How do i "convert" to HEI?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 71_electra225, Jan 14, 2004.

  1. Rivman

    Rivman Senior Ottawa Buick Guy

    HEI for BUICKS

    Lots of good info for the technically challenged . . .

    I purchased a Pertronix for the Riviera 430, and after reading all the previous posts on pros & cons I held off installing it.
    I recently aquired a 74/76 HEI 455 distributor and may go that route this season. The car is used primarily for cruising with the odd flat out stomp to keep the BB430 performing the way it should. Either way one of the above will end up on the PFS section this spring. The reference material in the 2 links in addition to Larry's detailed instructions were great!
    :Smarty: :TU: :beer

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