BG or CECIL? Help me decide!!!!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by sriley531, Aug 8, 2016.


BG or CECIL in September??!!

  1. GS Nationals in Bowling Green

    46 vote(s)
  2. East Coast Buick Regionals in Cecil

    32 vote(s)
  3. Other

    1 vote(s)
  1. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member too!

    Awesome event. I think Im suffering Buick withdrawal symptoms. It was great seeing old friends again and meeting more V8 members in person. God willing, we'll all be there again next year
  2. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    What was that, Jacob "Vanna White" Martinez???

    Good! Next year you can pay MY way in!!! :p :p :p
  3. jalopi42

    jalopi42 Don't Wait

    hey what the hell! who is that model That backdrop doesn't come cheap
  4. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    I went to take a picture of it as Heather informed me that it received the coveted "Heathers choice" award for her favorite car and Jacob hopped down and photo bombed me. :rolleyes:
  5. 2tone-t

    2tone-t 73 Stage 1

    Haha I only touched the tire. Made sure I kept everything else off of the body.
  6. jalopi42

    jalopi42 Don't Wait

    O didn't recognize you as 2tone-t ,,dang screen names got me all weekend ,,member i came over to you Friday said hey didn't century offer a turbo //btw lmao on the pic love it..
  7. Taulbee2277

    Taulbee2277 Silver Level contributor

    I was the same way, after meeting someone I had to pause and ask.. "Soooo.. You on V8?"
  8. 2tone-t

    2tone-t 73 Stage 1

    Yes I remember you haha. I think name tags should be mandatory from now on haha.
  9. Gallagher

    Gallagher Founders Club Member

    If you think I'm making a name tag with my screen name on it, and hanging it on my chest, you're crazy.
  10. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado


    Oh come on, it's be an awesome conversation starter!

    BUQUICK I'm your huckleberry.

    At the GS Nats last week they announced that the dates for the 2017 GS Nats will be 9/14-9/16 (same weekend as this year's event). So has a date been set for the Cecil event already and if so are the two events going to conflict again? At a minimum this means it is likely that the GS Nats will once again conflict with the PSMCDR which is a problem for several Buick people that normally attend both events each year.
  12. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    My information is that it will be the same weekend in 2017. There is a very small chance that we can get a date in October, but the chance is very small.
  13. Mike B in SC

    Mike B in SC Well-Known Member

    That would be great if you could because it looks like the GSCA is stuck with the dates that Dallas gives them. It sure would be nice having all the NE Buick guys & gals back in Bowling Green!
  14. Skyhawk

    Skyhawk Well-Known Member

    I won't know if the dates for Cecil will be changed till probably late December or January but it does not look to promising. Just like Dallas the track has most events locked in. We will be trying to ad Thursday so we will have 3 days of racing.
  15. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

    I can say that me and my Maggot will be attending Cecil regardless..I have a great time and met up with many friends there.. I does suck that they are on the same date though..
  16. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    My PIBC (Partner In Buick Crimes) Taulb is getting hitched that weekend, so if it sticks I (we) can't make it in '17. :(
  17. 2tone-t

    2tone-t 73 Stage 1

    Hahaha well no one ever said I was sane.
  18. 2tone-t

    2tone-t 73 Stage 1

    Have the wedding at the track. There problem solved.
  19. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Wouldn't be the first time. I think I remember someone getting married at BG many moons ago
  20. Taulbee2277

    Taulbee2277 Silver Level contributor

    She is a fan of the cars and the track, but something tells me this idea would get shot down haha

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