I'll never shop @ Thorntons gas station again!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Darryl Roederer, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. joy51872

    joy51872 Well-Known Member

    Where I work, unless someone has to be sent away in a stretcher from getting beat on, anything goes.

    My point is that everyone is so different that to you, someone simply yelling in a work place is unacceptable, in my work place, it's the norm. Everyone handles things differently.

    As far as the gloves, customer service nowadays is horrible for the most part. I'd be irritated as well and expect that if they don't want to honor the price THEY set that they could at least be apologetic instead of rude.

    From some posts, it seems to me that some people are missing the whole picture here.....next time you go grocery shopping, actually pay attention to the prices marked and the prices it rings up as, you get ripped off every single time on at least one item. Add it up and see how much you could of saved if you'd pay more attention and question the price of a mismarked item. Maybe by pointing it out to store managers/owners, it would make workers more aware of things such as this and make them stop intentionally/unintentionally ripping off the average Joe just trying to make it in life.
  2. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    Yeah, having worked as a CSR in one way or another for 25 years I tend to side with the retailer. Though, it does seem they didn't handle it in the best manner.
    The manager could have said. "Thanks for pointing that out, it is confusing." :TU:
    Even if in the end he did nothing about it, he would have at least validated the customer's concern.

    I've had a few occasions over the years were a customer starts raising their voice, or swearing at me. Without even attempting to negotiate a solution.
    It's at that point I turn away or just simply hang up the phone.
    They simply aren't worth it.
    Call the corporate office and speak to my boss the CEO?
    I have already beaten you to it to give him a heads up and explain my side of things.
    Good service is a 2 way street.
    Some claim they get horrible service no matter were they go. I wonder why? :idea2:
  3. rmstg2

    rmstg2 Gold Level Contributor

    Without hearing both sides it would be impossible to give an opinion. But if someone goes to a ton of trouble and spends a lot of time over a $1.00
    principle or no principle it almost seems they enjoy a little turmoil in their lives. Kind of like wrestling a pig in the mud after awhile you begin to realize the pig is enjoying it.
    And all these ass kickers on here remind me of my truck driving days when we had the guys talking on the CBs we called CB Rambo's who were always threatening to kick someones ass. But when they were in the truck stops face to face with the other drivers they wouldn't say a word about kicking ass.
    Bob H.
  4. Eric

    Eric Founders Club Member

    This just goes to show you...
    The right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing! :Do No:

    BUICKRAT Got any treats?

    I own the video, btw

    My post was not aimed a Darryl, but at matts. If you become loud and unreasonable in my shop, yes, you will be escorted off the property. You may even get sued for defamation of character. You're not gonna get something for nothing or cheat me out of anything by "getting loud". I run an honest business, we stand behind our work, I work very hard for my money(not as much as you think), I make ZERO money on my gas sales(which somehow seems to account for half of my payroll and aggravation:Do No: ), and have no time for rude behavior. If you had any idea of how many people become unreasonable after I legitimately fail their car for inspection( and even urge them to get a second opinion)( and show them and give them a detailed explanation of the problem) you would be stunned:eek2: . Selling chips and cookies is PIE. People yell at me all day long, and the louder they yell, the more I get pissed off.:af: I didn't make the rules! The state did!:af: But I have a reputation to maintain, and I do my best by being as gracious and understanding as I can:Smarty: . But if you're gonna come in and disrespect my customers, myself and my crew, you can take it elsewhere.

    Darryl, I understand your frustration, I always give a restaraunt 3 tries...3 strikes, yerrr...OUT! I agree that customer service really bites nowadays. I have to deal with similar situations. I try to take it for what it is, just try to go elsewhere. We all work hard for our money, it's tough to give it up, and when you see a bargain you go for it. If you were a regular customer at my shop, I would've given you the gloves...have a nice day, see ya tomorrow. But again, you gotta take it for what it is...a stupid chain w/a new person behind the counter selling discount gas. Give'em a couple more tries at customer service, and then go elsewhere.

    I also want to apologise for stealing your thread(seems like I stirred the pot a bit), but I'd like people to see it from the other side as well. Business ownership has a price...a tall one. You don't have 1 or 2 bosses, Everyone is your boss. You do your best to please as many as possible. Sometimes some fall through the cracks. Never intentionally, and we try to seal the cracks as fast as possible, but it happens. Both myself and my wife work 24-7 to keep everything running, everyone gets a paycheck, supplies keep coming, the 600$/month light bill gets paid, there's $3000 worth of heating oil to keep my techs working, no-ones stealing from the company(the very LARGEST issue) workers comp's paid, payroll tax is paid, insurance is paid, rent and maintenance is paid,basically boils down to about 30k a month in expenses, efficiency is being maintained, we're billing out parts and labor correctly so there's enough money to pay everyone, crap, I have to watch every nut and bolt that goes through that place...it all costs money...someones got to buy it before it can be sold. And the amount of stuff we've had to buy to "have just in case" and never use, equals more than the stuff we CAN sell.

    The general consensus has always been that business owners are rich. I'm sure there are many business owners on this board that will vouch for the fact that they are NOT rich, not even CLOSE, but deal with 10 times more headaches each day than the average employee does, no matter how much that employee thinks they do. I'm not belitteling anyone here, you just have no idea until you own it yourself and everything you have is riding on it. You learn to filter out the crap(irate and unreasonable customers/employees) and deal with the important stuff.

    Darryl was not an irate customer.( at least I hope not)! I don't flip out when I get the wrong burger at mcd's, most times I'm on the road and eat it anyways(or fling it)(didI say that?) but do I let it eat me up inside? Ya can't!

    Finally, I am not a "cb rambo". I am just telling it like it is. Like I said before, I work hard for my money, and no-ones gonna stiff me out of it by making a scene. I chose to be an honest man, and growing up in the north end, that wasn't easy. I had plenty of opportunity, but I passed 'em by. Been asked to dance by the best of them, but I gotta sleep at night, Thats just how I am.
  6. Matt S

    Matt S Matt


    I didn't mean to stir up a hornets nest with your post.:Dou:


    I didn't mean to piss you off either. Sounds like you run a tight ship and this wouldn't be an issue at your place. My comment was to the fact that Darryl has tried to do the right thing at various levels and has gotton the run around.
    I don't blow of the handle every time I'm not satisfied with something. But if I would have gone through what Darryl has, it's not about the dollar value but the way the store managment and corporate office has acted that has led to this issue. I'm not saying yelling at the top of my lungs or anything like that I'm just speaking load enough to allow others to realize something not leget in that store. I've never gotten physical with anyone or even got anyone at the store that pissed off.

    Anyway, I'll lay off this post so we can keep the focus on Darryls issue:beer
  7. Darryl Roederer

    Darryl Roederer Life is good

    It's ok...
    I'm glad I wrote this post... It's more entertaining than anything on TV tonight
    :laugh: [​IMG]
  8. bodyman5001

    bodyman5001 Well-Known Member

    This is all pointless as none of this is going to happen but the fact that you own the video means nothing when the police are involved. If they are called to the store for a fight, you are going to tell them they can't have it because it is yours?? THAT is the funniest thing in this thread.

    I don't think anyone should feel sorry for small business owners. IMO they should KNOW that they are going to have to deal with all this stuff ahead of time. If your business does well, you benefit. If not and you just have to work your ass off to make ends meet, tough...your life.

    I would still love to smack a gas station clerk senseless. Sounds fun.
  9. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear


    I was just speaking in generalities, nothing meant to reflect directly on you.

    I've made big stinks over what others felt was trivial myself.
  10. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    The post is 8 years old.
  11. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    How many pairs of gloves in those eight years? I wonder...
  12. Guy Parquette

    Guy Parquette Platinum Level Contributor

    Good to know. Thanks for pointing that out.:Do No::laugh:
  13. jalopi42

    jalopi42 Don't Wait

    i'll bet they still have gloves 2 for $1
  14. 2001ws6

    2001ws6 last of the v8 interceptors

    There was a post before Jim's that he was responding to. Looks like it got deleted. :eek:
  15. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    If the glove doesn't fit..............the thread must quit, hands down!
  16. Guy Parquette

    Guy Parquette Platinum Level Contributor

    Yep, I figured that....just looks funny now:laugh:
  17. DeeVeeEight

    DeeVeeEight Well-Known Member

    x2 ! ! !
  18. nekkidhillbilly

    nekkidhillbilly jeffreyrigged youtube channel owner

    the bluegrass conspiracy should tell everything about thorntons and what kind of company they are. I didn't know they where anywhere but ky.
  19. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    A couple of months age I was at a used car lot talking to an employee when a (really nice looking) young woman came in with a complaint. The employee realized that to correct the complaint would require a management-level decision. She (the employee) offered to call her boss. From what I could hear, the young woman did have a valid complaint. The employee also acted reasonably. I was solidly on the customer's side but said nothing. The next thing that I knew, the young woman customer started screaming, hurling insults, and dropping F-bombs. It actually surprised me how fast I switched sides. There is no reason to get loud and profane. The instant that you do, you are in the wrong and the only thing that happens is that the employee/manager will respond in kind. My observation is that in a discussion, the first person to get angry is the one in the wrong.
  20. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    Before I opened my shops, I sold used cars for a living. And, before that, I sold both high performance and stock replacement parts. Let me tell you, I sold cars and parts to some real asshats. I so wanted to throw them out the door. But, if I did, who won? If they bought elsewhere, it wasn't me. My tongue bled from having to bite it so hard, but I made a damned good living. Granted, there were some jackasses that you were never going to sell and could only walk away. No matter whose name was on the door, it was my job to be professional.
    Now, when I sell my own stuff, I don't endure the asshats. I don't need them to survive, so I tell them to get lost when I am insulted by an unreasonably low offer or stupid assertions.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016

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