Tennis elbow

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by MT BUICKNUT, Jul 23, 2007.

  1. BYoung

    BYoung Stage me

    Did you guys have an MRI? Not minimizing anyone else's experience with this but this isn't just inflammation I'm dealing with unfortunately. Doctor said it is a significant tear. Advil and injections helped for a bit until they wore off, then it's back to burning, searing pain. The first injection helped for three weeks and the second injection lasted only 2 days. I'd really like to hear from someone who had the surgery to tell me if there was any benefit to it. If not, I'll just keep taking meds and maybe some therapy and live with it.
  2. rmstg2

    rmstg2 Gold Level Contributor

    I had it in my left arm a little over a year ago, terrible experience, I carried my 25lb dog in my left arm for about 1/2 mile but didn't feel anything until two days later, couldn't straighten my arm, it took about 6 weeks for the pain to go away completely. Advil helped!

    Bob H.
  3. gsgnnut

    gsgnnut Well-Known Member

    Been there both arms and yes it sucks and hurts like hell but recovery is possible at least it was for me. Mine was from simple over use using tools and swinging a bat one handed to hit baseball's for my kids team. After suffering months and multiple cortisone shots at a sports specialist I went to a rheumatologist and got proper treatment. I had electrophoresis on both arms and physical therapy. The pt was to break scar tissue that had formed and that hurt the worst. I had 10 treatments of the electrophoresis which my brother-in-law called voodoo science and did all the pt religiously eventually the elbows got less and less painful and healed. The braces and hands did nothing and even the doc didn't recommend them. Breaking the scar tissue between the ligaments with the electro pheresis was the road to recovery. It was weird being wired up and electicity run through the elbows with acetic acid pads but believe me it worked!

    to After suffering
  4. '72 Skylark Custom 4bbl

    '72 Skylark Custom 4bbl Well-Known Member

    I also had it for a good while.

    Got an Ace air cast(velcro strap with a small air cushion pad). Wrapped it around my forearm just forward of the elbow.

    I liked mine with the air cushion towards the outside of my forearm. Seemed to keep some inflammation at bay. Advil as well. Also did pulling hand back towards elbow for 10 count then pushing wrist down for 10 count to help stretch. That also helped.


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