Animal Cruelty......

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by PaulGS, May 10, 2005.

  1. PaulGS

    PaulGS Well-Known Member

    All the Mass. guys probably know this, but a story ran on the news last night about a guy who stomped 5 baby Canadian geese to death, and then kicked the mother hard enough that she had to be put down. He claimed they were threatening him...... :spank:

    Just thinking about it makes me want to explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blast:
  2. skyphix

    skyphix Well-Known Member

    Recently we had a guy put in jail (without bail) for kicking a chiwhawa puppy to death 5 minutes from one of my jobs.

  3. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    That is just sooooo Wrong!! Threaten?? by a goose and her babies!! Please,, just walk away. I'm sure if anything the mom was protecting her babies,,, Not like the goose could of killed him. That just makes me sick :af:
  4. john campbell

    john campbell MASSHOLE

    you have to be really sick in the head to do that to something so small and innocent. his punishment should be a vasectomy. cant imagine a freak like that with children.
  5. 70gsrick

    70gsrick 1 of 66

    I just don't understand what makes people like that tick. :af:
  6. Oklahoma!

    Oklahoma! Well-Known Member

    My denomination teaches that we will be judged on the last day in part by how we treated the Lord's animals. This guy is in trouble....
  7. DocRay

    DocRay Supreme Being

    It's sad that someone did this, yes, but how about we put the man hours to helping the countless abused HUMANS. I could care less if a goose dies, but when a baby is being beaten that's where the real problem is. The problem in the world is that so many people will go hug a tree or a bunny but go sign abortion papers a week later. We need to get our priorities straight.
  8. r0ckstarr

    r0ckstarr Well-Known Member

    I accidentally ran over a duck once and thought I was going to cry... :(

    Someone should stomp this guy into the ground.
  9. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    Oh Lordie........gooselings...... :(

    I just better hope Beth dont see this......... :eek2:

    She will never let me forget the day I....I....I......:spank:

    Just cant talk about it...... :ball:

  10. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    That sucks. Sure it isn't on par with stomping a baby but to needlessly stomp some small geese, that's lower than a snakes belly.
  11. MikeL

    MikeL Well-Known Member

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe ducks and geese are protected under some kind of migratory waterfowl law and killing them out of season and without a special duck stamp on your small game license is a federal offense with stiff fines and penalties. He may be in deep doodoo.
  12. Oklahoma!

    Oklahoma! Well-Known Member

    >>>>>>>>>I could care less if a goose dies, but when a baby is being beaten that's where the real problem is.<<<<<<<<<<

    I have noticed, Doc , that usually they are the same folk (tree huggers notwithstanding). The guy who beats his dog is often the same one that beats his wife and kids. If we are unfaithful in the small things we will be unfaithful in the big things.
  13. markc

    markc '68 GS Convertible

    I agree that this guy is a little screwed in the head and his actions were WRONG.

    My yard is on a lake and I have had many problems with Canada Geese fouling my beach. It is unhealthy and disgusting. they have polluted the water and for the past three years my children have not been able to swim in it. (I bought my property so we could enjoy the use of the water) I have felt like taking out a few of them in the past. I have never felt threatened by them though. Instead I got a big dog to keep them out of my yard. These birds have become an unwanted infestation.

    This guy was not protecting his property or himself, he was taking out his frustrations on these birds, the bodies were spread over a football field sized area. The guy has serious issues. To bad it had to happen here, it gives us a bad name
  14. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Why wait?
  15. DocRay

    DocRay Supreme Being

    I understand that, but the bottom line is, which is worse? Animal abuse or human abuse? Maybe I'm being species ignorant but... There will probably be people who find out where he lives and do terrible things to him and his home but how many people do that when a sex offender moves in next door? You can't because sex offenders have rights, animal killers don't. You can be praised for vandelizing a goose stompers house or thrown in jail for doing the same to the "rehabilitated" child molester next door.

    Again, realize I'm not supporting this guys behavior, I find it disturbing as well, but I'm just pointing out the fact that there seems to be more uprising when someone abuses and animal than when someone does something to another person.
  16. skyphix

    skyphix Well-Known Member

    My girlfriend is a Domestic Violence Case manager - I do help as well :TU:
  17. markc

    markc '68 GS Convertible

    I cant beleive that there is such outrage over this and no reaction regarding two children killed when out for a bike ride by one of the kids parents who was upset over how the mother was diciplining the child.

    I care about children........NOT GEESE!

    I also beleive that we will be judged by how we treated our fellow human beings and not how we treated the food God provided...(Yes, animals are food provided to man by God)
  18. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    I don't think you're going to find anybody that says geese are more important than children. The thing is it happens less often to animals (which is unfortunate, it should happen less often to people) so when it does happen, it's news.
  19. 70gsrick

    70gsrick 1 of 66

    So let me get this straight...The fact that some folks are having a conversation about some cruel jerk, means that we all care more for animals than children? I think that's a little extreme.

    Food is one thing, we all eat. But cruelty is cruelty, I don't think he was out trying to get a meal but forgot his shotgun.
  20. 79BlueShark

    79BlueShark Well-Known Member


    This is what happens when you remove the natural selection process. Humans now must deal with unwanted traits that would have naturally evolved out of the heard. After all it has been proven that the stupid have more naner naner than the Intelligent. :Brow:


    I know I've done it again. :eek2: Just my .02 cents

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