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70 GS questions

Discussion in 'Chassis restoration' started by turbotimmer, Dec 16, 2021.

  1. turbotimmer

    turbotimmer Well-Known Member

    That’s exactly what I said when I saw it. But actually, it’s not a recap. It’s a polyglas GT suburbanite. I never knew they existed till I googled it.
    PGSS likes this.

    STAGE2PAT Well-Known Member

    What number GSX is yours ? Have you located any earlier ones to see what tanks they have ?
  3. turbotimmer

    turbotimmer Well-Known Member

    It’s number 6. Only one I know if that’s under 10 is Bill Sales’ car. His body number is one lower than mine, but was assigned number 7 by Wayne. I wish I looked his car over better when I last saw it. We talked a lot about it, but It was mostly me begging him not to restore it. That was at least 6 or 7 years ago in bg.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2021
    STAGE2PAT likes this.
  4. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Super Moderator Staff Member

    STAGE2PAT and Dano like this.
  5. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Super Moderator Staff Member

    Sunburnt and milky, as mentioned above.

    20211217_172801.jpg 20211217_172631.jpg 20211217_172653.jpg
    BYoung, FireRedGS455, GSXSSQQ and 2 others like this.

    BUQUICK I'm your huckleberry.

    Not to get us too far off topic but there must have been a transition period on the overflow tanks. My unrestored GSX has the earlier style semi-clear plastic tank but with a black lid. My later cars with black lids all have the milky white plastic tank. When I compare them I can see that there were different molds, but the reverse of what Brett shows above.

    94EA2791-3BC1-4BC7-8F5F-665EFD902A41.jpeg 733D7D64-C65A-477C-85DB-5F1374D34E54.jpeg 87CBA7A5-6FFA-4CEC-82AE-CA9F23A9FB71.jpeg
  7. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Super Moderator Staff Member


    I don't think we're getting off topic at all. This is good info!

    The difference in tank color is interesting. It almost looks as though the tanks in your first 2 pictures might be the same ones used with the clear lids.
  8. PGSS

    PGSS Gold Level Contributor

    And they are 60 series and studded:cool:
  9. Duane

    Duane Member

    In Brett’s front view pic of both jugs you can see an angled yellowed line on the front face of each one. That is the angle of the sunlight that got thru the gap. Pretty cool that you can see that damage on the parts.

    ****Anytime you want to question what sunlight does to the exterior paint, especially on the top “as in flat panels” of a car you should remember that pic…..and this damage is only from a slight gap.

    Maybe we can finally dismiss the “differences” seen in the striping between the hood and sides of the cars, especially when looking at 50 year old paint jobs…….but I am certain this is too much to ask for.

    Anyone remember how the clear was blowing off the GM cars back in the day? The real question is “Why did it only happen on the flat surfaces and not so much on the sides” That was because the flat surfaces were exposed to the direct sunlight for a longer duration of time everyday. That was why they “aged” faster. I can’t understand why people don’t understand that.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2021
  10. 446379H

    446379H Well-Known Member

    Wow , never seen a polyglas mud bog tire , thanks for sharing .
    turbotimmer likes this.
  11. turbotimmer

    turbotimmer Well-Known Member

    It will remain in the trunk as a spare. Trying my best to keep the car as close to “as found” as possible. 44343EA6-DF4C-4177-A8F5-D500AB8D9D6D.jpeg
  12. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    It really cleaned up nicely Tim
  13. turbotimmer

    turbotimmer Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I’m gonna do a little write up on it soon.
    Brett Slater likes this.
  14. turbotimmer

    turbotimmer Well-Known Member

    Duane, wasn’t a part of the debate about the stripes. Is it in reference to the hood sheen versus the stripes on the side?
  15. Duane

    Duane Member

    There is a group that thinks the side stripes have more of a gloss then the hood stripes.

    There is another group that thinks all the stripes had the same semi-gloss black paint.

    There is another group that thinks the stripes were less “glossy” then the above groups, and…..

    There is yet another group that thinks (without a doubt) that the cars left the factory exactly as the engineers designed them.

    Now this last group is not even taking into account the fact that once the cars hit final production they were under the jurisdiction and responsibility of the Production people and not the Engineers.

    Now I know exactly how the majority of the cars were painted, as I have talked to both the man that ran the second shift paint department at Flint Final Assembly and the man who actually painted most of the cars.

    I have gone back and forth over writing up an article about all of this but finally decided that if I do, all it will do is piss off the majority of the groups above.

    It simply is not worth the aggravation so currently I have no intention of doing it.

    There is no reason for me to take the time to go back over my notes, and write it up, when there are people out there whose minds are so made up that you could not change their opinions with a rock.

    Maybe you can all read about it after I am gone.

    BUQUICK I'm your huckleberry.

    You are right Duane, it seems that most people have their minds made up about how they THINK they were painted and even when faced with original paint cars that contradict their views they refuse to believe it. Some people get really touchy about it. When we cross paths I would like to hear what the man that painted these cars told you about the stripes. :)
  17. Duane

    Duane Member

    You got it.
    BUQUICK likes this.
  18. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    Duane, I will back you up any day regarding the stripe paint deal. I had an old timer call me out of the blue after I posted the video of Jason’s yellow 4 speed. Of course I don’t remember his name, but he confirmed that the gun was never changed when they painted the stripes on the cars. He was one of the painters.
    Dano and BUQUICK like this.
  19. Duane

    Duane Member

    That’s great Adam, but stand a bit apart from me when everyone comes at us swinging.
    Buicksky, Dano, BUQUICK and 1 other person like this.

    BUQUICK I'm your huckleberry.

    Some people don't like facts that conflict with their long held opinion of how these cars were originally painted. :)

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