Here's what they could do about the high cost of gas......

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by nailheadina67, May 22, 2007.

  1. Stubbe

    Stubbe Stubbe

    Kinda makes sense, but think if you drive a compact with 30 mpg 300 milse. At 2$ a gallon thats 20 bucks. The same for your riv that gets 15mpg would cost you 80 at four a gallon. Those SUV people arn't going to like that. Honestly having a efficient car means that gas prices don't really affect you as much as having a low mileage car. Glad I dive a lil car.
  2. Junkman

    Junkman Well-Known Member

    The conspiracy is... the big oil companies and the government control the price of oil. They can sell it for whatever they want. I don't think the "free" market has a lot to do with the pricing.
  3. slowride66

    slowride66 "TAKE IT EASY"

    The Conspiracy is that what was the price of fuel 1.5 years ago? about $2 a gallon?

    But it was $1.50 2 years ago

    That make any sense?

    Personally for all of those who drive smaller cars .
    I pray for you that you don't get caught in a REAL WRECK.

    Pay the fuel now or pay the hospital later .

    Yea 20 years in Wrecking yards gives me a different perspective.

    AND being in 3 Major wrecks 2 stand still rear ends & a double kiss "T" bone.

    I am stuck in a full size truck my body will not sustain another hit from someone else's screw up.

    99% of the time its a "wreck" 1 % a accident.
    99% of the time its a human error that caused the "wreck".

    This is my Personal experience. maybe newer cars are safer in their "Laboratory tests" but in the real world .... its not pretty.

  4. Junkman

    Junkman Well-Known Member

    If ya haven't noticed,when the Decider invaded Iraq,the gas price started skyrocketing not long after. Got to pay for that war somehow. Now,China is going to be getting that oil. Just think,over 4,000 of our guys,and countless Iraqi's killed so that China can get the oil first. I have a gas ticket from Dec. '04 from a gas station in Kentucky,right off of I-75. I paid $1.65 a gallon. I am going to frame that . A couple of months before,gas was $1.26. But, within a couple of months, gas had hit $2.00 a gallon for the first time. Thanks George! And good ridance in a few months.
  5. whamo

    whamo 454 71 skylark custom

    Oh, I get it...... sometimes the oil companys lower the price to fool us into thinking that there isn't a conspiracy........ brilliant.

    Actually it is a free market, the people who have the oil sell it to those who are willing to pay the most for it, like China, for example.
  6. DaWildcat

    DaWildcat Platinum Level Contributor

    I'm with you, Steve. Logic is apparently a genetic trait for some, but not all. I wish it were a dominant one.

  7. whamo

    whamo 454 71 skylark custom

    Oh boy Devon, you don't want to align yourself with me. Im a proud renagade Maverick raised in Wasilla, Alaska.:laugh:
  8. 71skylark3504v

    71skylark3504v Goin' Fast In Luxury!

    Could you please share what you are smoking because it must be the good stuff.:spank: This is totally wrong. Do some research.
  9. 71skylark3504v

    71skylark3504v Goin' Fast In Luxury!

    Wrong. China and Iraq began this deal in 1997 when CLINTON was in office. So what if it's going to China. It's all a world market so the more oil the lower the price. :pp
  10. Junkman

    Junkman Well-Known Member

    '97 ? Oh,so it took 11 years to get a deal going?:Do No: Sure seems strange, here it is election time,and the fuel prices are dropping. For now.
  11. 71skylark3504v

    71skylark3504v Goin' Fast In Luxury!

    Did you not read the article? The reason is perfectly legitimate.
  12. Junkman

    Junkman Well-Known Member

    I have read about it before. It probably is a legitimate deal. It is ironic that our guys are dying over there and China ends up getting the oil. Many people were thinking that the U.S. would get oil from Iraq.
  13. 70sportwagon

    70sportwagon Silver Level contributor

    As long as something benefits us we are content. When it goes the other way sometimes(and it always does eventually) we quickly forget and assume it is a dastardly plan by (fill in the blank with your favorite villain) who is targeting you, your nation, your people, your friends, etc.

    I think oil prices are high because 1. companies want to make high profits(duh), 2.the demand is going up(all over) and 3.the supply is kept low to assure we go back to #1.

    We can accept some of the blame for it too! We like cheap goods that were brought to us by moving the production of so many items to developing countries. So we can ask ourselves if it was worth buying widgets made in China for half the price of American made widgets now that we have infused the overseas economies with money and made them consumers of energy and resources that we now compete with.

    We also as a people will argue at Wal-Mart for 20 minutes at the return desk for $3.00 but refuse to get involved in the political process because we don't have the time. Years ago when our politicians were deciding we didn't need to drill for oil, refine oil, develop alternative energy sources, make more efficient cars and the like we should have been using our power in the electoral process to steer in that direction. Instead, politicians have been largely left to their own devices which to no surprise doesn't seem to represent the average American.

    Unless you are a highly paid ex-attorney that gets free haircuts, postage and a great retirement plan.
  14. BuickBuddy

    BuickBuddy Registered V8 Offender GK

    I got to say.. I read some of these threads and laugh. Guys on here crying like little girls. You call yourselves men? I think not. :pp

    Think of these MEN whenever you fill up your tank.
  15. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    Boy am I going to Pi-- a lot of you off!
    In 1960 when I got my drivers license (at age 16+1month) Regular gas was
    .279 per gallon. An average house in this area was $15,000. Now gas is 3.69 per gallon and the average house is $325,000. The cost of a house has increased 21.6 times - gas has risen 13.2 times. Gas is a better deal now then it was 48 years ago. I wish that I had more Exxon-Mobil stock then I do.
    Anyone that will pay $1.00 for a 24 oz. bottle of water ought to shut up about the price of gas.
    Some of you guys don't know when you have a good thing. I was working in F.W. Woolworth's (remember them?) for .90 per hour in 1960. I got a raise to $1.00 and thought that I had gone to heaven. Life is better then some of you think!
  16. whamo

    whamo 454 71 skylark custom

  17. BuickBuddy

    BuickBuddy Registered V8 Offender GK

  18. Mister T

    Mister T Just truckin' around

    :gp: X3 :TU: What about those who are so willing to blow $3.00-$4.00 on their lattes, yet whine about gas prices.:puzzled:
  19. Darryl Roederer

    Darryl Roederer Life is good

    I'm very sorry to have to do this to you, but I'm about to shoot a bunch of holes in your arguement... I mean, I absolutely understand where your comming from, and I agree that we still have the best standard of living in the whole world right here in the USA, but......

    Do you honestly think it takes $325,000 worth of resources to construct an "average" home? There was a news report here in my home town a couple months back that talked about house values. They "investigated" a builder who was developing a neighborhood, and it turns out that he was spending $114,000 to purchase the land, get the permits, buy the supplies, and hire the labor to put it all together... Then he was selling them for between $249,000 to $279,000 each.

    So John, is it juuuuust possible that the "greedy speculators" in your town have sufficently conned the citizens into believing that the entry price for a piece of the american dream is $325k, when all they are really selling is $100-125k wirth of particle board and plastic flooring?

    So you made $1 an hour, and gas cost .27 cents a gallon. So for every hour you worked, you could buy just a hair under 4 gallons of gas. Today, low level jobs at "woolworth" type establishments pay a hair over $6 an hour.... Care to do the math when gas currently costs $4.19 a gallon?

    How about a cup of coffee? 1960 price=.12 cents. So for an hours worth of labor @ $1, you could buy 8 1/2 cups. Today, $2 a cup @ 6.00 an hour = 3 cups.

    Motel rooms? 1960 cost, $3 = 3 hours labor, today, $40 = 5 1/2 hours labor

    Cars? 1960 Ford Falcon, $1100 = 1100 hours labor. Today, 1100 hours X $6.25 = $6875. A Kia Rio starts @ $9999.99... And keep in mind that the Falcon was made by Americans using American steel in an American Factory. The Kia is made in a 3rd world country using slave .30 cent per hour labor and rusty scrap metal bought from Africa.

    Please John,,, please name me just two or three things that have come down on the cost-to-labor scale since 1960..... Please...

    People are not bitching about the cost of gas... They're bitching about the cost of EVERYTHING going up due to corporate greed and government stupidity, while their pay-checks get smaller and smaller.

    The price of a barrel of oil went up $25 dollars today..... The largest price jump in history. Not because a hurricane wiped out a refinery, or because some rag-headed muslim in Iran lit off a fire-cracker within 10 miles of a disputed border...... It went up based purely on international investor speculation, corporate greed, and government stupidity [bordering on corruption]

    John, I like to wax nostalgically about the good old days as much as the next guy..... But anyone who pretends that this economic disaster is not really happening is akin to an ostrich with it's head burried in the sand while a hungry lion stands behind it.

    Yes Chicken Little... The sky really is falling this time. :(

    BUICKRAT Got any treats?

    Who the heck pays 6 bucks an hour? Sorry, Darryl, but an employer can't get squat for 6 bucks an hour. Maybe a loser who'll screw up every cup of coffe ordered. In case you did'nt know min wage is now(or soon to be) 7.25/hr. Some re-computing may be neccessary if you take into account skill and depenablity, and the cost of insurance and health care.

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