How many thread subscriptions do you have?

Discussion in 'Tips On Using The Board' started by TODD'S 67, Mar 23, 2011.

  1. TODD'S 67

    TODD'S 67 Time for another Buick!

    That works out good for me that way too.
  2. 68riviera430

    68riviera430 BRRRRAAAAP!

    You know, I was always curious about why you wrote it everytime instead of a signature. Thanks a lot, that helps. You're quite the computer wiz
  3. DaWildcat

    DaWildcat Platinum Level Contributor

    Trust me, there are lots of folks on here that are leaps & bounds ahead of me!

  4. Murphy

    Murphy Just Getting Started

    Man, I'm way behind. Only 449 for me. This 1 will make 450 now:Do No:

  5. ubushaus

    ubushaus Gold Level Contributor

    1.) Find a post that you have made,
    2.) Left click on your user name,
    3.) Click on "view public profile",
    4.) Save that as a favorite.

    On that page, in the "forum info" section, you can click on the "find all posts" or "find all threads" options.

    Hope this helps.
  6. ubushaus

    ubushaus Gold Level Contributor

    43 for me by the way.
  7. TODD'S 67

    TODD'S 67 Time for another Buick!

    From 0 to nearly 7000, that's a wide range!
  8. GS Jim

    GS Jim Platinum Level Contributor

    I delete most of mine if they've been up for long. If I get no response to something I put up or if it's a Six Month old Happy Birthday. I don't really want to clog up the board with a bunch of stuff that has become meaningless.
  9. r0ckstarr

    r0ckstarr Well-Known Member

    About 65 at the moment.

    I only subscribe to, and keep the subscription to, threads that have important information.

    I subscribe to some threads so that I can keep up with them while they are alive, but once the thread dies, I delete my subscription.

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