Silly Putty - In the carpet!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by BadBrad, Dec 9, 2004.

  1. BadBrad

    BadBrad Got 4-speed?

    I told my 9 year old daughter to only play with this at the kitchen table.

    Do you think she'd listen to me? :af:

    Any tips on how to remove this from a cut pile carpet will be most appreciated.
  2. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    My mom use to use cooking oil to get gum out of my hair, it might work.

    Either that or Goofoff. Only thing with that is it's a solvent so it might eat your carpet if you leave it on to long.
  3. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    to tell you the truth I think it is listed on the back of Goof off that it can be used to get gum out,, pretty much the same thing as silly putty.
  4. cjp69

    cjp69 Gold Level Contributor

    Hey Danie'

    Isn't Goofoff the reason it is there in the first place? :laugh:

    Sorry, couldn't resist.
  5. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    lol ... good one :laugh:
  6. 9secStage1

    9secStage1 Worlds Fastest GS Stage 1

    [​IMG]COOKING OIL!!! [​IMG]Hope she didn't serve it hot [​IMG]:laugh: :laugh:
  7. blown455

    blown455 Pit crew

    lol,,,, no it was cold. She was hot though when I would get gum in my hair. I use to have really long hair, went to my waist line. You know you fall asleep with gum in your mouth and it gets in you hair. Never got stuck at the end where she could cut it out. I surprised she didn't beat me more often.
  8. TXGS

    TXGS Paint by numbers 70 GS 455 4spd

    I have this stuff called TKO it is an orange cleaner and it works great. however while talking to my wife she said use Desolve it (removes gum from carpet). found in the laundry else. My wife said she found it at wal-mart. :beer
  9. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    That might work. The power of orange turpenes is amazing. Don't discount using nail polish remover though. I use it on gum all the time. It dries out the gum until it can be peeled off in little chunks. It may work the same way with your silly putty. Don't worry about it "melting your carpet" like some people might say. Just don't dump the whole bottle on it. Use a couple cotton balls or paper towel and work it until it flakes off. You may have to use your finger nail a bit....
  10. David G

    David G de-modded....

    I would rather deal with silly putty, than the dog barf I had to deal with at 2:30am this morning... on the carpet... 2nd time in a month... Now that's a rude awakening! [​IMG]

    BF2KNIGHT Buickless for now

    A good trick to get gum based products out of cloth is to freeze it (in this case with ice cubes, unless dry ice is available). Makes the gum brittle and snaps right out. The only thing you have clean up the the stain. Goo Gone might work, but at that point, a good quality carpet cleaning using HOT HOT water should do it. If you get something like crayon (wax based), use a hot iron and brown paper to melt and soak up the wax....but if its on the walls, use a magic eraser.
  12. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

  13. abuick

    abuick Amy Makley

    You could try Brake Cleaner; it works great in the laundry. We use it for grease removal and removing sticky stuff like tape.
  14. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    Substance was banned from childhood home due to similar incidents.

    I'll call my Mom. :grin:
  15. 68 BE225

    68 BE225 Well-Known Member

    I second the use of ice.

    We bought new furniture when the kids stopped doing that kind of thing and now that they are in their teen years I can see that it's started up again (not listiening, doing things without thinking...) and by the time they go off to college, it will be time to replace this stuff. kids and dogs are hard on your stuff. good luck
  16. tlivingd


    give them 2 years till you replace the stuff. (trust me on this :pp ) I've gotten this once or twice :blast: :spank: it also sux when your scraping grease of your engine and you step it in and get it in the treads of your shoes. then walk across the living room.

    I'll 3rd the use of ice though.
  17. Tufbuick

    Tufbuick Guest

    That's how Yardley TRIMS his hair !!!!!!!!!
  18. Old Pueblo

    Old Pueblo Well-Known Member


    Here is the info i came across on a Janitorial message board i go to.

    Scrape with spoon or dull edge of a knife, soak with WD40 allow to sit for a few minutes, scrape again, repeat as needed. Once removed blot area with rubbing alcohol and blot with a dry towel.

    From what i understand, the info came from Silly Putty.

    Let us know how it turns out.

  19. slomo

    slomo MY NAME IS JOE

    Howdy, I have 3 kids and the best way to remove Silly Putty is ICE, It gets stiff and brittle just crack it off.
  20. BadBrad

    BadBrad Got 4-speed?


    I used charcoal lighter and a match. The house is gone now but at least that dang Silly Putty is out of the carpet. :af:

    ok....truth is WD40 does the trick followed up with alcohol (tequilla for me and rubbing for the carpet).

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