tree huggers?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Wretched, Oct 14, 2002.

  1. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    "The gene pool needs to be chlorinated."
  2. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Watch out y'all. Extrapolation is as dangerous as a rationalization. Both can be done in any situation to seem logical and both can be totally irrelevant.
  3. brblx

    brblx clueless

    i lost you after ya'll...

    ...where's that dictionary...
  4. The environmentalists wakes and looks up at the pretty blue sky & says gee thats nice , but why am I looking at the sky ? The last thing I remember doing before looking at the sky was placing a sticker on this big , old blue pollution mobile I think it was a Buick but Im in too much pain to remember . That must have been when I got attacked by the large angry grizzly bear in the flannel shirt . Flannel shirt??? I didnt know Grizzlys wore flannel shirts . Look the nice medic has put my shoe next to me on the cot ....Uh oh my foot is still in it . I didnt think it was possible to bend a leg that far . Wheres my other foot ? whats a proctologist ? Why do I have to ask the proctologist , whatever that is , about my other foot ??? Ouch that stings Heeyyy wait a minute this feels kinda good , I think Im tired and im going nite nite , Hope I dont dream about the bear in the flannel shirt again:Brow:

  5. TimR

    TimR Nutcase at large


    good one Dan....

  6. Greg Schmelzer

    Greg Schmelzer What are you looking at?!

    One I saw...

    Luv it!:TU:

    Saw one on the front of a car that said..

    "If you can read this, we're both going to die!:laugh:
  7. Mike B

    Mike B Well-Known Member

    Do you know the difference between an environmentalist and a developer?

    An environmentalist owns a house in the woods

    And a developer wants to build a house in the woods
  8. Leviathan

    Leviathan Inmate of the Month

    "My Child was Inmate of the Month at State Prison!"
  9. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    Lets look at it from this aspect. In a perfect world, abortion would never be in the dictionary because everyone would have protected sex or would stay virgins until they were married or just never have sex at all. In this sick world of hours, and it's sicker now than it's ever been in history when it comes to morals, kids are having sex at 10 and 11 years old, mainly due to the fact that their parents are unfit to have children and have failed miserably.

    Plus there are countless inner city people pumping out babies left and right who have no means to support them or give them a solid stable upbringing because daddy went off to make a few more kids with someone else. I am not quite sure where I'm going with this, but I guess I'm trying to paint a broader picture of what the hell the real problem is. It's adults making bad decisions on the majority of these pregnancies. People don't think before they screw, that's the main issue, and teens do not have the ability to rationalize consequences for their actions, that's why they have us, parents, to guide them. Without that guidance, we would have a world full of David Berkowitzes.(Son of Sam)

    Then you have rape victims who are impregnated. I challenge anyone, who's wife or mother etc., who has been raped, to force them to give birth to the perpetrators child. It's easy to say now, but when put in that position....

    Plus there are the parents who all of the sudden have become aware that their child has no arm or no legs after several weeks in the womb. What do you do? Should the government be able to walk into your living room and say, "you have no choice, we have made the choice for you, you are having this child"? What quality of life would this child have? Is it better to let it live and cope with the only way of life it knows, or save it the despair by letting God accept it back? I'm not giving my opinion necessarily, just throwing this up in the air.

    In summary, there are arguments for abortion, and arguments against it, both have validity. But go too far off to the left, or too far off to the right and I don't think the problem gets resolved. Somewhere in the middle is where we always have to be, and I guarantee it's always where it will stay. It's been going on for decades and it's not gonna change now. What we need in this world is responsible parents who put their children before themselves and teach their children the same lessons. From what todays kids look like, I think we're gonna have to wait a few generations for Ward Cleaver to come back.
  10. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Nice points Ken. I especially like the part about responsible parents. It seems at some point a lot of people wanted the government to do their job for them for them.
  11. Wretched

    Wretched Tires should be free!

    Thats great Dan! LMAO I'm gonna have to show that one to my dad! That's probibly what he felt like doing.

    I see your sig say a towing company wrecked your 70 300. My dad has one for sale (no tree hugger stickers on this one yet) 10,000 CAD. alomost mint! He needs the money to finish his shop and i wish i had the money for it :ball:
  12. TimR

    TimR Nutcase at large

    Hi Ken, I read a study once about populations and intelligence and scientists have determined that the average IQ of each generation has been going up for many generations but has now levelled off and will start dropping as more and more intelligent rational people decide not to have kids in pursuit of careers and other goals.

    This of course means that more and more youngsters will be brought up in poverty and uneducated places, and that society will continue to support everyone pumping out babies with no means of support, while smarter children diminish in numbers compensating for the survival of the fittest theory...IQ's will start dropping again and they have no idea where it will end. Ugly thoughtsTthey were actually concenred that future generations would not be able to run or control modern technology and of course violence will go through the roof (best way for idiots to solve problems is to fight).

    Add to that the developed nations birthrate levelling off yet the third world #'s just starting the vertical climb of the exponential scale and you can see this planet is gonna be one screwed up place.

    Very intersting study, and of couse this is just an overview, wish I could remember where I read it (scientific american?).

  13. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's


    That "could" be true, but what evidence suggests that intelligent rational people will stop having kids?

    And remember, society does not "have" to support everyone pumping out babies with no means of support. That's a decision that the people by virtue of their vote on candidates and local governments control. Without a means of support less and less poor people seem to get pregnant. It's like magic. :rolleyes: It's amazing how people think differently when there's no free ride available.

    But in defense of your argument, I've said it before, we are screwed for a couple generations to come at the very least, because to kids nowadays, life is a complete joke and a party. Hell, most kids and even young adults nowadays can't even tell you who the Vice President is or the Secretary of State or even their own damn mayor is? Some even don't even know the capitol of the damn state they live in. So these facts go to prove your point as well. Lets just hope there is a balance somewhere, otherwise we're all f'd.
  14. NiceGuyEddie

    NiceGuyEddie Member

    y'all are on the ball

    All y'all guys hit the nail on the head, as they say. I am 22 and below the median age for this forum, but that is ok a lot of experience i can learn from. I am in the army, and you were speaking of inner city pumping out babies they cannot support, well the same is true for the military, we have women is service that get pregnant just to get out. In my that is a permint solution to t temproary problem. Another scary thing every time there is a hint that we might get deployed somewere there are a rash of pregnancies across post, simpaly becouse that makes one non-deployable for about a year. Not that iti s all women though, i have several buddies younger than me that have difffrent kids from diffrent women. The way a lot of people my age thing i will never understand, yes i eventually want kids, but when i am ready for them, witch is most certinley NOT right now. I was extreamley lucky, and have a really good mother, that listens and tought me well. People my age do not realize what tremndous sources of wisdom their parents are, i talk to mine about everything. I strive to learn at least one thing from everyone i meet, i figure if i can learn from problems they had i might be able to avoid that problem. And for this my buddies think i am weird...go figure
  15. NiceGuyEddie

    NiceGuyEddie Member

    here is a bumper sticker y'all might like

    " Your Village Called, Their Missing Their Idoit."
  16. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    Re: y'all are on the ball

    Dude, screw your "buddies". It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that you have a good head on your shoulders. (just need to work on the spelling a bit :pp

    Obviously your parents cared about you enough for you to care about what they think. Nowadays, parents don't care enough about their kids, it's just drop them off here, drop them off there, while I go do what "I" want to do. Therefore, the kids don't give a rats ass about what the parents think after a while because hell, they are never there in the first place. Totally not rocket science here. Some people just shouldn't have kids man. You don't use human life for your own personal gains, reasons, advantages, whatever. It's dispicable.(SP?)


    My turn

    I read somewhere once that another reason for the deficit that our country is facing is that the tax base for individuals working is directly related to the abortion bill in the 70,s. If you do the math right now over a million babies a year are being aborted (why is the abortion industry so large!!) So do the math that is a lot of people that could be working even at mcdonalds, which then thats a lot of taxes that are not being paid in. If you dont think that is true another thing around here is that I see a help wanted sign in nearly every store and resturaunt in town.

    As for the RAPE clause it was posted in a medical book several years ago and they determined that rape babies being aborted numbered less than 50-75 a year..... WOW so out of the millions being done a year only less than 1 % are falling under the rape babies clause. :eek2: The rest must be for conveinience. I personally am against abortion but does that make me an extreamist?? NO! But the reason I am against it was determined to me the first time I held my baby girl in my arms touching her ever so small tiny fingers. You know what I mean if you watched your child being born.

    A big problem in this world is the fact that everyone that gets married sooner or later wants kids thats a great idea but some never plan when to have kids. If parents would take the time to teach them how to plan life after marrage I think less divorces and abortions would happen. (I was married 10 years before we had our first child) Im now going on 20 years of marrage and all it is to me is simple planning.

    As for pumping out kids they cant support that is partly false too. Its because of a corrupt welfare system that encourages women to have babies so they get more help from the goverment. And only if they have no father figure around to support them....DUH!:Dou:
    You take dad from the picture and its been proven that the kids are more violent and disrespectfull overall than when the dad is in the picture as a family unit. Another thing is when the dad is missing from the family unit the daughter will seek out the love from any man she can (and at any cost to her, pregnacy,abuse drug or physicle) to supply her with the love she needed as a child. I flipped past a show on HBO about hookers on the new york streets and almost everyone they interveiwed said they either had no dad figure or their dad (or reletive)molested them.

    My advice to anyone that has children , is to get involved in every aspect of their lives down to even going to the school to see if the movies about sex education are suited to what you want your kids to know and see.. (My wife and I do this!!) If not the schools will be teaching your kids about gay toerance and aids prevention in 2nd grade!!! Kids need none of that info at 7 years old!! They tried here but 30 sets of parents got together and we stopped that!!

    One more thing if you are not registered to vote (and do vote everytime) in your town , well then you have NO reason to complain. :spank:

    Im off the soap box now NEXT!!
  18. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    Re: My turn

    That's what I'm trying to say. Of course if the government makes it easier to have kids, people will have them. If you reward unwed, non-working parented births with $$, people will have more kids. You and me are almost on the same page dude.
    But also remember, if your wife was one of the 50-75 people (if that indeed is a feact) a year that became impregnated by a rapist, you may be singing a much different tune. It's like the old scenario about the death penalty. There are a lot of people that get put to death that deserve it, but there may be one that is innocent. It isn't, in my opinion, worth risking putting one innocent man to death if you can't get it perfect every time. Just the same, you don't want to obsolve yourself of the possibility of terminating, (or at least I wouldn't) ..........................................

    You know what, I don't want to continue this discussion. IMHO, this is a Buick board, and my opinion really doesn't matter here and there's probably a bunch of people who don't want to hear it anyway. I have my beliefs and others have theirs. I respect that. We are all faced with tough decisions every day. We face them as we see fit. Life is a learn as you earn deal. You do what you think is right and don't kill someone else for making a decision that they feel is right. That's all I believe. :Comp: :TU:
  19. BillMah52

    BillMah52 Well-Known Member

    Well said Ken.
    Enough said - end of thread!:Smarty:

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