The Disney Effect Strikes Again

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by AZ-69 Skylark, Mar 3, 2024.

  1. AZ-69 Skylark

    AZ-69 Skylark Well-Known Member

    I work part time as a security guard at an outdoor mall and I had a funny encounter with a Gen-Z female the other night.

    It was midnight and I was keeping overwatch on people as they left our movie theater when I noticed a car that had recently departed the theater sitting near the front of one of the anchor stores.
    I drove over to check on the vehicle only to find two young ladies (maybe 18-20 YO) inside it frantically motioning to me to come over to them because there was a "Pumba-lina" in some nearby bushes.
    Despite my initial skepticism that there was a javalina in said bushes, they showed me a video proving it.
    That is when the female showing me the video about made my head explode.
    After I exclaimed it was indeed a javalina she said something I could not believe.
    " I chased that thing, I tried to catch it!"
    Immediately I replied, "OH, don't do that! They are quite dangerous and can do a lot of damage."
    She got a surprised look on her face and maybe the realization she got lucky, and said, "oh".
    They left after pointing out the bushes again to me and I thanking them for the heads up.

    Apparently some of today's youth think wild animals just need hugs and homes.
    She is exceptionally fortunate that she did not catch that "Pumba-lina" or what happened might be making various news station rounds today.
    Maybe she thought it would have to sing a duet with her like in the Lion King or something.
    I do know the incident report I would have to write would be quite entertaining to my supervisor and something the manager and director would use as grounds for my termination.
  2. ilikebmx999

    ilikebmx999 Well-Known Member

    I mean they do look cuddly
  3. vikings.1

    vikings.1 Well-Known Member

    I’ve found myself in the middle of a herd. Definitely unnerving.
  4. hugger

    hugger Well-Known Member

    I had to Google that haha...small wild boar like varmit
    Mark Demko likes this.
  5. RoseBud68

    RoseBud68 Well-Known Member

    LOl, you were not the only one....
    Mark Demko likes this.
  6. VET

    VET Navy Vet, Founders Club

    Don't look cuddly to me. Looks to me, they can take a nice bite out of you.


    [​IMG] javalina on the right side of pic & below. Wild Boor on the left side of pic.

  7. timesublime

    timesublime Well-Known Member

    Nasty bastards. Encountered a few in my day.
    red67wildcat and vikings.1 like this.
  8. TexasT

    TexasT Texas, where are you from

    There is a reason we have helicopter hunts of wild hogs over here in Texas
    Waterboy and BYoung like this.
  9. Mister T

    Mister T Just truckin' around

    Darwin missed another chance to thin the herd.......................:rolleyes:

    I bet she wanted a selfie with it. :p
    John Codman and Waterboy like this.
  10. Mark Demko

    Mark Demko Well-Known Member

    What did the girls look like?
    Bill's Auto Works and Waterboy like this.
  11. AZ-69 Skylark

    AZ-69 Skylark Well-Known Member

    They are nasty critters and tough.
    Purely by chance I eventually ended up driving within 15 feet of it
    It was not a small example of the species.

    Should have asked her if she was originally from Florida.
  12. AZ-69 Skylark

    AZ-69 Skylark Well-Known Member

    They were both cute, but if they're not good enough for a javalina...
    Mister T, Mark Demko and timesublime like this.
  13. VET

    VET Navy Vet, Founders Club

    Here you go Mark, your girl friend. :p

    Bill's Auto Works and Mark Demko like this.
  14. red67wildcat

    red67wildcat Well-Known Member

    I saw one just off the 303 loop in Surprise AZ last month a whole lot of big and ugly
    Bill's Auto Works likes this.
  15. Mark Demko

    Mark Demko Well-Known Member

  16. Nailhead in a 1967

    Nailhead in a 1967 Kell-Mnown Wember

    A few years ago these French people left their car in a safari park in the Netherlands to take a photo with the cheetahs.....

    Premier 350 likes this.
  17. Premier 350

    Premier 350 Chris (aka Webby)

    That's the dumbest thing I've seen today.
  18. Nailhead in a 1967

    Nailhead in a 1967 Kell-Mnown Wember

    Instead of filming, I would have used my own car to protect the people from the attacking cheetahs.
    Those people only laughed and filmed, they did nothing to warn the French tourists.
    They even followed them to the second location.
  19. Buicksky

    Buicksky Gold Level Contributor

  20. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    Correct Tony. One thing remarkable is that there were Alligators and Crocodiles that were exactly the same as the ones we see today living with the Dinosaurs. They haven't had to evolve, because they are the fittest. And still today they're are morons who will walk right up to one, and sometimes even feed them. I'm sure the title of this thread is because of the child that became Alligator food at Disney. I don't blame the small child, I blame his stupid parents. I hope that they are through reproducing.

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