How many thread subscriptions do you have?

Discussion in 'Tips On Using The Board' started by TODD'S 67, Mar 23, 2011.

  1. TODD'S 67

    TODD'S 67 Time for another Buick!

    I'm at 500, don't know if that's a lot or not. Just curious to see what you other guys are at. It's a nice tool to have to keep up to date on interesting and useful info!
  2. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    None in 9 years.
    I find it annoying to get an email everytime someone posts.
  3. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    1717 for me
    I love getting the emails as I'll never remember to check half of the threads for responses...
    I have my settings so that Im subscribed to everything I post on.:laugh:
  4. David G

    David G de-modded....

    I'd say it's time to start purging.
  5. DaWildcat

    DaWildcat Platinum Level Contributor


  6. 68TriShield

    68TriShield Have a Cigar!

    Maybe one at the moment that needs to be deleted.
    I do find it very useful for WTB/WTS threads etc.
  7. TODD'S 67

    TODD'S 67 Time for another Buick!

    You can change it to no email notification, instant, daily or weekly.
  8. TODD'S 67

    TODD'S 67 Time for another Buick!

    I agree! I have the same settings, although I'm sure I could get rid of some. Most of the time, you get the emails right away, then the thread dies down and nothing for a while.
  9. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    I guess daily or weekly wouldn't be so bad.
    There have been some boards I signed up on where it seems the default is instant.
  10. David G

    David G de-modded....

    Since I only use the View New Posts function on here, I always see when there are new posts anyway, on threads I'm watching. I'll subscribe on the rare occasion when I want to know asap about a new post.

    However, I only get board emails if I set up my home email address, they don't come thru here at work for some reason.
  11. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    Yeah its not bad on this board, you'll only get one email when someone replies to the thread, and no more emails for that thread no matter how many replies until you visit the board again

    Im on yellow too and thats crazy with the emails.. so many people replying to everything.

    And once a thread dies out you wont get any more emails from it until someone does reply, which is nice as you may have posted a question and it may take some time before someone can reply
  12. 2791 lark custo

    2791 lark custo Gold Level Contributor

    I have tried to subscribe to a few, but it dosn't work. Any ideas what might be wrong??
  13. TODD'S 67

    TODD'S 67 Time for another Buick!

    Check the settings at the bottom of the page maybe??? Not sure.
  14. 68riviera430

    68riviera430 BRRRRAAAAP!

    I dont have any, but I do wish there was a "threads I've posted in" tab, so I could just quickly check recent things ive posted in/forgotten about.
    It's on a couple other threads im a part of and it helps a lot
  15. TODD'S 67

    TODD'S 67 Time for another Buick!

    It does have that capability. I'm set up that way, now I'll just have to figure out how I did it! :grin:
  16. Poppaluv

    Poppaluv I CALL WINNERS!!!

    None. I'm a daily "new posts" guy....:TU:
  17. DaWildcat

    DaWildcat Platinum Level Contributor

    Adrian, I make it easy on myself by signing each post with my first name, then using that I can easily find my posts with the search function. That doesn't help you since your name appears in your signature which is ignored by the search function. Obviously if someone new starts signing their posts with my name I'd get their results mixed with mine.

    You can always use Google like this:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=ca8205f9db5fc78b or click on your username at the top of the main V8Buick page, then click on the "Find all posts by (yourself)" or "Find all threads started by (yourself)" links.

  18. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    6,176 Is that alot?
  19. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    Thats why I subscribe to all posts
    Because if you then click the "User CP" at the top left, it displayes the most recent updates to threads you've posted on

    Even subscribed to 1717 threads, I only get a few emails a day, its not difficult to keep track uf
  20. TODD'S 67

    TODD'S 67 Time for another Buick!

    Just getn warmed up! :laugh:

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