Is this guy trying to rip me off?

Discussion in 'Street/strip 400/430/455' started by 68riviera430, Nov 25, 2008.

  1. Electrajim

    Electrajim Just another Jim

    ...and keep the end seals RTV from getting messed up.
    ...and keep the RTV around the coolant passages from getting messed up.
    ...and try not to lean on the front grille..
    ..and try not to hit or smash anything, that includes fingers.
    You really need a perfect seal, every port, every connection the first time.

    ..I'm sorry, I don't like pulling or installing a steel intake, let alone a B4B either.

  2. Jim Blackwood

    Jim Blackwood Well-Known Member

    What he said, especially about sealing every port perfectly the first time.

    While I'm totally sympathetic to the situation, I think better ways can be found with a little thought. Since we're only talking 50 lbs here it doesn't take an engine hoist, but how hard is it to get a 2x4 across under the hood high enough to use to raise and lower the thing? If nothing else, a couple stacks of milk crates or a pair of step ladders will do the trick. A cheap hardware store pulley and a length of rope and you're there. Or maybe 2 or 3 pulleys to make it REAL easy. Doesn't that beat straining your back?


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