HHO Generator Viability

Discussion in 'Wrenchin' Secrets' started by QPsychosis, Apr 12, 2011.

  1. QPsychosis

    QPsychosis Comfort over Speed

    Good day, all, Quantum Psychosis here with a rather strange question. While surfing the internet the other day, I came across some plans for a Hydrogen Gas Generator which, supposedly, will improve the mileage of a car. Naturally, I was skeptical, at first, but after studying the designs for a couple days, there appears to be sound science behind the idea. Now, it doesn't work miracles, or so I've been led to believe, but even an increase of 5 or 6 mpg on my big orange beast would be fantastic, what with today's gas prices.

    Now, I'm no mechanic. I was once duped into paying the local machine shop $80.00 to tighten a radiator hose (don't ask). So, I come before you to ask if anyone has ever utilized an HHO generator and what sort of success you may or may not have had with it.

    As a final note, if anyone would like to try building one of these generators, let me know, and I'll happily upload the plans as soon as I've reached the 10-post limit and am capable of posting links.

  2. DaWildcat

    DaWildcat Platinum Level Contributor

    There's been discussion about HHO in the past, just stick those three letters into the search function and have at it. It seems the results are so impressive people are lining up to share their great experiences.

    In other words, it gets people interested but nobody can provide any kind of meaningful data. You can draw your conclusions from there.

  3. QPsychosis

    QPsychosis Comfort over Speed

    Ah, thanks, I'll have a look, then.
  4. bammax

    bammax Well-Known Member

    Nobody has come up with any actual data who wasn't also selling a kit to do it yourself.

    Better bet is to do a propane conversion. It's really big up in Canadia.
  5. QPsychosis

    QPsychosis Comfort over Speed

    I've heard of such conversions, and maybe I'll eventually find the time and patience to do one, so thanks for the suggestion.

    If there is indeed no concrete data on HHO generators, then perhaps I'll just share my experience in this thread if and when I ever find the time to make one.
  6. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    Id love to see your work if you come up with a design and take accurate milage numbers. Im on www.explorerforum.com too and you might want to search there also, as a few guys have done it, again, they've not updated in a while so i assume it was a bust.

    As for propane conversion, it works really well. unlike gas just about 100% of propane is burned which keeps the oil/engine cleaner, less maintenance, less pollution, cheaper and has all the same power/torque of gas.
  7. speedtigger

    speedtigger 9 Second Club

    There is a guy near me who manufactures and sells them. His target market is diesel truck fleets. My friend has a tow truck business and he has used it on his trucks and claims he saw a difference in mileage, but I don't see him scrambling to put it on his new trucks.

    The only thing I have seen it do with my own eyes is reduce the emissions on a gas engine at idle. It was impressive.

    The guy was trying to get me to put it on my 65 and do back to back drag strip passes to measure the results. I will gladly do this for him when the car is done, but looking at the system, I don't see how it could produce enough volume to make a notable performance difference at wide open throttle.
  8. TheSilverBuick

    TheSilverBuick In the Middle of No Where

    I made an HHO generator in a lab back in college. IF it even does something (the BTU's on ion hydrogen suck and there is adequate oxygen in the atmosphere) you still have a volume problem. An engine ingests how many cubic feet per minute of air? A gallon of water at atmospheric pressure can become around 1700 cu.ft. of gas, so that'll get you a few minutes of operation if it could make a meaningful volume. Kinda like the air conditioner intercooler for power. A/C systems are designed for what, about 5-10 cfm of cool air capacity, and the engine is going to ingest 500-1,000cfm at WOT?
  9. QPsychosis

    QPsychosis Comfort over Speed

    @cstanley-gs, I am not nearly intelligent enough to invent my own design, or rather, not on my own. I have accumulated several different HHO plans from which I hope to devise a workable system. Again, once I'm able to post links, I'll happily share them, should you so desire.

    @speedtigger, It must be noted that I don't expect any sort of enormous gain in either efficiency or performance, and certainly not at wide open throttle. No, I simply enjoy taking out my big orange beast for a cruise every day or two and even a couple extra miles per gallon on average would reduce the operating costs significantly.

    @TheSilverBuick, I'm afraid I only understood every other word, but I get the impression you know quite a bit more about the science behind an HHO Generator than I do. While I do not intend to discount the viability of them on your word alone (I mean no offense), I find myself curious as to whether you know of any more efficient materials available other than distilled water and NaOH. Any help you would be willing to provide would be much appreciated.
  10. DaWildcat

    DaWildcat Platinum Level Contributor

    Q, (hope you don't mind the abbreviation),

    I appreciate your interest in this, and hope that if you pursue the HHO generator thing that you'll report back with something meaningful, be it for/against/neutral.

    If you're good at true experimentation it'll be no small feat, but I'd love to read about any results you gather, and I mean that.

  11. austingta

    austingta Well-Known Member

    You are a Twitter fan, I assume?
  12. DaWildcat

    DaWildcat Platinum Level Contributor

    Using the @ is just another way to direct a comment these days rather than the quote feature we use. Keep up to speed, man!

    Like it or despise it, it is what it is.

  13. QPsychosis

    QPsychosis Comfort over Speed

    @DaWildcat, I don't mind the abbreviation at all. I suppose I might as well give out my real name, but old habits die hard, so bear with me, please. I freely admit, I don't intend to experiment too deeply. I will, perhaps, make two or three different generators, but no more. Naturally, I would be quite happy to share whatever results I might obtain.

    @Austingta, Twitter? Can't say I've ever used the thing; never had an interest in knowing what people were doing 24/7. I obtained my habits from an old video game forum, actually.

    Also, a shameless +1. ;)
  14. austingta

    austingta Well-Known Member

    +2. I have been wondering if the HHO thing can possibly work; if it did, I guess everybody would already have one.

    Twitter and Facebook seem trivial to me too. @austingta is my handle! Follow me. :Dou:
  15. bammax

    bammax Well-Known Member

    Could always try the 2 stroke oil in the gas thing. I used it for about 6 months and ended up getting an extra 20 miles out of a tank. Of course that was a big tank so I'm guessing it was somewhere in the area of 2-3 mpg increase. Might try it out on the 455 once I get it up and running.

    I can track down the info if you want to give it a try sometime. There's a specific type of oil and a specific ratio that you need to use to avoid causing engine issues.
  16. 71skylark3504v

    71skylark3504v Goin' Fast In Luxury!

    You did what now?:confused:
  17. DaWildcat

    DaWildcat Platinum Level Contributor

    Let me guess...you were driving away from Denver.

  18. TheSilverBuick

    TheSilverBuick In the Middle of No Where

    What's a big tank? 20 gallons? That's maybe 1 mpg more on 20 gallons. Wind and/or a few good acceleration events, or lack of, could explain that away. I'd be more inclined to think placebo effect.
  19. sailbrd

    sailbrd Well-Known Member

    :laugh: :laugh:
  20. TheSilverBuick

    TheSilverBuick In the Middle of No Where

    North, South, East or West? It's a big hill going west! From 5,500ft to the summit at 11,200ft :eek2: WOT means nothing to a Q-jetted 455 at those elevations :Dou:

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