
Discussion in 'Wrenchin' Secrets' started by Danny72, Jan 29, 2004.

  1. ardun53

    ardun53 sky view

    uses for coke

    My folks have a couple of Laundrymats and the Carnies (fair folk) use cans of coke to degrease the work clothes, been doing it for decades:Do No:
  2. GS1

    GS1 Well-Known Member


    I am absolutely impressed! A quick search of this site yielded me this thread. My son and I are working on his project and were preparing to clean up the rims. We used Coke ($1.09 for 2 liters) and steel wool ($.79 for a box of 6 "balls" each about the size of a brillo pad). I just couldn't believe the results so I had to take photos before we completed the last two! I would recommend this to anyone who needs to clean chrome. Thanks all! What a great site!
  3. GS1

    GS1 Well-Known Member

    Here are some of the results

    Attached Files:

  4. GS1

    GS1 Well-Known Member

    Oh, I forgot, add elbow greese!
    Here are a couple of young Buick Bucks getting into it!

    Attached Files:

  5. Adam Whitman

    Adam Whitman Guest

    Don't forget the aluminum foil part. I think that the acid in Coke probably acts as an electrolyte and plates the aluminum over the corroded chrome.
  6. buicks

    buicks Well-Known Member

    rub rub rub

    I use turtle wax brand chrome polish, rub real good, maybe do it twice, works excellent! Then make sure to wax the sucker good because it can start to rust, especially for you guys using rough stuff on it. For stubborn nasty stuff I use a wire wheel on a cordless drill, then polish.

    Man, whoever designed the buick mag wheel, EVIL, tough to get nice!

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