up the mess (see my previous post).
  18. StreetStrip

    StreetStrip Well-Known Member

    Stop waiting. Not a month ago when the report came out that our intelligence was old and as wrong as Newsweek. You don't remember everyone giving resignations and or being fired??? That story is dead done. Not even a point anymore. The FBI and CIA had a source as good as Newsweek.
  19. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    Every middle eastern person is automatically a terrorist? Is every person in prison here in the US automatically a murderer?

    You wouldn't feel any anger at all? Not even a little?
  20. Gmachine Lark

    Gmachine Lark Well-Known Member

    So let me get this straight. If I dont agree with you I should be handed over to the Muslim world .

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