Buick guys who cook!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by docgsx, Apr 15, 2020.

  1. Fred Hickey

    Fred Hickey Founders Club Member

    4lb bottom roast 04F70147-C71F-4E86-810B-728A6742D648.jpeg 4BFDF7BA-C47F-42EA-83A7-8AA3A0F0418B.jpeg
    efogs400, Michael_G, docgsx and 2 others like this.
  2. BYoung

    BYoung Stage me

    I was halfway through this when I remembered a request to post a picture when I cooked up some venison. Daughter is home for the holidays and she begs for venison cubed steak.

    docgsx, Fred Hickey, GSXSSQQ and 2 others like this.

    GSXSSQQ Well-Known Member

    Everything is better with cornbread!
    docgsx and BYoung like this.
  4. Fred Hickey

    Fred Hickey Founders Club Member

    Unfortunately I never learned how to hunt, cook, or eat venison. Some are very good with it, but others not so much. It definitely takes certain skills.
    BYoung likes this.
  5. BYoung

    BYoung Stage me

    I’d bet you would pick it up quickly. You’ve already got the cooking part down pat.
    Fred Hickey likes this.

    JESUPERCAT No Slow Boat

    It is fun to hear people say they would never eat Venison as they are praising how good our swedish meatballs are :eek::D:)
    timesublime, docgsx and BYoung like this.
  7. BYoung

    BYoung Stage me

    Roasting this bad boy this evening. Due to other family obligations, we are having our immediate family meal tonight.

  8. BYoung

    BYoung Stage me

  9. steve covington

    steve covington Well-Known Member

    OOOH! That is just a little TOO rare for me... However, I don't see any juices, so maybe...
  10. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    Well, I can make simple breakfast stuff, so I was charged with making croissants and french toast for Christmas brunch. Actually turned out quite well.

    I did feel a little stupid when I cracked the first egg I needed, dumped the yolk and whites down the sink, and put the shell in a bowl. True talent right there :rolleyes:
    docgsx likes this.
  11. docgsx

    docgsx It's not a GTX

    Just frying another turkey for Christmas over here. The garlic butter has been injected, it’s been dry rubbed and is presently frying in peanut oil! D864B5E3-80F6-4B75-AD9A-7537E8523F6C.jpeg
    BYoung likes this.
  12. Mister T

    Mister T Just truckin' around

    Finally remembered to grab some photos of my culinary delights. Not as enticing as some others, but I'm quite pleased with the results. Also posted in the elusive breakfast thread.

    My Christmas morning breakfast. Hash browns, diced yellow onions, red pepper, celery and locally produced Polish Pepperoni. Added 8 scrambled eggs when they were almost done.

    IMG_4952.JPG IMG_4954.JPG
    GSXSSQQ, BYoung and docgsx like this.
  13. docgsx

    docgsx It's not a GTX

    One fried and one baked, just about ready to feast! 4D68F423-0785-487E-A1B5-FA0B3B7EEBC0.jpeg
    Michael_G, BYoung and Mister T like this.
  14. docgsx

    docgsx It's not a GTX

    Let’s eat! E5305DC3-638D-47A9-8388-0689B35ABA51.jpeg
  15. BYoung

    BYoung Stage me

    Medium rare is the only way to go on a standing rib roast. All the juices have rendered into the meat. I think you'd be fine with it.
    docgsx likes this.

    BUICKRAT Got any treats?

    Tried my hand at a beef wellington...
    sear it and slather with dijon...


    spreading the mushroom duxelles on the prosciutto
    wrap that sucker

    Now it gets to chill while I roll out the pastry. After it's chilled, remove plastic wrap and wrap with puff pastry sheets.
    Time to cook, me so hongry

    DSC03461.JPG DSC03431.JPG DSC03436.JPG DSC03437.JPG DSC03440.JPG DSC03444.JPG DSC03445.JPG DSC03449.JPG DSC03453.JPG DSC03461.JPG
    Mart, Michael_G, docgsx and 2 others like this.
  17. BYoung

    BYoung Stage me

    That looks fantastic!
    docgsx and BUICKRAT like this.
  18. Fred Hickey

    Fred Hickey Founders Club Member

    docgsx and BUICKRAT like this.
  19. docgsx

    docgsx It's not a GTX

    OMG! New thread champion right here!
    BUICKRAT, BYoung and Fred Hickey like this.
  20. docgsx

    docgsx It's not a GTX

    Fred… I think it’s up to you now!

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