So.. Why did the US never convert to the metric system?? It's 10 X easier..

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by jay3000, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. pphil

    pphil Well-Known Member

    lets see
    144 x 6= 864


  2. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    It's the generator. And the Brits call the trunk the "boot".

    WV-MADMAN Well-Known Member

    Ive had some Jags, and using the British repair manual was fun:Dou:

    Have you ever heard of an underscuddle?:puzzled:
  4. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    Isn't it some kind of cover under the dash? BTW: I can remember when Raleigh bicycles came with a basic Whitworth tool set.

    WV-MADMAN Well-Known Member

    You got it.

    I was trying to find a bad relay and the manual said it was ''behind the underscuddle''.

    Took a few to figure that one out:Dou:
  6. rmstg2

    rmstg2 Gold Level Contributor

    And the hood the bonnet.
  7. rmstg2

    rmstg2 Gold Level Contributor

    "Maybe you can't read" is a rather insulting thing to say, here in the U.S.
    Maybe an apology would be in order.

    Bob H.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2013

    WV-MADMAN Well-Known Member

    Thanks Bob:TU:

    And yes that was pretty insulting:mad:

    Its been at least 15 years since I read the manual, I remembered the term but I guess I was fuzzy on the spelling.

    It brings another British word to mind, pedantic:boring:
  9. Houndogforever

    Houndogforever Silver Level contributor


    However a 6mm is only .002" larger and will work just fine.

    I don't work in fractional sizes very often, but convert everything to decimal inches since I am a machinist by trade.
  10. jpete

    jpete Well-Known Member that was just a terrible Cadillac motor. :)
  11. Gulfgears

    Gulfgears Gulfgears

    Here's a question for you guys, if I use my current set of metric sockets, they fit on my US 3/8 or 1/2" extensions fine.

    Now if I was in Europe, would the extensions be in a metric size, requiring different size sockets? (Slow day).

    The rest of the world calls soccer "football" and they are wrong, so maybe it's the same with this metric stuff, everybody else is wrong and we got it right.

    WV-MADMAN Well-Known Member

    And now they act like its a brand new idea:Dou:
  13. TheSilverBuick

    TheSilverBuick In the Middle of No Where

    Interestingly or coincidently enough, the bank clock downtown this weekend seemed to have dropped displaying the Celsius temperature. Watched it again this morning coming to work to see if perhaps I just didn't watch it long enough as I drove by, and sure enough, only displays Fahrenheit now.

    Funny story about temperature and the metric system. I was arguing with a Canadian about this very subject one night over beers, when he asked what the Fahrenheit system was based on? I said, well the zero point was the freezing point of salt water, and I didn't know what the unit size was based on though. So we looked it up, it was the body temperature of a horse, WTF? Apparently von Fahrenheit (or whatever his name was) was going to use the human body as 100*F, but figured the physically larger horse would have a more stable body temperature. To which the Canadian replied, so your system is based on salt water and a horses ass. LMAO!! Yup, to which I promptly started saying any day over a 100*F was hotter than a horse's ass :laugh:

    I'm not really proud of that fact, but that really isn't any more arbitary than freezing and boiling of water, as both those points change based on atmospheric pressure that is never really constant. Funny thing about units, from a science perspective (I'm a geologist), is all units we use are really based on some reference point that is really subjective, even the metric system. Why 0*C and 100*C at standard air pressure of 101.3kPa? Why not make standard atmosphere 100kPa and reset 0*C and 100*C, which would change the unit size of both C and kPa, but still be a measurement? Looking up the meter in the wikipedia states the meter is one millionth the distance from the equator to the north pole, now if that isn't as arbitary as the kings foot, I don't know what is. Why not make it the one thousandth distance from Big Ben in London to the Great Pyramid in Egypt? Which of course the Kilogram is based on the weight of water with the volume of a cubing of a millionth of the distance from the equator to the northpole. Which by the way length of the meter was redefined as science realized the world was not a perfect sphere, aka completely arbitary.

    Point is, anyone worth their salt in science, medicine, machining, better be smart enough to think in multiple units and measurements, otherwise they likely aren't smart enough to do anything more than what a calculator will tell you.

    Or goes back to what someone said, the real problem we have isn't the folks that can't figure out the conversions, but the folks that can't even figure out how to count change.

    ---------- Post added at 10:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 AM ----------

    And lets not open the can of worms the 'second', 'minute' and 'hour' are based on. Certainly not on the set of tens the metric system likes.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2013
  14. chris_58

    chris_58 Well-Known Member

    I used to design race pistons for a living and the NASCAR teams always gave us their dimensions in inches (displacement, bore diameter, compression height, wrist pib bore diameter and so on), but if the piston had valve reliefs, a dish or a dome, those volumes were always given in cubic centimeters (cc). When they started buying European piston rings (F1-style) they gave us the required groove width in millimeters.
  15. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    And the hood is the bonnet.

    The English call 'Soccer' football.
    But, the American term 'Soccer' comes from England.
    In England the 'Soccer' teams are called 'Football Associations. Abreviated; ' Assoc.'
    Members of the Associations 'Assoc' are called 'Soccers' .
    America took the the name 'Soccer' for the name of the entire Sport.

  16. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    The longest place name in Britain is
    Llanfairpwllgwyngvllgogerrychwyrndubwyllantysiliogogogoch, .

  17. rmstg2

    rmstg2 Gold Level Contributor

    See post # 107 bonnets already been mentioned.

    Bob H.
  18. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    I just saw now saw your post of that.

    I didn't see your post before...

    I didn't mean to be repetitive. When I posted that, I was on my Blackberry phone. It's rather clumsy to go through the forum threads on a Blackberry. And, it is easy to miss a post here and there...

    Especially when the battery is low.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2013
  19. 1967GS340

    1967GS340 Well-Known Member

    There have been recent attempts to ram the metric system down our throats.
    Some of the highway departments made a commitment to the conversion. Highway plans were made and construction projects were done. The road stationing is in feet from the time of the road being opened up until the time of the project.
    They had to do equation stations on each end of the plans. The contractors and the state inspectors were trying to figure out what everything meant.
    As a surveyor you had to do your work in meters, then explain to the contractor and the equipment operators what it meant.
    The Northwest states dropped it.

    I use a ten base version of the foot in my work.
    In surveying, it's feet and then it's divided into hundredths.
    What is the benefit of making an entire society convert to a new system? All records from the time of the first land claim or survey ahead of people showing up is in units that are either feet, or a unit derived from feet. ( mostly chains. Chains are 66 feet and 80 of them make a mile, one mile square is a section of land and a section is 640 acres ).
    Road plans are in feet. Building plans are in feet. Road signs are in Miles per hour.
    Conversions would be expensive and records would be confusing for many decades to come.
  20. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    I'm am not a soccer fan, but I think that in this case, the rest of the world has it right and we are wrong. World football does not allow the use of hands (except for the goalie), hence it is football. US football does allow the use of hands, so calling it football is silly. In fact, since a ball is round and a football isn't, perhaps US football should be called "Hand and foot elliptical pigskin". Kinda catchy, isn't it?

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