Looking for these 65 GS parts.....

Discussion in 'Parts wanted' started by GSJohn, Mar 27, 2005.

  1. GSJohn

    GSJohn BUICK is a beauty too!!

    Still looking for the fender vent ports and the radio panel. See the photo links on the first thread on this post. Sure could use the help.
    Lookin' for the radio panel right now mainly, I hate looking at that cracked panel when I'm driving! :ball: Diving me crazy!! :Dou:
    Your help will be appreciated!
    Thanks, John :Smarty:
  2. wheelz

    wheelz 'B' is for Buick.

    Mine Too!

    Hi. My 65 GS convertible 4 speed has the same build date as Tom Balaz: 04C ie: 3rd week of April, 1965. . BUILT 40 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH!!! Sheeeesh. :grin: Wheelz, Tampa Bay
  3. GSJohn

    GSJohn BUICK is a beauty too!!

    Bob, Can you PM me with your address and I will send you a money order for the panel. $30.00 correct? :beer
    Do you have the capabilities of sending a photo of one to me via email?
    If not, that's OK.
    Thanks again! John
    OK on the fender chrome, if you want to sell in the future, I may be interested, keep me in mind, otherwise I'll keep looking.
    I'll take a good radio panel for sure. One of the best ones you have if possible. I won't buy your best one unless you are willing to sell it.
  4. Brian

    Brian Displaced VA Hillbilly

    I have the plastic insert with the Buick emblem in it that goes in the console in place of the tach if you are still looking for one. Stonesautomotive@juno.com
  5. GSJohn

    GSJohn BUICK is a beauty too!!

    You bet Brian....I'll take it! I sent you an email.
    Consider it sold!
  6. wheelz

    wheelz 'B' is for Buick.

    DASH plate yet???

    Yo John. . er, uh, Harley .. er, um WHoMEVER!
    Did you buy a plastic dash filler plate from one of these fine members yet? I've got an excellent 65 NON A/C plate for you if you still need one. Email me with your direct email address and I'll forward you a few pix. Wheelz, Tampa Bay
  7. GSJohn

    GSJohn BUICK is a beauty too!!

    For some reason I can't email you Wheelz, but No I have not gotten the panel yet, still looking. Yes I'd be interested. Did you see a photo of what I need? If you will email me at:


    I can take a look at the photoz.


    Here is a photo of what I need. How much are you asking and did you see the other items I need?
    Thanks for your time Wheelz, I appreciate it Bigtime!
    Yes the name is John......
    (I took H.E. as a user name bacause my daughter suggested it, I guess if I could change it I would, as it would be easier for people) LOL :spank:

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