Wanted: Old or new GSCA window decals

Discussion in 'Parts wanted' started by mrolds69, Apr 28, 2011.

  1. BuickGSrules

    BuickGSrules Gold Level Contributor

    2 window decals sent today from Denmark, I think it will arrive in a weeks time:)

    RACEBUICKS Midwest Buick Mafia

    Ive been a member of the GSCA since 81 and I didnt even know we got decals every year............. LOL I have T shirts from the OLD days if you want those but the decals are all gone I made. Besides decals and shirts dont make a club. Bud lite bill knows!!
  3. Jim Rodgers

    Jim Rodgers Well-Known Member

    And yet another member that makes the GSCA stand apart! Mike Garrison. :beer
  4. mrolds69

    mrolds69 "The Cure"

    I got hooked up, they are coming! Several members offered to help, and I appreciate it. It's true decals + shirts don't make a good club, it's the people (and the cars!). I appreciate everybody's help, I will try to make the GSCA Nats next year, this year I'm too busy! Thanks again..........!!!

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