Somebody finally made the truck I drew as a 5 year old kid

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 1972Mach1, Nov 22, 2019.

  1. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    Taulbee2277 pointed out to me exactly what this thing really is earlier today when we were chatting and he was absolutely spot on.

    It's a Johnny cab from "Total Recall".
  2. 2001ws6

    2001ws6 last of the v8 interceptors

    Seriously,Lucas could have done custom paint jobs on cars. :D
    OHC JOE and 1972Mach1 like this.
  3. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    I agree.
    Donuts & Peelouts likes this.
  4. 1972Mach1

    1972Mach1 Just some M.M.O.G. guy.....

    Donuts & Peelouts likes this.
  5. gs66

    gs66 Silver Level contributor

    Lucas, don’t quit your day job!:D
  6. 2001ws6

    2001ws6 last of the v8 interceptors

    I like the 1976 version. :p

    OHC JOE and 1972Mach1 like this.
  7. 1972Mach1

    1972Mach1 Just some M.M.O.G. guy.....

    I truly thought of the Aston Martin Bulldog when I saw it. They could probably sue if it wasn't from 40 years ago......
    Aston_Martin_Bulldog_01pop.jpg Aston_Martin_Bulldog_03pop.jpg
    2001ws6 likes this.
  8. 2001ws6

    2001ws6 last of the v8 interceptors

    First thing I thought of was Vector but yours is way closer.

    Here's a concept Vector.
    1972Mach1 likes this.
  9. 1972Mach1

    1972Mach1 Just some M.M.O.G. guy.....

    Stratos Zero, too. :)
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2019
    2001ws6 likes this.
  10. Houmark

    Houmark Well-Known Member

  11. Mark Demko

    Mark Demko Well-Known Member

    I was thinking of the same thing only in cardboard:rolleyes::rolleyes:
  12. Brandon Cocola

    Brandon Cocola Well-Known Member

    With any luck it will be dirt cheap. A basic truck 2wd or 4wd all the power you need and since it has no styling and no frills it will be cheap. Then they will sell a gajillion of them. My hope anyway since who has 60-100k to spend on a new truck these days with 4000 standard features I could care less about.
  13. 1972Mach1

    1972Mach1 Just some M.M.O.G. guy.....

    The basic one starts right at 40k. The top of the line starts just under 70k.
  14. JoeBlog

    JoeBlog Platinum Level Contributor

    That’s what happens when you let someone who barely knows origami design a truck. With the stainless exterior, I can see a 21st century version of “Back To The Future” except they get stuck in the past because Lucas’ drawing broke the time loop.
    1972Mach1 and 65Larkin like this.
  15. wildcatsrule

    wildcatsrule Well-Known Member

    Didn't Sigourney Weaver drive one of those in a Alien movie?
  16. 65Larkin

    65Larkin Well-Known Member

    Great Scott I can't believe they actually for real built this thing. I too thought of built @ home with a few sheets of panel and a press brake.

    To the member formerly known as Nailhead Ronnie I totally agree with your joke comment.

    Lucas you need to get yourself a really good ambulance chasing lawyer my freind, your original drawing can be 'exhibit A' and you can retire on the settlement.

    Wildcatsrule - easy tiger that's going a bit far, I happen to have the utmost respect for Sigourney Weaver as a professional thespian and that's rude. Bahahaha.
    1972Mach1 likes this.
  17. gs66

    gs66 Silver Level contributor

    Lucas, I do like your drawing much better than the real truck though!
    1972Mach1 likes this.
  18. Eric

    Eric Founders Club Member

    My 5 year old grandson made the design for that Tesla truck with four of his legos in under 10 seconds.
  19. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    That beast is uglier than a Pontiac Aztec
  20. cluxford

    cluxford Well-Known Member

    My first question is how is it a truck? Isn't it more an SUV or even a Hatchback? Truck implies a bed that you can carry stuff in, big heavy stuff. I can't see how that happens with this.

    Secondly I was reading an article that talked about part of the reason for the design is tooling. Flat surfaces, less tooling, lower cost.

    All that said, just cause costs are down, how many cars have failed to sell due solely because they look horrid? I just can't see this thing selling. It really doesn't look at all attractive

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