Animal Cruelty......

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by PaulGS, May 10, 2005.


    KEN COTRONA Well-Known Member

    Can we all pray for splash please? i really want aquaman to have a dog.
  2. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Doesn't he already have a sea horse? Isn't that cool enough?

    KEN COTRONA Well-Known Member

    good brain truzi
    i totally forgot about the sea horse!
    i guess he doesn,t need splash then (sniff sniff)
    i think everyone super hero needs a pet. superman had krypto, batman had ace, space ghost had the invisible space monkey bleep. i have fishes and cats. If jesus had a pet monkey like bleep, the monkey could have pulled the nails out of his hands and feet (monkeys are very strong) or brought him water or a bannana or something. if i am ever crucified, i would wish for a monkey to save me.
  4. 462CID

    462CID Buick newbie since '89

    You know the answer to that already. :) the answer is Faith

    But I think we can also agree that the absence of evidence is not in itself the proof of an absense. the reason for this is simple. This is part of the Christian faith as well- there is no tangible evidence of God but yet his followers beleive. His absence is not proven by an absence of evidence. Then why should the evidence of absence concerning a worldly idea be impossible?

    God gave Man free will and an inquisitive nature. I cannot see the wisdom of assuming we understand all of God's will. This is called the Mystery of Faith in Catholicism. I can discount nothing that I can consider as being impossible to God, as He is all-powerful.

    If He wants evolution, there is evolution, wether it is spelled out in the Bible or not.

    If the Bible contains only what is possible to God, then that is the same as limiting His power.

    There is a paradox here. And that too is possible with God.

    Like I said, Theology is fascinating. Interpretation of the Bible is a long standing issue within and without various Christian faiths

    KEN COTRONA Well-Known Member

    "I think we can also agree that the absence of evidence is not in itself the proof of an absense."

    I see,
    so your saying that, although there is no evidence to suggest that jesus had a pet monkey, he might have had a pet monkey?
  6. 462CID

    462CID Buick newbie since '89

    You could argue that despite no evidence to support it, there is a possibilty he could have had two pet monkeys. But, there is also the same evidence to prove that there is exactly the same possibilty he was allergic to monkeys and instead had an Ocelot.

    What it means is that absence of evidence doesn't prove that a thing didn't happen. It simply proves there is no evidence of it happening. Subtle but major difference

    No evidence means no evidence. It doesn't prove anything- it cannot. Among the things absence of evidence cannot prove is the absence of the thing you want to disprove.

    It's not doubletalk, it actually makes quite a bit of rational sense
  7. 71GSX455-4SPD

    71GSX455-4SPD Nick Serwo Magic Car

  8. ModernSavage

    ModernSavage White Trash Car Club

    I dont think a higher power made me, im pretty sure it was pre-marital sex.
    And as far as evolution ....... dont matter to me too much either way. If i came from a monkey or not i still gotta drag my ass outta bed each morning and go to work.
    If a scientist shows up at my door with the missing link i will be like cool, and if Jesus shows up i will ask him in for a beer, but untill either of those things happen i focus on my day to day problems and leave all that "origin of man" business to people who dont have a house full of kids and a mailbox full of bills to worry about first.
    I just dont understand why people feel it is so important to know who or what made us. We are here and thats that.
    George Bush, Reggie Miller, and Ben Stiller all resemble monkeys now that i think about it, so maybe ............
  9. RED GS 1

    RED GS 1 Well-Known Member

    I gotta admit Dave, I like your opinion or say or whatever anybody else wants to call it. Plus I just like the word Monkey!!! :bglasses:
  10. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Viaduct, vi not a girraffe or an elephant?


    I like Dave's statement too.

    KEN COTRONA Well-Known Member

    I like the word monkey too.
    i also like the word sphincter, but it is difficult to work into a conversation.
    "excuse me miss, how is your sphincter feeling today?"
  12. 462CID

    462CID Buick newbie since '89

    This is an easy one.

    People all think differently, that's why. It's why I'm not you and you're not me. I do a lot of thinking about stuff nobody gives a dead monkey's sphincter about.

    Can't help it. My mind doesn't stop. Can you picture a bicycle wheel spinning, in your head? Can you also imagine it slowing down and stopping? Can you picture it?

    I can't picture it slowing down or stopping. It's like a slide show instead.

    Oddly, I'm not a panicker or high strung, I am hard to frighten, and usually the coolest head in any emergency. People are weirdos. I have a theory on why B.A. Baracus was so mean to H.M. Murdoch on the A-team. I do a lot of thinking

    KEN COTRONA Well-Known Member

    what is your b.a baracus theory?
  14. 1979SHX

    1979SHX derevaun seraun

    'Inherit the Wind'. Spencer Tracy. About the John Scopes 'Monkey Trial' in 1925. William Jennings Bryan vs. Clarence Darrow. Neither side proved a thing. No one changed their mind.

    Yes, evolution is a fact. I think though that many people have come to see the word as meaning 'anti-creation'. It's not. It does, however, take place very slowly. Look at a platypus. Is it mammal? Is it reptile? Many examples in nature. You may have developed an immunity or resistance to the common cold; you may pass that on to your children; that is evolution. Yor bloodline may someday be resistant to flu; maybe their descendents will be resistant to radioactivity. Who knows? It's not impossible, but it will happen over time.

    Did we evolve from monkeys? Possibly. I don't know. Did a God who has always existed, who knows all, can do all, create us? I don't know.

    I struggle with this every day.

    It all comes down to faith, because you can only 'prove' either theory back just so far. After that, you must rely on faith. There is no actual proof of either line of thought (only circumstantial evidence), but there are some interesting arguments! :TU:

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