The Big Three - 30 years of denial

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 69SkyInNJ, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. Hector

    Hector '79 Buick Limited

    Well I've read all the posts on this thread for a while and I figured might as well give my 2 cents too.I'm not an auto worker but I've been paying my dues for twenty+ years as a steel worker and as a machinist.All my vehicles have been GM products and so are my wife's and we are planning on keeping it that way in the future,if the the big three go down we will just drive old cars.No imported logos in our grills,thank you very much!Call us old fashioned or whatever,we just drew the line there a long time ago.That's just our view of things.
  2. D-Con

    D-Con Kills Rats and Mice

    Annie's post was so good I thought it should be put up again.

    GM being willing to give up 2 of the 5 corporate jets exhibits the sort of management attitude I want none of my money going toward. What a bunch of self-serving elitist a$$holes! My employing company is now worth almost twice that of GM and we have no corporate planes. maybe they should make them ride a Greyhound, it parallels their performance.

    I also propose that if the UAW thinks it is such a great deal for us tax-payers to bail out the big-3, that they should put 100% of their strike, pension, and any other funds where their mouth is before we tax payers put up a nickel. Invest in their own livelihood instead of me! As real shareholders in the profitability of the companies, maybe the UAW's attitudes will change instead of expecting to transfer their sense of entitlement from the Big-3 to the Big-G. The good folks should be able to cull the duds from the floor to the exec offices and management will become anyone with a better idea and a way to implement it.
  3. Junkman

    Junkman Well-Known Member

  4. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    To DCon, I love airplanes, but you have a good point. If I may:
    The CEOs of the big three who appeared in front of a congressional committee begging for a huge bailout just don't get it. If I had been one of those corporate "leaders", I would have driven one of my products to DC from Detroit. It ain't that far. I would then have parked it in front of the capital steps and would have made damn sure that the press took lots of great photos of me and the pols with my American car in the photo. From where I sit, taking the Gulfstream or whatever smacks of a sickening arrogance.
    If these guys are the best our auto industry can come up with, god help us!

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